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Log4j Remediation Case Study

Here is a brief Case Study on Log4j Remediation. This is the solution we implemented to mitigate the Log4j Vulnerability for one of our clients...

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Log4j Remediation Case Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Log4j Remediation (Case Study) Problem Statement: One of our clients was using the Log4j software library to manage their logging services and hence, they were one of the at-risk companies that required an immediate and resilient remediation solution. If not addressed promptly and properly, this vulnerability could have created devastating impacts including: 1. Disruption in regular business operations 2. Major incident response and recovery costs 3.Damage brand’s reputation Solution Implementation: Based on the analysis of the servers, whether they are Windows or Linux, we have implemented the following remediation steps to mitigate this Log4j vulnerability: 1. Initially upgraded the log4j2 Java class, which was the preferred remediation option but despite the upgrade, vulnerabilities continued. Hence, eventually, the java class was upgraded to the latest version. vsecurelabs.co

  2. 2. Removed the JNDI Lookup class from the class-path, but this option eventually did not prove to be efficient against the vulnerability. 3. Removed the JNDI classes from the jar file. 4. Applied a fix provided by technical team, wherever applicable, such as in the case of Adobe or third-party applications. 5. In the case of high-risk external client applications, uninstalled the software itself. 6. Coordinated effectively with product owners and vendors to ensure that there is no impact. 7. Constant monitoring (hourly monitoring) of the vulnerability using the required scanning tools. Final Result: Here is the learning outcome (result) of this case: 1.The in time response to the vulnerability has saved our client from any serious cyber-incidents (including remote code execution by unauthenticated users) 2.Proper coordination and communication with the client, vendors and third- parties has made this implementation process easier. vsecurelabs.co

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