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INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN PERU. Internationally acknowledged macroeconomic soundness. WHY INVEST IN PERU?. Friendly investment environment. Open trade and market access policy. 4. Attractive sectors to Invest. MACROECONOMIC SOUNDNESS.
Internationally acknowledged macroeconomic soundness WHY INVEST IN PERU? Friendly investment environment Open trade and market access policy 4. Attractive sectors to Invest
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS Peruvian economy rise rapidly in the last decade … Real GDP, 2002-2012 (Variation %) Real GDP 1952-2011 (aver annual var. %) GDP , 2002-2012 (USD thousands of million ) Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru, Ministry of Economy and Finances and IMF
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS ESTABILIDAD MACROECONÓMICA MACROECONOMIC STABILITY Economic growth has been driven by rising private investment…. Private Investment 2002-2012 (Annual average variation %) Private Investment 2002-2012 (US$ Billion) Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru and Ministry of Economy and Finance * Preliminary figure
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS …… today represents almost 22% of GDP …. Total investment 2002-2012 (% of GDP) Total investment – LATAM 2012 (% of GDP) Public Investment Private Investment 26.7 25.8 25.1 24.1 22.9 21.6 19.5 18.4 17.9 17.8 17.6 Peru Chile Mexico Argentina Colombia Brazil Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru Source: International Monetary Fund and Central Reserve Bank
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS … Peru is an attractive market for foreign investment, which Register a 12,000 millions in 2012 Foreign direct investment – LATAM 2012 /1 (% GDP) Foreign direct investment flow 2002 - 2012 (US$ Billion) Source: IDB 1/ Peru and Chile are closing figures Source: BCR and Central Reserve Bank of Chile Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCR)
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS ESTABILIDAD MACROECONÓMICA MACROECONOMIC STABILITY Complemented with a dynamic international trade… Balance of Trade 2002-2012 (US$ million) Exports Imports Trade Balance Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS ... all, in a frame of macroeconomic stability, Peru registers the lowest inflation rate in the region… CPI – Latino America 2002- 2011 (Annual Average Variation %) CPI in Latin America: 2001-2012 (Annual Variation %) Venezuela Argentina Brasil Colombia Mexico Chile Peru CPI – Latin America: Projections up to 2013 (Annual Average Variation %) Peru Chile Colombia Mexico Brasil Argentina Venezuela Source: Central Bank of Reserve of Peru, Ministry of Economy and Finances, CEPAL * Preliminary figures
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS Peru maintains a healthy level of debt… Public Debt– Latin America 2012 (% of GDP) Public Debt– Peru 2002-2012 (% of GDP) Source: Central Bank of Reserve of Peru Source: FMI. Cifra de Perú, Source BCRP
MACROECONOMICSOUNDNESS ...and has accumulated international reserves for a third of the GDP Net International Reserves (US$ Billion) Net International Reserves – Latin America 2012 (% GDP) Colombia Indonesia Mexico India Brazil Chile Russia Korea Peru Thailand Malaysia As of February 15, 2013 Source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
FRIENDLY INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT Peru offers a favorable legal framework for foreign investment: • Non discriminatory treatment: Foreign investors receive the same treatment as local investors. • Unrestrictive access to most economic sectors *. • Free transfer of capital. • Free competition. • Guarantee for Private Property. • Freedom to purchase stocks from locals. • Freedom to access internal and external credit. • Freedom to pay royalties. • Network of investments agreements and member of ICSID and MIGA. • Peru participates in the Investment Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – It promotes the implementation of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. *Investments that require authorization: Located within 50 km in the frontier line and those destined to arms, ammunitions and explosive. Likewise, a principal local partner for investments in maritime cabotage as well as in air transport is required.
FRIENDLYINVESTMENTENVIRONMENT Continuous effort to facilitate the establishment and operation of business 114 Guyana Venezuela 180 Colombia Peruranks second in the region in the improvement of business regulations. 45 Surinam 164 Ecuador 139 Doing Business 2013 Brazil 130 Peru . 43 Bolivia 155 Uruguay Chile 89 37 Paraguay 103 Argentina 124
FRIENDLYINVESTMENTENVIRONMENT Investment Agreements • Peru has signed and currently in force Agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investment and Trade Agreements of further scope that includes investment chapters that underpin our liberalization policy. • Germany • Belgium and Luxemburg • Denmark • Spain • Finland • France • Netherlands • Iceland* • Italy • Liechtenstein* • Norway • Portugal • United Kingdom • Czech Republic • Romania • Sweden • Switzerland* • Canada* • United States* • Australia • China* • Korea* • Malaysia • Singapore* • Thailand • Japan • Cuba • El Salvador • Argentina • Bolivia • Chile* • Colombia • Ecuador • Paraguay • Venezuela * Trade agreements • It has also signed agreements to avoid double taxation with Andean Community, Brazil, Chile and Canada.
OPENTRADEANDMARKETACCESSPOLICY An open tradepolicysustainedover time Evolution of nominal tariff, effective and dispersal 1993 – 2013 Notes: 1) Affective Tariff= (Amount of total revenue Avaloren CIF / Total Amount of CIF Imports)*100. 2)Tariff Dispersion= Standard Deviation
OPENTRADEANDMARKETACCESSPOLICY Working to become a globalized economy, with preferential access to the world’s largest markets These countries stand for enlarged market of over 4 billion people with a joint GDP over US$ 56 billion96% of Peruvian exports Agreements in force Agreements under negotiations Agreements to become effective
4. ATTRACTIVE SECTORS TO INVEST Peru offers a wide range of investment opportunities AGROINDUSTRY Lands with world-leading returns. Itisprojectedthat 90,000 ha foragriculturalexportswilldouble in 3 years. FISHING – AQUACULTURE Long fishing coastline (3,080 Miles) and “waters mirrors” which offer favorable conditions for the development of marine and inland aquaculture. • FOREST • Presence of high biologic diversity and high value timber. • 78.8 million ha of natural forest. TEXTILE - CLOTHING Recognized quality of pima cotton. 1st worldwide producer of South-American camelid fiber: alpaca, vicuña. “Full package" producer. TOURISM Important cultural destination, great potential for ecotourism and adventure tourism with 8 prioritizeddestinations. MINING A polymetallc mining country. Peru is one of the most important metal reserve worldwide. 13.6% of the land is subject to mining concessions, and only 1.1% of the land is taken for mining exploration and explotation REAL STATE The housing deficit affects to 25% of households (over to 2 million). There are various financing house programs TECHNOLOGY SERVICES The lowest labor costs per operator, US$ 270, in Latin America, which accounts for 60% of operating costs in call centers. ENERGY Great energetic potential: Ample availability of water resources and natural gas have allowed to meet the growing electricity demand. PETROCHEMICAL Peru is the only sustainable source of natural gas in the South American Pacific area. Peru has oil fields that have not been explored yet (26.6 million ha).
ROAD CONCESSIONS: LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA ROAD PROJECT, SECTION 2: Ciudad de Dios - Cajamarca - Chiple, Cajamarca - Trujillo y Dv. Chilete - Empalme PE-3N • Location: Cajamarca and La Libertad. • Cities: Ciudad de Dios, Cajamarca, Chiple and Trujillo • Description: The project comprises the initial regular maintenance (460 km), rehabilitation and upgrading works (90km) and the operation and maintenance of all the Section in order to obtain the required level of service. • Approximated length of 875 km. • Estimated investment*: US$ 552million • Type of concession: Co-financed • Competition factor: The lowest payment for Rehabilitation and maintenance (PRM), initial regular maintenance annual payment (PAMPI) and maintenance and operation annual payment (PAMO) that the concessionaire is willing to offer based on the maximum amount set by the State. • Concession Term: 25 years • Current status: The final version of the contract is published on Proinversion’s web site. • Estimated award date: IV QT 2013. CALLED * VAT not included
ROAD CONCESSIONS: LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA ROAD PROJECT, SECTION 4: • Location: Junín, Huancavelica, Ayacucho and Apurímac. • Cities: Huancayo – Izcuchaca - Mayocc and Ayacucho , • Description: The project comprises the rehabilitation and the upgrading works (117 km), regular initial maintenance (160 km) and operation and maintenance of all the Section, in order to obtain the required level of service. • Approximated length of 640 km. • Estimated Investment*: US$ 250 million • Type of concession: Co-financed • Current status: To be called the III QT of 2013. Estimated award date: II Q 2014. TO BE CALLED * VAT not included
ROAD CONCESSIONS: LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA ROAD PROJECT SECTION 5: TO BE CALLED • Location: Cusco, Apurimac and Puno. • Cities: Urcos – Combapata - Calapuja and Sicuani, Puno - Ilave and Desaguadero. • Description: The project comprises the regular initial maintenance, and operation and maintenance of all the Section, in order to obtain the required level of service. • Approximated length of 423 km. • Estimated Investment*: US$ 127 million • Type of concession: Co-financed • Current status: Proinversion requested to the Ministry of Transport and Communication update of the Evaluation report. • Estimated award date : III QT 2014. * VAT not included
HUANCAYO - HUANCAVELICA RAILWAY TO BE CALLED • Location: Departments of Junín and Huancavelica. • Description: The project includes the execution of the following works along the 128 Km of the existing track lines: • Railway upgrade • Changes to the tracks in critical sectors • Purchase of rolling stock • Reinforcement of 15 railway bridges • Extension of 38 tunnels for standard gauge rolling stock (1,435 mm) • Upgrades to the signaling and telecommunication systems • Draining works • The project includes the interoperability with Ferrocarril Central (railway service with standard gauge of 25 ton per axle) for the connection of high Andes regions with the port of Callao and the Santa Anita Market. The project has a great agricultural and mining potential. • Estimated investment*: US$ 150 million • Type of concession: Co-financing • Concession Period: 30 years • Current project status: Proinversión is currently waiting for the disbursement of funds to announce the public bid for the preparation of pre-investment studies and transaction advisor. • Estimated date of award: II QT 2014 * VAT not included
SUPPLY SYSTEM OF LNG FOR DOMESTIC MARKET CALLED • Location: Lima. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate and maintain a supply system that includes: • A reserve tank of liquid natural gas at or near the gas liquefaction plant of Pampa Melchorita (170 km south of Lima). • Equipment's for re-gasification and dispatch natural gas for users in Lima and Callao in case of emergency situations. With a capacity of 130 MM cubic meters to supply the consumption for 7 days. • Estimated Investment *: US$ 250 million. • Type of concession: Self-sustained. • Concession term: 20 years plus the build period (30 months). • Competition factor: Directed related to the investment to be executed. • Current status: The second version of the contract is under process. • Estimated award date : IV QT 2013. * VAT not included
220 KV LA PLANICIE INDUSTRIALES TRANSMISSION LINE TO BE CALLED • Location: District of La Molina • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate and maintain of a transmission line 16.6 Km long, and two circuits with a capacity of 400 MVA each. The final 5 Km of the line will be underground. • Estimated investment*: US$ 56.6 million. • Type of concession: Self-sustained • Concession period: 30 years plus the construction period (22 months). • Competition factor: Less Costs of Total Services as of the date of submission of the Proposal. • Current project status: To be called. • Estimated date of award: I QUARTER 2014. * VAT not included
220 KV FRIASPATA – MOLLEPATA TRANSMISSION LINE AND ORCOTUNA 220/60/13.8 KV SUBSTATION TO BE CALLED • Location: Huancavelica, Ayacucho and Junin. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate and maintain of a transmission line with an approximated length of 90.5 Km long and capacity of 152 MVA. • Estimated investment*: US$ 43.5 million (line: US$30.8 million; substation: 12.7 US$ million) • Type of concession: Self-sustained • Concession period: 30 years plus the construction period (estimate: 32 months). • Competition factor: Less Costs of Total Services as of the date of submission of the Proposal. • Current project status: To be called. • Estimated date of award: I QUARTER 2014. JUNÍN HUANCAVELICA AYACUCHO * VAT not included
ENERGY SECURITY AND SOUTHERN GAS PIPELINE • Location: Cusco, Arequipa and Moquegua. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate, maintain and transfer of a natural gas distribution system. Includes the following components: • Reinforcement works of the of liquid and natural gas transport system. Includes strenghthening of pipelines from the separation plant of Malvinas to the compression station at Chiquintirca. • Construction of natural gas pipelines and/or liquid gas pipelines from the existing natural gas transport system (between Malvinas and Chinquintirca) to Anta (Cusco region) able to supply natural gas to the future thermal plant of Quillabamba and south coast of the country. • Construction of the Southern region gas pipeline from Anta to south coast of the country. • Estimated Investment*: US$ 2 431 million • Type of concession: Self-sustained • Competition Factor: The lowest cost per transport service • Current status: Enquires to the Bidding Documents. • Estimated award date: I Q 2014 CALLED Camisea Malvinas CUSCO Chiquintirca Quillabamba Anta PUNO AREQUIPA MOQUEGUA Puerto Matarani Ilo TACNA * VAT not included
ENERGY NODE IN THE SOUTH OF PERU CALLED • Location: Arequipa and/or Moquegua. • Description: This project comprises the construction of two thermal plants of 500 MW each (+/- up to 20% of capacity). They will initially operate with Diesel b5 and then with natural gas once this is available in the southern coast of Peru. • Project 1 to be nominally 500 MW (+/- 20%), to be commissioned on or before May 1, 2016. Term of the Project to be 20 years starting with first day of operation. • Project 2 to be nominally 500 MW (+/- 20%) to be commissioned on or before March 1, 2017. Term of the Project to be 20 years starting with first day of operation. • Type of concession: It will be carried out in the framework of L.D 674, through the following Agreements: • Investment Commitment. • Take or Pay. • Ship or Pay. • Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). • Estimated Investment (VAT not included): US$ 800 Million. • Competition Factor: Lowest price per installed capacity. • Current status: Enquires to the Bidding Documents. • Estimated award date: IV QT 2013.
NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OF CHINCHERO – CUSCO CALLED • Location: Chinchero and Huayllabamba districts, Urubamba Province , Cusco Region. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the new international airport of Chinchero – Cusco. • Estimated investment*: US$ 556 million • Type of concession: Co-financed • Competition factor: To be defined • Concession term: 40 years • Current status: The pre investments studies on profile level are published on Proinversion’s web site. • Estimated award date: IV QT 2013. * VAT not included
Panamericana Sur Red Vial N°6 GENERAL SAN MARTÍN PORT CALLED • Location: Pisco, Ica Region. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, build, finance, maintain and operate the General San Martin port. The initial works comprises. • Dredging up to reach a depth of until -14 m • Multipurpose-berth • A storage yard to receive freight and other cargos • Support facilities • Energy Interconnection • 2 mobile cranes • Yard equipment • Other equipment for general cargo • Estimated investment*: US$ 101 million • Concession term: 30 years • Type of concession: Self-sustaining • Current status: The fourth contract draft is published in Proinversion’s web site. • Estimated award date: IV QT 2013 BRAZIL PACIFIC OCEAN * VAT not included
AMAZON WATERWAYS CALLED • Location:Loreto and Ucayali. • Description:The project comprises dredging works and ships transit signaling in Huallaga, Marañon, Ucayali and Amazonas rivers so as to ensure adequate navigability conditions among the Yurimaguas, Pucallpa and Iquitos ports. • Estimated investment*: US$ 74 million • Type of concession: Co-financed • Concession term: 20 years • Current Status: The Third version of the contract is published on Proinversions’ web site. • Estimated award date: I QT 2014. * VAT not included
CHILLÓN RIVER WATER SUPPLY WORKS TO BE CALLED POR CONVOCAR • Location: Lima. • Description: The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, operate and maintain of dam works (40 MM cubic meters approximately) of Chillón river basin. • Estimated investment* : US$ 45 million • Type of concession: Self- sustained • Concession term: 20 to 30 years • Current status: In order to develop the previous studies the hiring of a consultancy was called. • Estimated award date: III QT 2014. * VAT not included
HEADWATER AND PIPELINE WORKS FOR THE SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER TO LIMA • Location:Junín and Lima. • Description: • I. Design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following infrastructure works : • Expansion of Pomacocha and Huallacocha Bajo dams (approx. 100 MCM) • Pomacocha – Río Blanco Diversion Works (approx. 10 km of trans-Andean tunnel) • Drinking Water Treatment Plant (5 m3/s)* • South Branch Pipeline (approx. 25,6 km) and 6 compensation reservoirs of 24,000 cubic meters. • Operation and maintenance of the current facilities: • Huachipa water treatment plant I (5m3/s) • North branch pipeline (27.2 Km) and 5 reservoirs. • Estimated investment : US$ 400 million. • Modality:Self-sustainable. • Concession term : 20 to 30 years. • Current status: The process to update the studies and hire a transaction consultancy are to be called. • Estimated award:IV QT 2014. TO BE CALLED POR CONVOCAR P H Túnel Trasandino Río Blanco Planta Potabilizadora Huachipa Río Rimac Línea de conducción Ramal Sur
MANAGEMENT OF THE INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SALUD DEL NIÑO – SAN BORJA • Location: Lima. • Description: The project comprises the management of the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja (INSN), which will provide a highly qualified service to pediatric patients and will also guarantee an adequate sustainability, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure, the facilities and the equipment. Its main features are: • It counts with 242 hospital beds and 10 surgery rooms. • The services provided are, among others: external consultation, hospitalization, cardiovascular intensive care. neurosurgery, neonatology and general pediatrics, burn unit, sterilization, organs transplant and genetics. • The provision of the comprehensive service estimated for the project comprises: • Maintenance of the facilities and infrastructure • Maintenance of the clinical and not-clinical equipment • General services (laundry, kitchen, cleaning service and security) • Support to the diagnose (Laboratory, clinical pathology, blood bank and sterilization center) • Modality: Co-financed • Contract term: 15 years. • Current status of the process: The Bidding Documents are under way. Estimated award date: IV QT 2013. TO BE CALLED
LINE 3 OF THE BASIC METRO NETWORK OF LIMA AND CALLAO • Location: Lima and Callao. • Description:The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, provision of system equipment, electromechanical equipment, purchase of rolling stock, operation and maintenance of Line 3 of the Metro of Lima, with an approximate extension of 32 Km. Infraestructure: tunnel and viaduct. • Estimated investment*: To be defined • Type of concession: Co-financing • Concession term: 35 years • Current project status: In April, MTC requested the incorporation of the project to the promotion process, and submitted the Reference Terms to commission the pre-investment studies. • Estimated date of award: II QT 2015. * VAT not included
LINE 4 OF THE BASIC METRO NETWORK OF LIMA AND CALLAO • Location: Lima and Callao. • Description:The project comprises the concession to design, finance, build, provision of system equipment, electromechanical equipment, purchase of rolling stock, operation and maintenance of Line 4 of the Metro of Lima, with an approximate extension of 30 Km. Infraestructure: tunnel. • Estimated investment: To be defined • Type of concession: Co-financing • Concession term : 35 years • Current project status: In June, MTC requested the incorporation of the project to the promotion process, and submitted the Reference Terms to commission the pre-investment studies. • Estimated date of award: III QUARTER 2015. * VAT not included
TACNA - ARICA RAILWAY • Location: Tacna- Peru and Arica - Chile • Description: The project involves the development of 3 commercial hubs under a train/tram approach for urban and inter-urban transportation of passengers and goods, on the existing route and right of way. It includes: • Urban transportation in the city of Tacna and, potentially, in Arica • Inter-urban transportation between Tacna and Arica (60 Km) • Transportation of mostly containerized cargo and cement between Zofratacna and the Peruvian dock in Arica with diesel-electric locomotive. • The building of a railway museum in Tacna. • Estimated investment*: About US$ 120 million • Type of concession: Co-financing • Concession Period: 30 years • Current project status: Proinversión has prepared the Reference Terms to hire the consulting firm that will be responsible for preparing the pre-investment studies, as well as the transaction advisor. It is currently waiting for MTC to transfer funds to announce the public bids. • Estimated date of award: IV QT 2015 * VAT not included
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