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Goodbye to varicose veins and spider veins

Goodbye to varicose veins and spider veins<br>

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Goodbye to varicose veins and spider veins

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  1. Goodbye to varicose veins and spider veins Varicose veins and spider veins are the reason for many consultations; especially in women whose quality of life and the aesthetics of their legs are affected. What treatments and surgeries allow eliminating them? The varicose and spider veins are one of the main reasons why many women hide their legs, and although it can coexist with them, it is best to consult a Varicose Vein Doctor New York because of its progressive advance. Varicose veins affect the entire population, being more frequent in women than in men. Tips to treat "spider veins" in the legs Varicose Vein Treatment Nyc will serve to treat varicose veins in addition to improving other ailments and change our bad habits a bit. It helps with blood circulation This is crucial so that the blood is not blocked in any part of the legs. To do this, try to do low intensity exercises such as walking the dog, walking in the park, riding a bicycle, swimming, etc. At the same time, it is recommended not to remain seated or stopped for a long time, but to change positions even if at any time. Lose weight Make a diet that helps you reduce the extra pounds to make the pressure of the lower limbs is not so excessive. Use compression socks People who travel extensively by plane, for example, often wear these compression stockings. You can buy them in a pharmacy or store without problems and use them all day, not only when you are going to be sitting or in the same position. However, you need to ask the top varicose vein doctor in New York how much time he advises you to wear them to avoid other problems.

  2. Complement this natural varicose veins treatment New York with some essential oils such as lavender, olive oil or whatever you like. Sleep with your legs elevated This is achieved in different ways, the two most common are to put cushions under your ankles so that the legs are higher than the torso, or place a block on the legs of the bed on the side of the feet so that the legs They are taller than the head. Another good way to improve blood circulation is to leave your legs up a few minutes as recommended by varicose vein doctor in New York. You can, for example, place the ankles or soles of the feet on the wall and you can sit or lie on the floor, the bed, the sofa, etc. Natural remedies for varicose veins You have already learned some tips to improve the appearance of varicose veins in your legs, and we have also told you that feeding is very important to improve any condition or problem. It is time then that you know the best home remedies for Varicose Vein Treatment New York: Blueberries They have many properties to improve the quality and circulation of the blood, since they are vasodilators, ant hemorrhagic and, in addition, strengthen the walls of the veins. As if this were not enough, these fruits are rich in bioflavonoid. Consume at least a handful a day, either natural or in juices and salads.

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