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Philately Inventory Management System ( Operational since Dec-2009 ). By National Informatics Centre In assoication with Philately Div. of Postal Directorate Government of India. Objective. Online inventory position at all locations
Philately Inventory Management System( Operational since Dec-2009) By National Informatics Centre In assoication with Philately Div. of Postal Directorate Government of India
Objective Online inventory position at all locations (Commemorative & Definitive Stamps, Stationery items, CRF Stamps, Service Stamp & Revenue Stamps) Online item requirement processing Online Indent/invoice generation GRN (Goods Received Note) – automatic stock updation Stock Transfer between Bureaux ,HPOs & CSD Optimal utilization of stock Consolidation of All India Stock position & MIS A commemorative stamp is a postage stamp issued to honor or commemorate a place, event or person or reflect a theme.
Objective MIS on availability of stamps & stationery. Better utilization of philately items. Some of the philately items may be lying unutilized in some locations, but the same philately items may be much wanted in another locations. In this case, the philately items can be requested/transferred to other location. MIS on Sales & Revenue.
Automation (Philately Division, Directorate) New stamp issue. MIS on sale of items & stock position across the country as on date. Preemptive steps to avoid surplus stock at various locations. Urgent requirement processing.
Automation (Regional Stamp Depot : RSD) Stock Received from Printing Press Online Indent/invoice processing Stock Dispatch to CSD (Definitive & Stationery) Stock dispatch to Philately Bureau (Commemorative stamp) Dispatch Details maintenance Stock Register Maintenance
Automation (Circle Stamp Depot) Invoice received from RSD Nashik Processing of Indent received from HO Generation of outgoing invoice Generation & submission of stock transfer to another CSD Request to RSD Nashik against urgent requirement Generation of stock register Dispatch of stamps & stationery to HPOs.
Automation (Head Post Office) Quarterly Requirement for definitive stamps & stationery its generation and sending to CSD online. All indents – generated through system Incoming stock from CSD – Goods Received Note (GRN) – captured in system against the online invoice received. Sale to SO / Sales Counter (including philatelic Bureau or counter).
Automation (Philately Bureau) Dispatch details of Philatelic stamps to HO Invoice Received from RSD Indent processing as received from HO Outgoing invoice generation Review of day-to-day issues related to Inventory Management
Automation (Head Post Office) Stock Transfer Request to other HOs located in the same circle or other circle GRN : tracking & accepting invoice received from HO Creating stock transfer invoice Viewing incoming requests
Salient Features Messages and alert from Directorate System generated Indent is available online to the respective place to process within few seconds. Outgoing invoice – based on Indent received through online. System generated invoice available online to the receiving office. After preparing GRN, the stock gets updated automatically. Stock Transfer process from one CSD to another CSD Stock Transfer process from one HO to another HO irrespective of location/circle.
Operational instruction Every CSD/HPO have been given with operators login and supervisor login. To ensure the data accuracy Maker-Checker facility provided. Operator make entry and forward it to supervisor after ensuring the correctness in data. The Supervisor check and confirm it.
Raise Requirement – To enter the quarterly requirement by HPO. It will open the Quarterly Requirement Entry Screen. Quarterly Requirement Operator Login HPO Compiles the Data for the Quarterly Requirement and give the information to Circle Stamp Depot. After saving the data, the status will become ‘saved’ if you see the View Requirement. The operator can modify the data through Edit/Forward Requirement if required.
Operator Login Edit/Forward Requirement – After making entry on quarterly requirement , the operator should forward it to supervisor. Before forwarding, if any change is required in data, the operator can change it. But, after forwarding, the operator has no permission to modify the data. Quarterly Requirement Click on Search Click on Requirement no. to edit/forward. After forwarding, the status will become ‘forwarded’ if you see the View Requirement. If data is not forwarded, the data is not visible to the supervisor.
Supervisor Login Confirm Requirement – Supervisor should confirm the data to make the data visible to the CSD to further process. Before confirming, supervisor is allowed to modify the data if required. After confirmation, neither operator nor supervisor can change the data. Quarterly Requirement Click on Search Click on Requirement no. Confirm After confirmation, the status will become ‘confirmed’ if you see the View Requirement.
HPO raises the indent to CSD to get the stock of Definitive stamp and stationery. HPO can raise two types of Indent. • Regular Indent • Urgent Indent • Regular Indent - Only one regular indent can be raised for a month. Regular Indents are raised one month in advance. Example : Indent for supply of Nov 2009 to be raised before 31-Oct-2009 to the CSD. • Urgent Indent - It can be raised anytime depending on urgency. Indent
Raise Monthly Indent Operator Login Indent Some of the Item categories are Definitive Stamps, Stationery, CRF Stamps, Revenue Stamps, Service Stamps Only the Active Item Code as set by Directorate will be displayed. Directorate has the right to make any item active or Inactive. HPO user can’t add any extra item to Product Master. After saving the data, the status will become ‘saved’ if you see the View Indent. The operator can modify the data through Edit/Forward Requirement if required.
Operator Login After saving the indent, the operator needs to forward it to supervisor through Edit/Forward Indent. Before forwarding, operator can modify & save modified data. Once forwarded, the data can’t be modified by operator. Indent After forwarding the data, the status will become ‘forwarded’ if you see the View Indent.
Supervisor Login Once forwarded, the supervisor can see the added indent. Supervisor can search to view the indent . Supervisor can click on indent no. to get the details to confirm it. 1 Indent 2
Supervisor Login If any change is required in data, the supervisor can change it before confirmation. After confirmation only, the data is visible to CSD. 3 Indent After confirmation, the status will become ‘Confirmed’ if you see the View Indent.
Once the CSD enter and approve the dispatch invoice against an indent, the invoice will be visible to respective HPO. Goods Received Note (GRN) Goods may come by post/air/road/rail/by-hand. GRN entry is made by HPO when the goods received from CSD/RSD. Operator will make entry on GRN, forward it to Supervisor. Supervisor will confirm it so that the stock will get updated automatically.
Operator Login Other than commemorative stamps Goods Received Note (GRN) After the GRN Entry, it needs to be forwarded to Supervisor through Edit/Forward GRN.
Operator Login For Commemorative stamps Goods Received Note (GRN) Revenue Stamps are supplied by State Govt. offices. In this case, it can be entered as received from Others. After the GRN Entry, it needs to be forwarded to Supervisor through Edit/Forward GRN.
Supervisor Login Supervisor should confirm the GRN to get stock updated. 2 1 Goods Received Note (GRN) 3
Operator Login HPO Sale – Stamps & Stationery If any SO or Sales counter is not found, the same can be entered by Supervisor through Sale Counter Master. Items supplied to Sales Counter/Bureau Sales Counter from the Head Post Office is treated as deemed sale. The entry should be done carefully as it has no confirmation required from supervisor. It is a self-responsibility of the operator.
Stock Transfer can happen between two HPOs or CSDs. Stock Transfer One HPO, say, HPO1 will send the online indent to second HPOs, say, HPO2. Here, for HPO1, ‘Create Request’. On the basis of online Indent submitted by HPO1, HPO2 will generate online invoice and send the goods & invoice to HPO1. Now, for HPO2, ‘Create Invoice’. HPO1 will receive the Goods along with online invoice sent by HPO2. Now, for HPO1, it is ‘Create GRN’ HPO can view the incoming Request.
Create Request Stock Transfer After creating the request, it should be forwarded to supervisor. Supervisor should confirm the request. After supervisor confirmation, the supply office will see the Request.
Create Stock Transfer Invoice Stock Transfer After creating stock transfer invoice, it should be forwarded to supervisor. Supervisor should confirm the invoice. After supervisor confirmation, the receiving office will see the invoice.
Create GRN Stock Transfer Once goods Received with online invoice from other HPO, the operator can enter the Create GRN. It should be forwarded to Supervisor to confirm it. Supervisor will confirm the entry & goods. Finally, your stock will get updated.
Daily Transaction Report HPO Item-wise Stock Report HPO Denomination-wise Stock Report Invoice Sales Invoice Item-wise Sale Reports/MIS
Screen shows the Dash board of Circle User. Circle User can see MIS related to Stock, Sale and Stock Transfer.