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NCEP-driven RCMs Overview: Simulations and Analysis Results from North America

Explore results from various regional climate models driven by NCEP data for the period 1980-2004 across North America. Analyze temperature biases, precipitation correlations, extremes, and interannual variability using high-resolution simulations.

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NCEP-driven RCMs Overview: Simulations and Analysis Results from North America

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  1. Results from NCEP-driven RCMsOverview Based on Mearns et al. (BAMS, 2011) William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University and The NARCCAP Team

  2. Simulations Analyzed HADRM3 Hadley Centre RegCM3 UC Santa Cruz ICTP RSM Scripps WRF NCAR/ PNNL MM5 Iowa State/ PNNL CRCM Quebec, Ouranos • Domain - Most of North America • Period - 1980-2004 • Boundary Conditions - NCEP/DOE reanalysis • Resolution - 50 km

  3. Analysis Regions Comparison with 0.5o gridded observations from Univ. Delaware

  4. 1. Means & Variability

  5. Temperature Bias - DJF Temp. Bias DJF -10 10

  6. Temperature Bias Temp. Bias JJA -10 10

  7. 0.45 2.23 Interannual Variance

  8. Temperature Bias 0.45 2.23 Interannual Variance

  9. Temperature Bias -60 60

  10. Temperature Bias -60 60

  11. Pattern Correlation

  12. Regional Annual Cycles 35 6 - 5 0 35 6 0 -10 35 8 0 - 5 35 6 0 -10

  13. Regional Annual Cycles(bias) 6 35 0 -10

  14. Temperature-PrecipitationCorrelations

  15. Monthly time series of precipitation in coastal California 1997-98 El Nino 1982-83 El Nino multi-year drought small spread, high skill Substantial annual cycle

  16. Correlation with Observed Precipitation - Coastal California All models have high correlations with observed monthly time series of precipitation. Ensemble mean has a higher correlation than any model

  17. Monthly Time Series - Deep South Ensemble (black curve) A “mini ensemble” of RSM and CRCM performs best in this region.

  18. 2. Precipitation Extremes - Daily

  19. Region Analyzed Boreal forest Maritimes Great Lakes Pacific coast Upper Mississippi River Deep South California coast

  20. Precipitation Frequency vs. Intensity 99.5%

  21. Precipitation Frequency vs. Intensity NARCCAP - JJA 99.5%

  22. Precipitation Frequency vs. Intensity NARCCAP - JJA (OBS = Co-op Stations)

  23. Precipitation Frequency vs. Intensity 99.5%

  24. Days with Simultaneous Extremes on “N” Grid Points

  25. Days with Simultaneous Extremes on “N” Grid Points

  26. Composite Structure of Extreme Events - DJF m/s NARR

  27. Composite Structure of Extreme Events - DJF NARCCAP NARR MM5 GFDL CCSM + 9 hr

  28. Composite Structure of Extreme Events - DJF MM5 GFDL NARR CCSM 2-m specific humidity anomaly

  29. Composite Structure of Extreme Events - DJF NARCCAP NARR HadRM3 GFDL CCSM + 9 hr 2-m specific humidity anomaly

  30. Thank You! (www.narccap.ucar.edu)

  31. Higher resolution is necessary, but not sufficient, for simulating short-term (e.g., daily) precipitation extremes. • Coarser models (and nudged regional models) tend to have daily extremes covering a wider area than observed extremes. • Focusing on environments conducive to extremes yields relevant climatic behavior, even in relatively coarse models. • This conclusion rests on the assumption that important small-scale features are not missing (e.g., low-level jets).

  32. Part I: Interannual Variability Results shown for 1981-2002 Comparison with 0.5o gridded precipitation analysis from the University of Delaware

  33. Precipitation analysis for two regions Coastal California Deep South

  34. Monthly Time Series - Deep South Ensemble (black curve) Two models (RSM and CRCM) perform much better. These models inform the domain interior about the large scale.

  35. Correlation of Monthly Time Series The "mini-ensemble" has better correlation than the full ensemble in the southern and eastern parts of the domain. Other measures of forecast skill (such as bias) are not necessarily better. Full ensemble RSM + Canadian RCM

  36. Ensemble error and spread (January) There are hints of a spread-skill relation but it is not consistent. Ensemble spread Bias

  37. The ensemble reproduces the dipole of June-July precipitation change, but the monsoon does not extend as far north as observed. ensemble July minus June observed July minus June

  38. Part 2: Extreme Monthly Precipitation • Observations • Precip: University of Washington VIC retrospective analysis • 500 hPa Heights: North American Regional Reanalysis • Comparison period: 1982 -1999 • 1979-1981 omitted - spinup • UW data end in mid-2000 • Analysis • Cold season (Oct-Mar) • 10 wettest months (top 10%)

  39. Regions Analyzed Boreal forest Maritimes Great Lakes Pacific coast Upper Mississippi River Deep South California coast

  40. Frequency – Coastal CA

  41. Ranked Precipitation – Coastal CA Ensemble average of top 10  = 9% smaller than UW

  42. Interannual Variability – Coastal CA 59 of 60 (98%) simulated extremes occur in cold seasons with an observed extreme. (random chance: 27)

  43. Composite 500 hPa Height Anomalies Top 10 ExtremesCoastal CA

  44. Frequency – Deep South

  45. Ranked Precipitation – Deep South Ensemble average of top 10  = 22% smaller than UW

  46. Interannual Variability – Deep South 27 of 60 (45%) simulated extremes occur in cold seasons with an observed extreme. (random chance: 27)

  47. 500 hPa Height Anomalies – Deep South Extreme

  48. Summary Monthly Precipitation Where there is a substantial periodic cycle: - Models simulate well the interannual variability - Models simulate well monthly, regional extremes Where there is no substantial periodic cycle: - Models simulate poorly the interannual var. & extremes - Interior nudging improves interannual variability - Interior nudging does not help extremes

  49. Hydrologic Analysis (Takle et al.) SWAT model domain Simulation period: last 2 decades of 20C

  50. Hydrologic Analysis (Takle et al.) Streamflow Interannual Variability

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