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Party Time!

Party Time!. Not That Kind of Party… Political Parties!. What comes to mind when you see:. DEMOCRAT Write down the first three words that come to mind. What comes to mind when you see:. REPUBLICAN Write down the first three words that come to mind. IN your group:.

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Party Time!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Party Time! Not That Kind of Party… Political Parties!

  2. What comes to mind when you see: DEMOCRAT Write down the first three words that come to mind.

  3. What comes to mind when you see: REPUBLICAN Write down the first three words that come to mind.

  4. IN your group: • Share your list of words for each political party • Combine your lists into one master list for all of the terms your group members came up with (do not include duplicates) Questions for Discussion Where have you heard these terms before? What made you think of a particular word in reference to a political party?

  5. Two Party System • The United States has what is known as a two-party system. What does that mean? • This is a form of party system where two major political parties, more or less equal in strength and influence, dominate in elections at all levels. Did you know: Political parties are never mentioned in the Constitution.

  6. Throughout History • Throughout the history of the United States, there have been two main political parties. • Remember the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?? • Today we have the Republican Party and the Democratic Party • Freedom to create new parties exists, but the majority of voters believe their votes will only count when used to select a candidate from one of the two major parties.

  7. Two Party System Does that mean there are only two political parties? • No, there are many political parties in the United States • “Big 3” Third parties: Green Party Constitution Party Libertarian Party Click each logo to view the respective party’s platform on their website.

  8. Role of Political Parties • Political parties are composed of individuals who share similar ideas about government. • Those within a party share similar views on: • The role of government • Foreign policy • Taxes • Military and defense • The economy • Healthcare • And many other topics… Note: sometimes people may share views of both parties on different issues

  9. Party Animals? Democrats use a donkey as the symbol for their party. The donkey was first used as a symbol of the Democratic Party by Andrew Jackson. He had often been called a donkey, as they are known for being strong willed. Republicans use an elephant as the symbol for their party. The elephant first came into use in the 1800’s when it was used in a political cartoon to represent the Republican Vote. To see the cartoon, click HERE.

  10. Political Parties Today • What function do political parties serve today? • Provide a forum to discuss public policies and issues with like-minded individuals and try to influence government • Establish a networking system where people can nominate candidates for office, raise money for candidates, and set up campaigns • Serve as an entry point for people to become involved in government • Give people a choice of candidates • Serve as a connection between state and national government

  11. How does Your County Register VOTERS? • When people register to vote, they are asked to include their political party affiliation. • Which party has more members in your county? What do you think? Click HERE to find out!

  12. Registering to Vote • IN FLORIDA: • Be a Citizen of the United States of America (a lawful permanent resident is not a U.S. citizen); • Be a Florida resident; • Be 18 years old (you may pre-register to vote if you are 16 years old, but you cannot vote until you are 18 years old). • Not now be adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state without having the right to vote restored; • Not have been convicted of a felony without your civil rights having been restored; and • Provide your current and valid Florida driver’s license number or Florida identification card number

  13. Where do you stand? • Using issues identified in the link below, see which party you align with as you explore the major 2012 campaign discussions. • USATODAY: Candidate Match Game

  14. EOC Question Which statement explains why the United States has political parties? a. to enable large numbers of people to accomplish things through government b. to encourage people to vote c. to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution d. to provide election candidates

  15. EOC Question A proposal by a third party that becomes popular might best lead to which of the following statements? a. soon be forgotten because it was offered by a third party b. lead to the creation of a one-party system c. be adopted by the major parties d. change the organization of political parties

  16. EOC Question Which statement explains why the United States has political parties? a. to enable large numbers of people to accomplish things through government b. to encourage people to vote c. to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution d. to provide election candidates

  17. EOC Question Advantages of the two-party system include which of the following choices? a. there is a second strong party to take over government if the voters so desire b. one party is able to win a majority of the votes c. voters have a choice d. all of the above

  18. EOC Question A key role of a political party that is out of power is to do which of the following? a. select third party candidates b. run the government c. act as a watchdog over the party in power d. hold a closed primary

  19. EOC Question Which statement explains why the United States has political parties? a. to enable large numbers of people to accomplish things through government b. to encourage people to vote c. to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution d. to provide election candidates

  20. What do you think? • What do you think about our two party system? Is it working? • There are 19 political parties identified in Florida on the Division of Elections web site. • http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/parties.shtml • If you could align with any political party, where would you stand? • IF you could create your own political party how would it be different from the choices we currently have?

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