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3 rd Grade Team

3 rd Grade Team . Mrs. Lawler Math and Science Mrs. Miller English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies. Mrs. Delso English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies Mrs. Pyle Math and Science . Mrs. Pate English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies Mrs. Sims Math and Science .

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3 rd Grade Team

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3rd Grade Team

  2. Mrs. Lawler Math and Science Mrs. Miller English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies • Mrs. Delso • English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies • Mrs. Pyle • Math and Science • Mrs. Pate • English, Language Arts, Reading, Social Studies • Mrs. Sims • Math and Science Teachers

  3. Bell Rings 7:40am • Instruction Begins 7:50am • Specials (PE/Music) 9:25 to 10:20am • Snack 10:20am • Lunch 12:15am • Recess 1:50 pm • Bell Rings 2:45pm Daily Schedule

  4. All homework will be written in your child’s planner each week. • If homework is not turned in on the due date, the student will have recess detention. Homework

  5. Please read the weekly memo each week for: • Important dates • Reminders • Instructional topics Weekly Memo

  6. We pay close attention to the weather. • If it is forecasted to be 100º of higher, we do not go out. The equipment gets very hot and is not safe. Recess

  7. Is after specials at 10:20 • Healthy • Easy to clean • No chocolate, sugar, or sticky Snack

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