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This report provides an overview of HR Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for May 2014, including turnover, sickness rates, bank and agency usage, and vacancy rates. It also highlights changes in the Directorate structure and recruitment activities.
Workforce Performance ReportMay 2014 Jayne HalfordDeputy Director of HR Caring, safe and excellent
Headline HR KPIs General Note: The new structures are reflected in this month’s report. Some minor refinements and adjustments may be necessary over the coming weeks. Turnover – Target 12% - Actual 11.99% April turnover has been revised and showed an increase in line with last year’s figure, but dropped in May below target and below the level for the previous year. Sickness – Target 3.5% - Actual 4.14% The previous month’s figure has been revised. NHS Employers reported recently that sickness absence rates among NHS staff nationally, are showing a decrease overall, with a national fall to 4.44 % in January 2014 from 4.72 percent in January 2013. Trust sickness remains above target but in line with the previous year. Bank & Agency- Target 5% - Actual 4.4%. After a fall in bank and agency in April figures rose again to January and March rates linked to vacancy rates in Adults and Older Adults and less use of sessionals in May. Vacancy – Target 9% - Actual 4.61% Vacancy rates continue to fall and are well below the Trust target of 9%. .
Directorate Performance – Headlines This Report reflects the changes in the Directorate structure of the Trust, therefore comparison is problematic. For more clarity, the changes to the workforce structure are shown here.
Recruitment Data Recruitment activity has increased rapidly in May, this is seasonal as we are currently advertising the various student roles that will start in September. The number of applications has increased slightly but in proportion to the number of adverts it is stable, this demonstrates the continued affect that the introduction of pre-application and specific application questions has had on the number and quality of applications made. We welcome two new members to the recruitment team - a Resourcing Advisor, will be responsible for the everyday management and expansion of Recruitment Solutions - the in-house temporary administrative staff agency. A second Resourcing Advisor, will be supporting the Adult and Children & Young People’s Directorates with their recruitment needs. The Resourcing Advisors will be contacting their services over the next few weeks to arrange times to meet the managers and staff so that they are able to gain a better understanding of the service that they provide and their recruitment needs/difficulties. A recruitment open day is planned for Adult Services on the 2nd of July, we will be looking to attract Registered Mental Health Nurses and Healthcare Assistant to work on the inpatient wards at the Warneford. Should this prove to be successful we will look at holding them quarterly for Adult Services across the various sites and locations, there will also be discussions with the other Directorates to see if this is an option that would also benefit their recruitment needs.
Casework Data Children & Young Peoples Services: The downward trend continues, with only one new case opened for each of the preceding three Months. Disciplinary cases equate to 3, with 2 Bullying & Harassment cases, capability issues are a combination of ill health and performance. Older People’s Services: Members from the HR team supporting the Older People’s Directorate attended the District Nursing management meeting to up-skill managers in managing sickness absence. The session was well received and will be followed up with more detailed sessions at Operational team meetings. Adult Services : This now includes casework from both Adult and Specialist Services - which are the two services which, historically, have the highest number of employee relations cases. The numbers of cases remain constant for cases per month and progress is being made in investigating and concluding these in a timely way. Corporate Services: We are managing four, formal ill health capability cases which are included on the database.
Directorate Performance – Headlines Divisional Performance – Headlines • Corporate Services Directorate: • There has been high sickness absence in Pharmacy and HR has been proactively reviewing and supporting the management of this – the high sickness absence is also impacting upon use of bank and agency staff in this area so it is anticipated that the proactive work in relation to sickness absence will also impact positively on this; • HR has also been supporting informal management of sickness absence in Learning and Development and Estates. A review of Bradford scores is planned to ensure that high levels of short term sickness are reviewed and monitored; • Staff survey results and comparison data have been shared and meetings are in the process of being arranged to discuss action planning; details of the new Agency framework have been circulated and in particular discussed with managers at Oxford Pharmacy; Recruitment: R&D – there are a number of posts that R&D are currently recruiting into due to funding from NIHR, the majority of the posts are now filled with two at interview stage. • Pharmacy – there are some issues filling Pharmacist posts, the service manager has been contacted by the Recruitment Manager to arrange a meeting to take a view on this.
Directorate Performance – Headlines Children & Young People Directorate The HR team continue to provide informed and timely support to the Directorate, building positive working relationships with managers and maintaining a low level of formal case work. In the last month the team have undertaken the following : • Delivered a bespoke half day training session as an introduction/ refresher for line managers within psychological services. • Localised staff survey action plans are being finalised in conjunction with the Directorate. • Ensured that colleagues have been encouraged to complete the Family and Friends survey. • HR colleagues hot desking alongside Operations meetings continues to work well. • The HR team have ensured that they have made introductions to the Dental team following the transfer of the Dental Team into the Directorate. • Managers in the HR team completed the Aston team working training and the implementation of learning is ongoing.
Directorate Performance – Headlines Adult Services Directorate Recruitment and Turnover • A recruitment open day is being held in early July at the Warneford to promote Ward Inpatient roles. If successful it is intended to run quarterly open days in Banbury, Aylesbury and Oxford • Contacts are being followed up from the recent recruitment events in Glasgow and Ireland • There are currently 217 vacancies in the MH Directorate. These include vacancies in Psychological Therapies which is due to join the Directorate on the 1st July. 99 offers have been accepted and of those 52 are cleared to start • Inpatient safer staffing levels are discussed weekly at Clinical Governance and wards not rated compliant are matched against current recruitment to identify areas of concern to be shared with the HR team for solutions • We are working with the new agencies to provide them with job descriptions and details of hard to fill vacancies Sickness • Sickness cases continue to be monitored with line managers and where appropriate, addressed through capability – ill-health. There are 3 medical discharge panels arranged in June and 5 staff in various stages of formal sickness monitoring. 1 member of staff was dismissed due to Capability ill-health in May Casework • Continues to be monitored weekly. The number of current cases is relatively unchanged since last month. A small number of panels have had to be adjourned, rescheduled or put on hold due to the member of staff being absent due to ill-health.
Directorate Performance – Headlines Older People’s Directorate Recruitment & Turnover • A recruitment action plan has been developed for Community Hospitals to address some of the issues in that service. However there is not an “overnight solution” • Service Heads and their management teams are aware and engaged with the new agency framework Sickness • The team is managing 16 formal health capability cases all of which are on the casework database • The team is in the process of training managers in timely and ongoing sickness absence management • Absence levels continue to be monitored and managed in accordance with Trust policies Other • Staff Survey results were shared with the senior management team and action plans will be developed • There are a number of organisational change processes running in the Directorate at present.
NHS Workforce Age Comparison National NHS Workforce Oxford Health NHS Trust *NHS Employers, 2014 In the NHS in England, under 25’s are the least represented age group. The number of staff aged 45-54 is disproportionately higher than the population average. Working Age Population of England
NHS Workforce Age Comparison • 77% of the NHS workforce in England are women and their average age is 43 Years (the same as for men). • 82% of the OHFT workforce are women - their average age is also 43 years (similar to the average age for men of 42.5 years). • The average age for all medical staff working for OHFT is 41 years.