Pack only the things you “need”, not the things you “want” • Take the half of your clothes and twice the money. • Pack light and stay comfortable. • Take only the things which are necessary. • A lot of clothes can only make your bag bigger. • If any special occasion comes up, you can buy cheap from the local shops. • Pack for an average of one week.
Pack in the Kon Marie Way • A neat and organized backpack will help you in choosing the clothes without confusion. • Folding the clothes do not have to be a tough task. • Arrange the things in an organized way so that you can find the things you need easily.
Pack the lightest pair of shoes • Do not pack more than two pairs of shoes • Wear the heavier one and pack the lighter ones
Travel more, worry less Travelling is always considered to be as the medicine to the heart. As Anita Desai once wrote, “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow”, travel can truly change one’s heart and mind. To travel with the whole heart, you will have to plan accordingly. Just like the packing tips which can help you travel stress free, you have to look at different possibilities and plan accordingly. For example, if you have to park your car for a long time before going for a trip, you can use the parking services like Laguardia long term parking and Midway Park and Save which offers you the deals and discounts which keeps you in a budget.