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Endocrine Thyroid gland

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Endocrine Thyroid gland

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Endocrine Thyroid gland Part 1

    2. Description: Thyroid Butterfly shaped Two lobes connected by an isthmus Straddles the trachea Largest endocrine gland

    3. Function: Thyroid Produce thyroid hormones (TH) Vital for growth & metabolism Iodine storage Essential for T3/T4 syntheses

    4. Hormones

    5. Thyroid Hormones

    6. Hormone Loop i Metabolic rate ? Detected by hypothalamus ? Stimulates anterior pituitary ? Secretes TSH ? Blood stream ? target organ ? thyroid Stimulate Thyroid to secrete T3/T4 ? Blood stream ? target organs ? adrenal medulla ? Secretes Epinephrine & Norepinephrine ? h Metabolic rate

    7. Thyroid Disorders World-wide Iodine deficiency United States Auto-immune

    8. Hyperthyroidism Definition h T3/T4 in blood Pathophysiology Primary hyperthyroidism Problem with thyroid gland ? h T3/T4 Secondary hyperthyroidism Problem with pituitary gland ? h T3/T4 Pituitary ? h TSH ? h T3/T4 h TSH ? thyroid growth ? goiter

    9. Hyperthyroidism Etiology Auto-immune AKA: Graves disease F vs M? F > M Age 20-40 yrs

    10. Hyperthyroidism S&S Neurological Heat intolerance Diaphoresis h sympathetic nervous response

    11. Hyperthyroidism S&S Affect Nervous Emotional lability Irritable I Concentration Mood swings ? manic/psychotic

    12. Hyperthyroidism S&S Cardiovascular Tachycardia Palpitations

    13. Hyperthyroidism S&S Gastrointestinal Appetite h Weight i BM h Diarrhea

    14. Hyperthyroidism S&S Muscle-skeletal Tremors Restlessness Muscle weakness

    15. Hyperthyroidism S&S Skin Temperature Warm Smooth Hair Fine, soft Gray h Loss

    16. Hyperthyroidism S&S Exophthalmos Bulging of the eye Stare

    17. Hyperthyroidism S&S Goiter Enlarged thyroid TSH levels h

    18. Hyperthyroidism S&S Oncholysis Distal nail separates from the nail bed Nail fragile

    19. Hyperthyroidism S&S Gynecomastia Abnormal enlargement breasts male

    20. Hyperthyroidism S&S Elderly Heart failure Fatigue Apathy Depression

    21. Hormone Review i T3/T4 ? Pituitary ? h TSH ? Thyroid ? h T3/T4 ___________________ h T3/T4 ? Pituitary ? i TSH ? Thyroid ? i T3/T4

    22. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests By definition hyperthyroidism means what? T3/T4 h

    23. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests By definition primary hyperthyroidism means what? (where is the problem what is causing the problem?) Thyroid ? h T3/T4 In primary hyperthyroidism, is the pituitary gland working correctly? Yes

    24. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests If the pituitary gland is working correctly and there is an h T3/T4 level, what will the Pituitary gland do with the TSH level?

    25. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests By definition hyperthyroidism means what? T3/T4 h

    26. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests By definition secondary hyperthyroidism means what? (where is the problem what is causing the problem?) Pituitary gland? h TSH ? h T3/T4

    27. Hyperthyroidism Diagnostic Tests By definition secondary hyperthyroidism means what? (where is the problem what is causing the problem?) Pituitary gland? h TSH ? h T3/T4

    28. Question? Mrs. Goiter has a thyroid panel done and shows an elevated T3/T4 and an elevated TSH? Which of the following diagnosis apply? Primary hyperthyroidism Secondary hyperthyroidism Primary hypothyroidism Secondary hypothyroidism

    29. Question? Mrs. Canta Geta Up has a thyroid panel done and shows an elevated T3/T4 and an decreased TSH? Which of the following diagnosis apply? Primary hyperthyroidism Secondary hyperthyroidism Primary hypothyroidism Secondary hypothyroidism

    30. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Meds first Goal i T3/T4 levels Meds alone sometimes work - if not ? Surgery

    31. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Anti-thyroid therapy Propylthioracil / PTU Methimazole / Tapazole Action Inhibits synthesis of T3/T4

    32. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Propranolol hydrochloride / Inderal Beta-blocker i sympathetic nervous system No smoking

    33. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Meds alone not ? Surgery If Ca Thyroid ? Surgery Euthyroid state before surgery! How? Anti-thyroid meds

    34. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Iodine before surgery Potassium iodine saturated solution (SSKI) i vascularity of the thyroid i risk of post-op bleeding

    35. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Radioactive Iodine I131 Used instead of radiation tx Stop anti-thyroid meds x 7 days Single dose S&S i in @ 3wks ? full effect in 3 months

    36. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Radioactive Iodine Safety No PG nurses Watch body fluids Avoid kids x 7 days

    37. Hyperthyroidism Medical Treatment Diet (When hyperthyroid) Calories h 4,000-5,000 cal/day Fluids h Na i Fiber i Caffeine i

    38. Hyperthyroidism Nursing Management Assessment Vital signs Lung sounds Anxiety level Weight Bowel function NEVER palpate goiter ? Release TH

    39. Hyperthyroidism Nursing Management Nrs. Dx Risk for injury Hyperthermia Diarrhea Alt. Nutrition Sleep pattern disturbance Anxiety

    40. Hyperthyroidism Nursing Management Exophthalmos Lubricate eyes Tape closed Dark glasses i Na diet HOB h

    41. Hyperthyroidism Severe Thyrotoxicosis AKA: Thyroid Storm Definition Sever hyperthyroid state Etiology Stress Post thyroid surgery Undiagnosed

    42. Hyperthyroidism Severe Thyrotoxicosis S&S h TH ? h adrenergic activity ? h epinephrine Pulse h Temperature h BP h Depression Activity Restlessness Delirium SOB Coma

    43. Hyperthyroidism Severe Thyrotoxicosis Death <2hr Cardiac Failure

    44. Hyperthyroidism Severe Thyrotoxicosis Treatment Fever Tylenol/ acetaminophen Not aspirin For h pulse & h BP Propranolol / Inderal Beta-adrenergic blocker If SOB O2 HOB h

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