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Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Diagnosis, and Homeopathic Treatment

Learn about cerebral palsy, a group of chronic movement disorders, its causes, diagnosis, and homeopathic approach for treatment. Follow a case study example for insights. Explore the significance of signs in pediatric care. Available references for further reading.

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Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Diagnosis, and Homeopathic Treatment

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  1. A case of cerebral palsy Prof G R Mohan Visiting Professor for Practice of medicine PG Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic medical college & hospital, Salem,TN CCH PG Guide Homeopathy 4 Everyone – January, 2007

  2. “Cerebral palsy is an umbrella-like term used to describe a group of chronic disorders impairing control of movement that appear in the first few years of life and generally do not worsen over time”

  3. Magnitude of problem • According to The United Cerebral Palsy Association that more than 500,000Americans are affected. In India, cerebral palsy is 2per 100 live births (Gai)

  4. causes • Prematurity, • In utero disorders, • Neonatal jaundice, • Birth trauma, and • Perinatal asphyxia

  5. clinical presentation Slow development of milestones such as head holding, learning to roll over, sit, crawl, standing and walking

  6. Mode of presentation in a case of cerebral palsy • Mental retardation- • Delayed developmental • disorders- • Paralysis - • Speech delay- • Drooling- • Hyperactive- • Movement disorder-

  7. Diagnosis • cerebral palsy can rarely be diagnosed with certainty during early infancy, and specific syndromes often cannot be characterized until age 2 yr.

  8. Homoeopathic concept The miasmatic predominance in both parents accounts for this genetic defect. The miasmatic influence run in the families of both parents. The Syphilitic miasm is the main cause for the development of Cerebral Palsy. The syphilitic miasm disturb the metabolism of the higher centers to produce deficient growth from brain to bone and blood.

  9. Kent's view “It is impossible to get the symptoms and wants of a child especially in an infant expect by interpreting its Gestures”.

  10. Bogers view “Objective phenomena being the least deceptive, by their great utility have contributed much to the brilliant success of Homoeopathy, particularly in the diseases of children”

  11. Baby ‘A’aged 5y.8m, was brought to my clinic on 16/10/2k1 with following presentations Child is calm, shy natured, anemic, thin built, under nutritious, can speak few words, not clear, no toilet control, dependent , No interaction with peer group Timidity, lack of attention, Fear, sitting difficulty, Standing difficult , Walking impossible,. Squint, increased movement Of eye balls Can recognizes parents few family members, sensitiveness to dampness

  12. Maternal / History : Delivery: hospital normal delivery, full term, low birth weight , B /H: cry delayed (5M), F/H: Consanguinity Mental age:1.8y---Cronological age :5.2Y I Q: 34% DIA: S D D M D (CP) T/ H: modern medicine :3Y Physio Therapy: from 7th month, Vaccination H / o

  13. Weight:11kgs, height:3.2” spasticity of limbs, tone increased ,gait: imbalance ,

  14. Calc-p was selected on the bases of above symptoms as child was not in position to express her symptoms, only on objective symptoms were considered. (kent,boericke,lotus)

  15. 17/10/2k1 cal pos 200, 3d.were given. 21/11/01 not much change, cal pos 200, 3d.were repted 3/2/02 not able to stand with support ,able to sit for few minutes , concentration :ok poor memory ,not able walk with support , speech no change, Cal pos 1M, 1d.was given. Sl for 1month,

  16. 12/3/02 : standing with support for 5m ,able to sit for half an hour , concentration :ok ,not able walk with support , speech no change Tuberculinum 1m was given, sl for 2 months 1/07/02: walking with support, able to talk few words, fear of falling timidity, C P10m 1d, 45 days SL was given. 3/12/02 speech: satisfactory, clarity was less, grasping : better, getting up with support, walking with support, C P10m 3d were given, sl for 2months was given.

  17. Child was brought after 5months as they 600km away from Hyderabad, 12/06/03 weight:16kgs, standing for 30 minutes without support, sitting for hours ,talking with clarity, with breaks, Tuberculinum 1m was given along with SL for 60 days .

  18. 11/09/03 able to stand without support( visual) IMP90%

  19. AL9

  20. Reference: • 1) Behrman, Klieg man, Jenson, Nelson, text book of pediatrics, 16ted, Harcourt Asia ple Ltd . • 2) Ghai.O.P Essential Pediatrics, Inter print. • 3) Foubister .D. M, Homeopathic prescribing in childhood, vol lxvi no 1, 1951, Jul, the Homoeopathic recorder. • 4) Tirthankar Data, principles of Pediatrics, new central book agency (p) ltd, Calcutta- 700009-1998 • 5) George E Dienst, the child, the Homoeopathic herald by Bose N C. Vol: 1941, Aug Vol no 6 • 6) Prashant shah, a spastic child, Vol: 1999 Apr /Jun Vol 12 no 2 • 7) Horst Hauptman, the significance of signs, 1992 Sept / Dec, Vol 5, no3 • 8) Subrata Kumar Banerjea, miasmatic diagnosis, B.Jain publishers (p) ltd, New Delhi. • 9) Viswanath.J & Desai.A.B, Achars text book of Pediatrics,3rd edition—orient long • 10) frontiers in Pediatric Neurology , Vol V, Oct -2001

  21. The way is not in the Sky.The way is in the Heart. BUDDHA.. Thank Q

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