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Loyalty in Ben Brown’s short story. Learning Objective/ Kaupapa : To independently analyse language and identify and explore a theme within a text. Value….respect and DIVERSITY Competancy ….Managing self . Is loyalty always a good thing? WHY? Answers on a postit . Read the story.
Loyalty in Ben Brown’s short story.Learning Objective/Kaupapa: To independently analyse language and identify and explore a theme within a text.Value….respect and DIVERSITYCompetancy….Managing self Is loyalty always a good thing? WHY? Answers on a postit.
Answer the questions • Where is the loyalty/disloyalty? • Find 5 language techniques – name them and attack the quotations
Loyalty in Ben Brown’s short story.Learning Objective/Kaupapa: To independently analyse language and identify and explore a theme within a text.Value….respect and DIVERSITYCompetancy….Managing self Do Now/NāMahi: Find an EFFECTIVE example of… Alliteration A metaphor Taboo language (swearing) Ellipsis (…) Slang Italics Breaking the punctuation rules. Rhyme Repetition Different voices onomatopoeia
Alliteration – “whitewashed walls” “concrete, cold and always clinging” • A metaphor – “dank gallery” “Sonny The bird” “vultures” • Taboo language (swearing) “ Watch out for dickheads.” “What the Fuck was that?” • Ellipsis (…) “Tag dog sprayed every step…tells you the story in word and image free for your imagination… and don’t you mind the footsteps following…” • Slang “choice bro’” “Na” • Italics “Watching you” “ panache” “truth” • Breaking the punctuation rules. “I’m going out, seeya later/Bastard/Love you too, Sis • Rhyme – “Batman with a spraycan” “Tag Dog’s got notoriety …aesthetic sensibility…mentality” • Repetition “Evelyn”, “Zero Tolerance” • Different voices – Tag dog, Mayor, Car yard saleman “Kids in other words John, kids” • Onomatopoeia – “Ba boosh”, “boom”
Loyalty in Ben Brown’s short story.Learning Objective/Kaupapa: To independently analyse language and identify and explore a theme within a text.Value….respect and DIVERSITYCompetancy….Managing self Do Now/NāMahi: List all the things that you think will make a successful response to this question. How does Ben Brown present Loyalty/Disloyalty (or Loyal/disloyal people) in his short story ‘Graffiti’.
TEXAS Answer the question: How does Ben Brown present Loyalty/Disloyalty or Loyal/disloyal people in his short story. What are our success Criteria?