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Marketing Strategy. Business Analysis. Concept Development and Testing. Product Development. Idea Screening. Test Marketing. Idea Generation. Commercialization. Sales and Profits ($). Sales. Profits. Time. Product Develop- ment. Introduction. Growth. Maturity. Decline.
Marketing Strategy Business Analysis Concept Development and Testing Product Development Idea Screening Test Marketing Idea Generation Commercialization
Sales and Profits ($) Sales Profits Time Product Develop- ment Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Losses/ Investments ($)
Types of SYNERGY انواع هم افزايي • هم افزايي تكنولوژيك • هم افزايي بازار • هم افزايي هزينه • هم افزايي مديريت
Observers have found that a flock of geese flying in their characteristic "V" formation can fly 72% farther than a single goose could.
TEAM ogether veryone ccomplishes ore T E A M
گروه كاري تيم كاري عملكرد گروهي سهيم شدن در اطلاعات هدف مثبت خنثي ( گاهي منفي ) هم افزايي انفرادي حساب پس دهي انفرادي و گروهي مكمل يكديگر تصادفي و گوناگون مهارت ها
What is Synergy? • Working together to get the benefits of cooperation • Combined action • The sum is greater than its parts • The simultaneous action of separate, individual parts that together produce more, or a greater effect, than the sum of all the parts could have produced if working independently.