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Welcome Shockley Homeroom Parents!!!

Welcome Shockley Homeroom Parents! Stay informed about attendance policies, test dates, and communication channels. Learn about CRCT exams, ITBS, and COGAT testing schedules. We appreciate your involvement in your child's education.

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Welcome Shockley Homeroom Parents!!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Shockley Homeroom Parents!!! It is my pleasure to have your child in homeroom this year.

  2. I-Parent • Access will be available into I-Parent on August 28th. If you are new to the I-Parent system or don’t remember how to use it, check with the front office.

  3. Attendance • Attendance is very important to your child’s success in school. Cobb County implements a 5-10-15 attendance policy.

  4. Attendance, cont. • 5 absences: Homeroom teacher calls home • 10 absences: Administrator contacts home • 15 absences: Social Worker is sent to home

  5. CRCT’s • These are held in the Spring. A student MUST pass BOTH reading and math in order to be promoted to 9th grade.

  6. CRCT’s cont. • If you have not picked up your child’s scores from the most recent CRCT exams, you may get them in the front office.

  7. E-mail • Please do not hesitate to use e-mail as a way to contact individual teachers during the school year.

  8. ITBS and COGAT Tests • These will be taken after Labor Day on the following dates: • Sept. 6 & 7: COGAT • Sept. 11-15: ITBS We will test in the mornings and then follow a modified schedule in the afternoon.

  9. Thank you!! • Thank you for coming. We look forward to working with your children this year. We hope you find this evening informative.

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