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Presenters. Members of Regional Compensation CommitteeKim Dowden City of Kirklandkdowden@ci.kirkland.wa.us Sherry Peppin City of Issaquahsherryp@ci.issaquah.wa.us Julie Howe City of Redmondjhowe@redmond.gov Michelle Kast City of Bellevuemkast@bellevuewa.gov . Presentation Overvie
1. Regional Success Story Human Resources Compensation, Classification & Labor Relations
Web Resource Project
2. Presenters Members of Regional Compensation Committee
Kim Dowden – City of Kirkland
Sherry Peppin – City of Issaquah
Julie Howe – City of Redmond
Michelle Kast – City of Bellevue
3. Presentation Overview How the project began
Development of resource specifications
Evaluation of options/cost evaluation
eCity Gov Alliance
Project implementation
HR Comp & Class demonstration
Features & Benefits
Information on how to participate
4. A Regional Need Identified Group of Regional HR Directors began meeting to discuss shared challenges/areas of interest
Struggles with volume of requests for salary surveys and need for timely market data was a mutual concern
Identified this as a longstanding challenge – other approaches/resources did not meet needs
Sub-Committee of Compensation/Labor Relations Professionals was created
5. Another salary survey?!
There HAS to be a better way!
6. Project Development Regional group began in February 2007 to develop specifications & identify resource needs
Focused on web-based resource
Prioritized needs/wants
Easy to use
Quick to implement
Cost effective
Access limited to Public Sector HR Staff
7. Selection of Solution