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Ag Fact! 4/12

Ag Fact! 4/12. The US plants about _________ acres of corn each year! Have 3 color sticks!. Ag Fact! 4/12. The US plants about 85 million acres of corn each year!. Agronomy. Ag I: Introduction to Agricultural Sciences Sutherlin AST April 12, 2012. Agronomy.

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Ag Fact! 4/12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ag Fact! 4/12 • The US plants about _________ acres of corn each year! • Have 3 color sticks!

  2. Ag Fact! 4/12 • The US plants about 85 million acres of corn each year!

  3. Agronomy Ag I: Introduction to Agricultural Sciences Sutherlin AST April 12, 2012

  4. Agronomy • Definition: science of crop production (typically the grain/forage crops) • Agronomy Involves - • Soil science • Pest management • Genetics

  5. United States and Oregon Crops • Top US Crops: • Corn • Soybeans • Hay • Wheat

  6. United States and Oregon Crops Top Crops in Oregon in 2007– • Grass seed (2nd agricultural commodity) • Hay (4th agricultural commodity) • Wheat (6th agricultural commodity) • Potatoes (7th agricultural commodity)

  7. A Changing Industry • While growing crops has been around a long time, how that is done has changed greatly • Old Ways: • Small farms, animal drawn implements or hand harvested • Average farm size 1900: 146 acres

  8. A Changing Industry • New Ways: • Technology: GPS, equipment, bioengineering • Genetics: pest and pesticide resistant plants, better yields • Average farm size 2007: 449 acres

  9. Alfalfa pellets Rice bran Beet pulp pellets Soybean meal Alfalfa cubes Cottonseed meal Chopped hay Wheat bran Whole oats Iodized salt Rolled oats Trace mineral salt Whole barley Salt with selenium Rolled barley Rye Whole corn Wheat Cracked corn a COB (wet) b COB (dry) Rolled corn Molasses Linseed meal Flax Crimped oats Grains and Feeds to Know

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