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CFF Coaches’ Training. Tools for Coaches November 28, 2006. Facilitators: Ellen B. Eisenberg, Project Director PA High School Coaching Initiative Dianne Arnold, Literacy Mentor, Foundations, Inc. Tom Sebastian, Director of High School Coaching, Foundations, Inc.
CFF Coaches’ Training Tools for Coaches November 28, 2006 Facilitators: Ellen B. Eisenberg, Project Director PA High School Coaching Initiative Dianne Arnold, Literacy Mentor, Foundations, Inc. Tom Sebastian, Director of High School Coaching, Foundations, Inc.
What we will do today… • Share tools that coaches can use to support collaboration and feedback. • Practice using some of the tools. • Reflect on ways to use the ideas.
OK, IT'S A NEW SEASON SO I WANT TO SEE SOME HUSTLE OUT THERE! (Source: www.cartoonbank.com) Coaching is no longer just for athletes.
Instructional Coaching In small groups… • Discuss what you know is needed to successfully implement coaching. • Make a list of three things that are needed to successfully implement coaching.
What a Coach is NOT… • Evaluator • Supervisor • “The Expert” • A “Whistle Blower” • The “Fixer” • A tutor for state testing!
Nine Roles of a Coach • Resource Provider • Data Coach • Curriculum Specialist • Instructional Specialist • Mentor 6.Classroom Supporter 7. Learning Facilitator 8. School Leader 9. Catalyst for Change Joellen Killion, Director of Special Projects, NSDC
Where Does a New Coach Begin? Coaching Continuum Low Risk High Risk
Challenges Faced by New Coaches Administrative support Time management Over promise Balance SD requirements and PAHSCI requirements Resource banks Ask permission to share ideas, materials, etc. Building trust Confidentiality Offer coaching to all teachers Look at data – plan PL opportunities around data Communicate regularly
The Challenges for New Coaches • Learning new skill sets • Learning how to re-negotiate relationships • Learning how to take on leadership roles • Often lacking support to develop all of the above
Listening Listening with skill can become part of almost everything we can do. WE can listen to much more than what we can hear. Powerful listening means being willing to learn from anyone and to question almost everything. Discover new sensations by paying full attention to your environment. Listen with only the intention to understand another person. Describe the kinds of sounds you’d regularly like to have in your life.
WARM UP: Define COURAGE Talk to one another at your table about courage. Define COURAGE. What does courage look/sound like? When do you need courage in your job? What would you do if you had COURAGE?
Feedback: Dialogue Circle • Find a team of three. Discuss…. • How much courage do you have when you have feedback to give someone? • Share a situation where you have recently given someone difficult feedback. • Reflect on a situation where you have feedback to give that you have not given yet. • Consider the following suggestions regarding giving feedback.
Giving Feedback • Feedback is best when it is: • Specific. • Timely. • Not judgmental. • Describes behavior. • Constructive (specific what could be done differently). • “Owned” by the person giving it. • Given in a caring and tactful way. • Given without expectations.
Giving Feedback • Feedback is best when the receiver: • Seeks it. • Is not defensive (does not justify or explain it). • Is willing to take credit for what went well, as well as for what did not. • Looks for alternatives. • Listens actively for understanding. • Asks for clarity or specifics, if needed. • Senses that the giver cares. • Understands that feedback is an individual’s opinion. How might these ideas help you deliver feedback in your role as a coach?
Practice giving feedback to your administrators… Confidentiality and Communication
The Change Becomes Part of Life Change as a Journey Some Success Solutions work! Momentum Begins Some forward movement and stumbling Renewed Momentum Focus returns to the vision and solutions A Catalyst Starts the Change Mandated Change versus Desire to Change Implementation Dip Unknown territory with unexpected obstacles • Change is Imminent • Resources • People • Attitudes Where are you now? What do people need? Adapted from: Tools for Change Workshops, R. Champion, National Staff Development Council, 1993
The Journey of Change STEP 1 Change is imminent STEP 2 A Catalyst Starts the Change STEP 3 Momentum Begins STEP 4 Implementation Dip STEP 5 Renewed Momentum STEP 6 Some Success STEP 7 Change Becomes a Part of Life People Feel People Need
Questions that Lead • Too many questions . . . • Questions lead where the asker wants to go rather than honoring the speaker. • Instead of questions, try • Statements • Wait time • Non-verbal cues
Bill Gates Mother Teresa Yo Yo Ma Ben Carson
Norms of Collaboration William Baker, Group Dynamics Associates • Pause • Paraphrase • Probe • Presume positive intention • Put ideas on the table • Pay attention to self and others • Pursue a balance between advocacy and inquiry
Norms Of CollaborationAdapted from William Baker, Group Dynamics Associates • Pausing: Pausing before responding or asking a question allows time for thinking and enhances dialogue, discussion and decision-making. • Paraphrasing: Using a paraphrase starter that is comfortable for you: "So..." or “You want to..." or "You're thinking..." and following the starter with a paraphrase assists members of the group to hear and understand each other as they formulate decisions. • Probing: Using gentle open-ended probes or inquiries such as, "Please say more..." or "I'd like to hear more about..." or "Then, are you saying...?" increases the clarity and precision of the group's thinking. • Putting ideas on the table: Ideas are the heart of a meaningful dialogue. Label the intention of your comments. For example, you might say, "Here is one idea..." or "One thought I have is..." or "Here is a possible approach...".
Norms of Collaboration • Paying attention to self and others: Meaningful dialogue is facilitated when each group member is conscious of self and of others and is aware of not only what she/he is saying, but also how it is said and how others are responding. This includes paying attention to learning style when planning for, facilitating and participating in group meetings. Responding to others in their own language forms is one manifestation of this norm. • Presuming positive intentions: Assuming that others' intentions are positive promotes and facilitates meaningful dialogue and eliminates unintentional put-downs. Using positive intentions in your speech is one manifestation of this norm. • Pursuing a balance between advocacy and inquiry: Pursuing and maintaining a balance between advocating a position and inquiring about one's own and others' positions assists the group to become a learning organization. Find one partner. Choose two of the norms of collaboration and practice using them in a conversation about your work.
BREAK Return in 15 minutes!
Open Space • Identify issues faced by coaches. • Ann will organize focused conversations based upon the issues. • Consultancy Trio (Ann will facilitate)
Consultancy Trio • Form triads. • Use the protocol to solve a real problem related to your work and to be equitable to all members. • Identify a timekeeper to monitor time. • Decide who will go first, second, and third.
Consultancy Reflection • Take five minutes and write about the value of the Consultancy Trio to you. • What did you learn? • How was the process helpful to you? • How did the process help your partners? • How might you use this process in your work as a coach?
Self-Coaching ToolOutcome Mapping—6 Key Questions • What is the presenting problem? • Paraphrase the problem and get it into a clear, concise statement. • What would you like to see as the outcome? • Articulate the solution concretely. What would you like to see happening vs. what is currently happening? State the “current state” and the “desired state.” What is the best possible outcome? • What would the teacher’s desired behavior be if the problem were solved? • What specific and measurable things would you like to see or hear when the problem is solved? Keep focused on behaviors one can repeat. • What would the teacher need to know and be able to do in order to implement the behaviors wanted? • In order to do this, what knowledge, skills or understanding would the teacher need? • What are some of the strategies you could use in order to help the person build up his/her resources to be successful? • What are some of the specific things you could do to address the needs? Given what you know about the person, what might help? • What are some of the resources YOU need in order to help? • What do you need to learn or re-learn? What personal support do you need? What hunches do you have about what you need to be most effective? Jennifer Abrams, Palo Alto Unified Schools, 2004
Reflection • What are your perceptions about coaching today? • Based on your work as a coach to date, how do you think instructional coaching: • enriches teachers’ sense of professional responsibility and commitment • improves student achievement; and • builds collaborative cultures within schools?
What Does the Research Tell Us? What is the implementation rate for new learning in traditional professional development without follow up? 10% Showers, Murphy, and Joyce, 1996
Why Use a Coaching Model? Recent Research Indicates - With Classroom Coaching Implementation rates rise… 85% - 90% University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning
Take a few minutes and share our video with us… “Amazing Growth” • List 3 things that stood out for you. • Write 2 things you learned that you can use. • Think about 1 question you still have.