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First Tribune Insurance. 2014 Spring Producer Meeting. Non‐Discrimination Statement. Non-Discrimination Statement The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and
First Tribune Insurance 2014 Spring Producer Meeting First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Non‐Discrimination Statement Non-Discrimination Statement The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720‐ 2600 (Voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20250‐9410, or call (800) 795‐3272 (voice) or (202) 720‐6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. • The information contained in this printed material might not account for recent changes mandated by the Risk Management Agency with respect to the deliverance of the Federal Crop Insurance Program. • Please call FTIA if you have any questions. • 620-376-4239 • Lesa@FirstTribuneInsurance.com • WWW.FirstTribuneInsurance.com • WWW.Facebook.com/FirstTribuneInsurance First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Sales Closing THE 2014 SPRING SALES CLOSING DATE is March 15th Is a change needed for your policy or your coverage? 1) Plan of Insurance/Level of Coverage Does the current plan of insurance/level of coverage reflect the coverage needed for your policy in today’s market? 2) Options – Do you need to add or remove certain options on your policy? a. EU - This option is continuous. If the option was elected in 2013 and you did not qualify; the EU option is applicable for the 2014 CY. Compare EU, with or without Trend Adjustment and different coverage levels. b. Trend Adjustment – Must be elected at Sales Closing Date. Compare Trend Adjustment option with different coverage levels and with or without EU. c. Prevent Plant – Buy‐up – Must be elected at Sales Closing Date. All Prevent Plant buy‐ups must first be approved by Approved Insurance Provider. 3) Entity Type - Is the current Entity Type still valid for 2014CY? Taking the time to verify these can prevent potential problems discovered at claim time! First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Name on Policy Please be sure to verify the correct entity. Ideally the entity name must be exactly the same on your insurance as what is listed at FSA, how you sell the commodity and how you file your INCOME TAXES! Use the same name • Insurance • FSA office • Settlement sheets • Income taxes • Documents must be signed the way the policy is named Nelson Farming Corporation should be signed “Nelson Farming Corporation by Jenna Nelson (Title)” When you take grain to the elevator, you must get a Settlement sheet with the correct names and shares before you transfer or sell the grain. Please remember this if you are going to transfer grain to a landlord or if you decide to give grain to someone else as a donation. This is extremely important for you to remember!!! First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Limited Resource Farmer A limited resource farmer can waive their crop policy’s Administrative Fees (1) Direct or indirect gross farm sales not more than $163,200 in each of the previous two years (to be increased starting in fiscal year 2004 to adjust for inflation using Prices Paid by Farmer Index as compiled by the National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS); and (2) A total household income at or below the national poverty level for a family of four, or less than 50 percent of county median household income in each of the previous two years (to be determined annually using Commerce Department Data). See http://www.lrftool.sc.egov.usda.gov/LRP‐D.htm for the actual dollar amount adjusted for inflation. The Limited Resource Self Determination Tool may be used to determine if an insured qualifies as a limited resource farmer. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Person Type Changes • If any entity changes occur during the growing season, notify First Tribune Insurance Agency immediately. • If change occurs before cancellation date, a new application by Sales Closing Date is required. (Married, divorced, change your trust etc.) First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
New Producer A New Producer (NP) is a person who has not been actively engaged in farming for a share of the production of the insured crop in the county for more than 2 APH crop years • The insured must not have produced the insured crop in the county for more than 2 APH crop years, ever (not limited to just the last 10 years) • Producing the crop includes being an SBI holder to a person who has been actively engaged in farming for a share of the… • If a crop is planted and insurable it is considered producing the crop for NP purposes (ie wheat for grain that gets short-rated or corn for grain that gets harvested as silage) • Producing the crop does not include when the crop is planted in such a way that it would not be insurable (ie wheat planted with intent to graze/hay or silage-only type of corn planted for silage in grain only county) Benefit is 100% of T-yield without having records, plus ability to qualify for Optional units • If qualifying for New Producer with 1 or 2 years of actual records, those records must be provided • Must request New Producer status by Production Reporting Date • There is a field on the application and production report to indicate New Producer • New Producers also need to turn in an Intended Acreage Report for Prevented Planting eligibility purposes the first time they farm in a new county • Intended Acreage Report for Prevent Plant eligibility not accepted if other crops previously grown in county First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
GRAIN FIRE ENDORSEMENT PERILS COVERED: We shall cover loss caused only by the peril of fire. All other conditions and provisions of the policy remain the same except as changed or provided in this endorsement. A flat rate of $0.25 per $100 of insurance shall apply to all crop classes and locations. 8
Revenue & Yield Protection Base Prices 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Corn $4.60(Est.)$5.65 $5.68$6.01 $3.99 $4.04 Soybeans $11.26 (Est.)$12.87 $12.55 $13.75 $9.23 $8.80 Sunflower (confectionery) $0.272 (Est.) $0.331 $0.357 $0.355 Sunflower (Oil )$0.207(Est.)$0.266$0.282 $0.305 Grain Sorghum $4.44(Est.)$5.53$5.53 $5.87 These are Kansas & Colorado base prices 2014 Projected price is set in the month of February The prices will not be set until after February 28, 2014 First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Discovery Dates Projected price- The pre-harvest year’s average daily settlement price for the projected price discovery period for the harvest year’s futures contract, as shown below, rounded to the nearest whole cent. The projected price will be released no later than three business days following the end of the projected price discovery period. Harvest price- The harvest year’s average daily settlement price for the harvest price discovery period for the harvest year’s futures contract, as shown below, rounded to the nearest whole cent. The harvest price will be released no later than three business days following the end of the harvest price discovery period. Wheat State Commodity Exchange Contract Month Projected Price Harvest Price CO KCBT September Aug 15 to Sept 14 July 1 to July 31 KS KCBT July Aug 15 to Sept 14 June 1 to June 30 Corn & Grain Sorghum CO CBOT December Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 KS CBOT December Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 Soybeans CO CBOT November Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 KS CBOT November Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 Sunflowers CO CBOT December Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 KS CBOT December Feb 1 to Feb 28 Oct 1 to Oct 31 First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Acreage Reporting Revisions Changes can be made prior to the Acreage Reporting due date without documentation • After the Acreage Reporting due date, a signed, revised acreage report must be submitted to the company • For unreported acres that are part of a unit: • Approved Insurance Provider must determine that a cause of loss has not occurred • The entire unit must be appraised at 90% of the APH yield • For Enterprise units, the entire acreage must be assessed, inspected, and appraised • No revision of Prevented Planting acres is allowed after the Acreage Reporting Date. (It is very hard to get any changes approved after Acreage Reporting Date) First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Added Land Summary If you add Less than 640 cropland acres • Simple Average (SA) T-Yield or Variable T-yield (whichever is higher) B. Greater than or equal to 640 and less than 2,000 cropland acres • Default is Variable T-yield or insured can make a request to the RO to use the SA T-Yield C. Greater than or equal to 2,000 cropland acres • Variable T-Yields apply, no option to request SA T-yield from the RO Note: Insured can always use Variable T-yields, or the records from a sharing party on added land being shared [Sec. 15I, (3)] First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Added Land Request Added Land Request form process • Submit all documentation (i.e., 578’s, aerial photos, legal descriptions, etc.) for the land in the farming operation, not just the added land. • Existing land acres must be noted on the Added Land Request form in addition to the added land acres • Added Land Request is preferred by production reporting date but is required no later than acreage report date • Insured's should request use of SA T-yield for all crops the insured may ever plant on added ground • Not just what is planted the first year ground is added First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Enterprise Unit Producer may elect enterprise unit • You must make such election on or before the sales closing date 3/15/2014 for the insured crops in the unit and report such unit structure on your acreage report. Simplified Explanation • Two sections minimum, each with planted acreage that comprises at least the lesser of 20 acres or 20% of insured acreage in the EU • If planted acreage in more than two sections we can aggregate parcels to meet the 20/20 rule EU election is continuous until cancelled • Beware! – If insured fails to qualify for Enterprise Units for the current crop year, the next year EU will still be on the policy. EU is continuous until cancelled in writing. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Enterprise Plus (EP+) • Purchasing the EP+ policy will provide individual sub-unit coverage to protect against isolated losses that do not trigger an enterprise unit indemnity. If the underlying Federally reinsured policy triggers a loss at the enterprise unit, then EP+ coverage expires and premium is earned and payable. • Only available through Great American & ADM this year. • If you are interested come to First Tribune and we will do quotes for your farm. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Trend Adjustment • Optional – must be elected by SCD • Adjusts each eligible yield in database (Actual & YA only) • Available on buy up levels of RP, YP, RPHPE - not available on CAT • Cups and yield floors not applicable when TA is elected for the crop • Even on a unit with a database that does not qualify for TA • Practices/types excluded from TA by RMA are still eligible for cups/floors • SA T-Yields must be recalculated in subsequent years if the insured removes the TA election • Any 2013 SA T-Yield calculated from approved APH yields that were based on actual yields with Trend Adjustment must be replaced with Variable T-yields if TA is cancelled for 2014 • If RMA cancels TA for the crop/practice, AIP can recalculate SA T-Yield • Approved APH yield will not be less than what it would have been w/out the TA adjustment OR greater than the highest actual yield in the database plus one year of trend adjustment First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 16
APH Database Qualifications for TA • APH database must have at least one actual yield in one of the four most recent crop years to qualify for TA • If the APH database contains fewer than four actual yields in the 12 most recent crop years the trend adjustment is reduced as follows: • One actual yield = 25 percent of trend adjustment; • Two actual yields = 50 percent of trend adjustment; • Three actual yields = 75 percent of trend adjustment; • Four or more actual yields = 100 percent of trend adjustment • (If 2 actual in last 12 and TA is 2 bushels, adjustment would be 1 bu.) • 2002 is last year in the database we can use to find our 4 actuals in the most recent 12 years (2014 – 12 = 2002) • TA amounts vary from year to year • 2014 TA factors: • TA factors for Greeley County SF & Irr. Wheat 0.1, Irr. Corn is 0.32, Irr. Grain Sorghum is 0.19 • TA factors for Wichita County SF & Irr. 0.1 Wheat Irr. Corn is 0.43, Irr. Grain Sorghum is 0.18 • TA factors for Wallace County SF & Irr. 0.11 Wheat Irr. Corn is 0.23, Irr. Grain Sorghum is 0.22 • TA factors for Hamilton County SF & Irr. 0.11 Wheat Irr. Corn is 1.04, Irr. Grain Sorghum is 0.22 First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 17
Notice of Loss Deadlines Provisions require notice of loss w/in 72 hours after discovery of damage, but not later than 15 days after end of insurance period • End of insurance period is not always the calendar date! (Harvest, destroy the crop etc.) • Prevent Plant Notice of Loss must be w/in 72 hours after: • Final plant date if no intention to plant during the Late Plant period, or if Late Plant period not applicable • Insured determines he/she will be unable to plant w/in any applicable Late Plant period • Revenue losses must be submitted no later than 45 days after release of Harvest price First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Destroyed Without ConsentReminder If insured acreage is put to another use prior to notifying your crop insurance company and/or receiving permission to leave representative sample areas, the acreage will be considered as destroyed without consent. Appraisal of “not less than the guarantee” will be assessed against the applicable acreage. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Consent Policyholders must obtain Consent from their Approved Insurance Provider (AIP) before, and notify them after they: • Destroy any of the insured crop that is not harvested, • Put the insured crop to an alternative use, • Put the acreage to another use, or • Abandon any portion of the insured crop First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Destroying Acres • What constitutes acreage being destroyed without consent? • Insured replanted without notifying the company, or prior to adjuster releasing the acreage to be replanted. • Insured destroys acreage (grazing or mechanical means) without proper and timely notification. • What is the claim penalty for acreage that is destroyed without consent? • An appraisal, of not less than the guarantee, will be assessed on such acreage. • No payable indemnity First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Transfer of coverage • Transfer of coverage • APH Impact in Subsequent Crop Year • Added- The year of transfer counts as a year of producing the crop for both parties • The transferee must certify the acreage and production history on or before the Production Reporting Date for he following crop year. The year of transfer counts as a year of producing the crop for both the transferor and the transferee. Incomplete or unacceptable productions reports will result if the transferee fails to certify acreage and production for the applicable crop year. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
APH Reviews – APH Reviews can be easy to complete if the insured sticks to these simple guidelines: 1. The insured must keep production records separated by crop, practice, type, unit, and the actual crop year. 2. (S)he must sort the records by the 578 producer prints (identify every acre in review and separate by unit and county), settlement sheets, and soft records. 3. The insured must record daily livestock feedings. 4. (S)he must print combine monitor records and store those records with settlement sheets. 5. The insured cannot split truckloads, tickets, and bins between units without proper soft records for commingled production. 6. If the insured wants to store current production with production from prior crop years, a third party must pre-measure the earlier production. 7. The insured should keep his/her original records and provide the AIP with copies. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Hard records-Settlement Sheets Hard Records Hard records are production records that prove the final disposition of the total crop and are verifiable by a third party. If the settlement sheet lists multiple counties, separate the production by county. The insured must submit the total production by crop, regardless of his/her share. E.g., if an insured splits the shares 50/50, he or she cannot double half of the production but must provide records for all of it. Settlement Sheets must clearly indicate each crop years’ production, show all of the production sold, and include the following items: • Buyer’s Name • Buyer’s Address • Insured’s Name • Shares • Load/Ticket Number • Crop • Gross Weight • Tare Weight First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Soft Records First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
APH Record Requirements Farm Stored Production • You must mark your bins • Must be verified during APH review • Production from previous year must be measured before adding current crop year • Measurements must be made by RMA, FSA, or Approved Insurance Provider representatives First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Record Keeping • The insured must provide acceptable production records that support the certified production report at the time of a review, whenever an APH review is required. • What are the consequences if the insured doesn’t keep good records? • If the insured has an APH audit (Example: result of a high dollar loss) it may result in: • Assigned yields • Commingled production • Loss of optional units • Overpayment of claims – even in past years • Failure to provide access to insured crop, records needed to determine the loss, or records requested for a review will result in no indemnity due on a claim. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Silage/High Moisture/Appraisal Requirements • MUST be appraised before cutting/chopping in order to collect a loss. • Please call First Tribune Insurance 620-376-4239 before you harvest!! • Get production in from those units for loss determination. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
1st Crop 2nd Crop • If the 1st insured crop is planted but fails, insured has three options: • 1. Plant Nothing • On Acreage Report you must report the crop that was planted and failed. • Will collect 100% of the loss and will pay 100% of the premium on the 1st crop. • 2. Plant 2nd crop but chooses not to insure it • On Acreage Report you must report the uninsured acres. • Production from uninsured acres must be kept separate from insured acres. • Will collect 100% of the loss and pay 100% of the premium on the 1st crop. • 3. Plant and insure 2nd crop • On the Acreage Report you must report both 1st and 2nd crop acreage. • Will collect 35% of the loss and pay 35% of the premium on the 1st crop. Will collect additional 65% of the indemnity and pay additional 65% of premium if no loss on 2nd crop. • Would also pay 100% of premium on 2nd insured crop • Act limits indemnity, not premium. • -Insureds must make decision to not insure the 2nd crop by: Time the 1st insured crop is released. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
New Breaking Written Agreement • For acreage that requires a written agreement for insurability per Section 9 of the Basic Provisions the written agreement request must be submitted by the Sales Closing Date 3/15/2014 • Special Provision New Breaking Statement– [Acres Allowed] • Up to & including 320 acres of NB Acreage meeting the SP requirements might be insurable without a written agreement • Per Insured Entity; and • Per Sales Closing Date (SCD) • September 30; and • March 15 • Any NB Acreage over 320 acres requires a NB WA First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
NB Coverage via Written Agreement • Written Agreements (WA) due by SCD • WA will provide 65% T-yield if true native sod • If ground previously broken, WA will be 80% T-yield • NB acreage must be reported by CLU (FSA farm/tract/field) on acreage report, production report, and APH database • If not, policy will not clear RMA edits • Policies must be Mapped in 2014 • If in a county with the New Breaking Insurability Request option, the RO will only do NB WA on policies that do not meet requirements that allow AIPs to approve • Acreage minimums exceeded • Soil Type Capability class not met • Deadline to break out NB acreage was missed First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 31
Coverage on Acreage Emerging from USDA Program • The Crop Insurance Handbook now states “Acreage Emerging from a USDA Program” instead of just CRP • There is no procedural changes, however • If acreage planted within first two years of emergence, insured uses history prior to CRP or gets 100% of T-yield on CRP acreage for initial year • CRP acreage must be reported separately on acreage report, with a separate APH database, and CLU’s identified and maintained on units containing CRP • Must report by FSA farm/tract/field to clear RMA edits • We need a copy of the 578 from the FSA office. • 2nd year after planting, separate databases are combined and standard APH procedures apply First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
CRP ProcedureThis Chart is for Illustration Purposes Only 1st Year Planted Acreage is insurable withoutwritten agreement. APH(s) and acreage reports must be identified/reported separately on the applicable CRP acreage. CLU’s must be identified and maintained on CRP acreage Standard unit division/PTV guidelines apply* Is the acreage planted within 2 crop years of emergence from CRP program? YES 1st Year Prior history applicable to CRP acreage may be (re)certified by the production reporting date. *SA Ts, PTYs and MYs are NOT applicable to CRP acreage the first year. OR 1st Year 100% of county T-Yield will apply to the CRP acreage. *SA Ts, PTYs and MYs are NOT applicable to CRP acreage the first year. NO NB WA procedures apply • 2ndYear • If applicable, APH databases within a unit must be combined. • Standard T-Yield / APH rules apply. • 2ndYear • If applicable, APH databases within a unit must be combined. • Standard T-Yield / APH rules apply. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 33
CRP Acreage and Prevented Planting • CRP acreage coming into production in a county containing the “Physically Able to Plant” language in the Special Provisions is NOT eligible for Prevented Planting the first year it is planted to a crop • If in a county without the “Physically Able to Plant” language, acreage coming out of CRP may be eligible for PP if all other policy requirements are met • The change made to the “Physically Able to Plant” language for 2014 Spring crops does not change the determinations above First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 34
Premium Date • Premium Billing Date for Wheat • Due July 1, 2014 • Premium Billing Date for all Spring Crops • Due August 15, 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------- First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Kansas T-Yields First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Colorado T-Yields First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Plant Dates First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Coverage Levels & Premium Subsidies First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
“Top 5” problems we see at FTIA. • Share on the settlement sheets is different than it is insured. • Delay in production. (Farmers telling us they don’t have a loss, when they do, resulting in them not getting paid because they didn’t turn production, in timely.) • Farmers changing shares, acres, or names at the FSA office and not at First Tribune Insurance. • Incomplete acreage reports. (Forgetting to report all acres that are planted, whether insurable &/or non-insurable.) • Farmers forgetting to report seed wheat in their production. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Power of Attorney Insureds may grant a 3rd party authority to sign crop insurance documents through a legally executed Power of Attorney form (POA) • A legally executed POA must specify authority to sign for crop insurance purposes • New for 2014, Crop Insurance Handbook says for spouse or others to sign for insured, must have POA or other “legally sufficient document” A signature statement on Application form serves as “legally sufficient document” This means all spousal policies will need to have the signature statement or a POA signed for 2014 If you want the spouse to be able to sign on a policy. We have POA forms with us today. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
EFT CLAIM PAYMENTSDirect Deposit When you work sun-up to sun-down, you need all the help you can get. ARMtech and Great American now offer Direct Deposit on claim payments. Policy holders can sign up for direct deposit on their respective websites ARMtech: www.armt.com Click on Policy Holders (in the dark blue tab) Sign In using your Username and Password Click on My Profile (in the dark blue tab) Click on the button to the right of Direct Deposit Information Enter in the appropriate information Click on Accept Great American:www.GreatAmericacrop.com Click on Bill and Claim Pay (in the dark blue line) Click on the Electronic Claim Payment Form Enter in the appropriate information Click on Submit We also have forms available which can be filled out and mailed in to the respective companies. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Things to Remember • Entity Changes – FSA, MPCI, Grain Sales • Marriages / Divorces / Death • New Breaking / CRP • Tax ID Changes • Authorization to sign (Spouses) First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer 43
MOBILE APPS ARMtech and Great American now offer Mobile App access for their policyholders. ARMtech: iPhone, iPad, Android Go to your App store and search for Armtech Download the App Sign-in using your Username and Password If you need a Username and Password call 800-335-0120 x1007 Great American:iPhone & iPad (coming soon for Android) Download GAIC Connect from the iTunes Store Register using your policy number and your billing zip code First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Crop Insurance Companies First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer
Important Dates March 15, 2014: Sales Closing Deadline to apply, reinstate, cancel or make changes to your 2014 Spring Crop Insurance contract. Earliest Planting Dates: Corn 04/10/2014 Kansas (04/15/2014 Colorado) Grain Sorghum 04/26/2014 Kansas (Colorado 5/1/2014, except Prowers 4/16/2014) Soybeans 04/26/2014 Sunflowers 04/25/2014 Kansas (05/15/2014 Colorado) Final Planting Dates: Wheat 10/20/2013 (Greeley, Hamilton, Kearny, Lane, Wichita) Wheat 10/15/2013 (Sherman, Wallace) 10/15/2013 (Colorado) Corn 05/25/2014 Grain Sorghum 06/25/2014 Kansas Grain Sorghum 6/15/2014 (Cheyenne & Lincoln CO) 6/20/2014 (Kiowa & Prowers CO) Soybeans 06/20/2014 Sunflowers 06/25/2014 Kansas Sunflowers 6/20/2014 (Cheyenne, Kiowa & Lincoln CO) 6/25/2014 (Powers CO) Acreage Reporting Date: Wheat 12/16/2013 Kansas (11/15/2013 Colorado) Corn 07/15/2014 Grain Sorghum 07/15/2014 Soybeans 07/15/2014 Sunflowers 07/15/2014 July 1, 2014: Wheat Premiums are due July 15, 2014: Spring Acreage Reporting Deadline Report all spring planted acres and planting dates. Report any Prevented Planting Acres *Please have your FSA-578 Form and Maps at this time. The acres we report MUST match your FSA-578 Certified Acres. July 31, 2014: Deadline to pay wheat premiums without interest being charged. September 30, 2014: Wheat Sales Closing Deadline Unpaid wheat premium goes on uninsurable list August 15, 2014: Spring (corn, grain sorghum) Premiums are due September 14, 2014: Deadline to pay 2014 spring premiums without interest being charged. First Tribune Insurance Crop Update Equal Opportunity Employer