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Workforce Performance Report September 2013. Jayne Halford Deputy Director of HR. Caring, safe and excellent. Divisional Performance – Headlines. Recruitment Data. Recruitment and Selection
Workforce Performance ReportSeptember 2013 Jayne HalfordDeputy Director of HR Caring, safe and excellent
Recruitment Data Recruitment and Selection In the period April 2013 to September 2013, the Recruitment team has assisted service managers with the recruitment and selection of 681 permanent and temporary staff in a variety of roles both clinical and non-clinical, with activity broken down in Table 1. The recruitment team introduced a Payroll forms log, with which we are able to monitor payroll KPIs, expanding the use of IT to deliver enhanced client access to services, or reducing administration and costs to service users. We are working more collaboratively within divisions, increasing manager’s understanding of workforce planning . The Recruitment team are producing KPI reporting and performance management data to reflect the value and quality of services provided to managers and to work to improve timelines particularly time to offer made and start date. For the latest report provided to managers please see Table 2. In addition, the Recruitment team have assisted with the appointment of casual or sessional workers to cope with emergency staffing in situations such as Bed Escalation/Winter pressures and Flu vaccination. Recruitment Hotspots Where we are having difficulties recruiting , for example in District Nursing, Occ Health, Clinical Researchers, the mid to long term plan is to re-profile some of the workforce through role re-design. This will enable us to deliver an appropriate service with suitable qualified professionals that are available in the employment market. This will include the development of extended nurse roles and providing a consultant -led service, using the WTE and budget for the current difficult to fill vacancies. TABLE 1 - Recruitment Activity: April 2013 to Sept 2013 TABLE 2 - Days to Completion of Recruitment Activity Stage
Exit Questionnaire Data What attracted you to your job? • Return Rate • Since the introduction of the new Exit Process the return rate from 1st June until end of September 2013 is38.3%. • The 3 tables opposite illustrate why people join the Trust, what they enjoy about working in the Trust and why staff leave the Trust. • Top 3 reasons for attracting new staff are Location, Role/JD and Working for the NHS • Top 3 most satisfying parts of the job role are, Caring/Contact with service users, Contributing to the local community and Job content and Variety of duties • Top 3 reasons for leaving, Job promotion, Relocation, Workload. • Exit information is discussed with Divisional Senior Management teams on a monthly basis. . What parts of your job did you enjoy? Top 10 reasons for leaving
Casework Data The graph shows a slight increase in Conduct, Bullying and Harassment cases with a reduction in cases relating to staff Disciplinary and Capability, with Grievances remaining the same as the previous month. The number of new cases during September Mental Health - 2 Children Young People and Families - 1 Community –3 Specialised Services - 3 Corporate - 1 The number of open cases in each division for the month of September is: Mental Health - 18 Children Young People and Families- 8 Community- 18 Specialised Services - 7 Corporate – 5 The majority of current cases relate to Disciplinary cases at 32%. At the end of the month 7 staff members remain suspended from duty pending investigation or panel hearings.