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Council - Recap of past year Approval of new alcohol policy 60 th Anniversary Celebration for Holladay UCC Updated pre-school working agreement Rocky Mountain Power grant award for installation of 40 solar panels and an indoor kiosk to track the power generated by the panels
Council - Recap of past year • Approval of new alcohol policy • 60th Anniversary Celebration for Holladay UCC • Updated pre-school working agreement • Rocky Mountain Power grant award for installation of 40 solar panels and an indoor kiosk to track the power generated by the panels • Building use policy, completed first draft • Approval of Employee Hand book written by HR Committee • Approval of a new lighted monument sign for Holladay UCC and Holladay Preschool • Shower installed for Family Promise- funding provided by Family Promise and other donations • Leaving of Erin, Cher and Bridgett • Hiring of Tom Nordberg as interim pastor • Search for Called Pastor successful with the voting in of Rev. Stephen Sinclair • Hiring of Jani Gamble and Megan Leonardi to fill Bridgett and Cher’s positions 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting
Compassionate Action - Recap of past year • 62 participated in Operation Sandwich, preparing and serving 600 sandwiches every month • Served 1560 lunches at Homeless Youth Resource Center (every Thursday) • Host Family Promise families for two weeks in the summer, built a new shower to support this ministry • 10 people have delivered over 8000 meals to the elderly through Meals On Wheels over the last 3 1/2 years • Holladay UCC has donated over 1500 pounds of food to Crossroads Urban Center pantry this year along with clothes and sleeping bags for their Thrift Store 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting
Worship - Recap of past year • Hired Eric Richards and Jani Gamble to share the Music Director Position • Planned and kept worship running smoothly during the period of our transition-including the weeks there was no pastor at Holladay UCC • Developed thematic and meaningful worship experiences through words, music and sanctuary decoration 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting
Preschool - Recap of past year • Kristi Thompson was hired as Director of the Preschool • The capital Campaign raised funds for building upgrades and a new playground • A visioning Committee was created to grow and strengthen the relationship with Holladay UCC • The Preschool’s contribution towards expenses was increased 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting
Faith Formation Ministry - Recap of past year • Hiring of new nursery staff and the nursery was cleaned and organized • 75 children and youth are enrolled in Sunday School, Wednesday Night Youth Groups and Junior and Senior High groups • The Journey Confirmation class enabled six youth as new members to vote for the new pastor • Junior High Youth will travel to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary to do service this summer and worship with the local UCC • Five Junior High students traveled to La Foret this spring and 5-8 more will go this summer • The Wednesday afternoon Woman’s Spirituality group has provided a sacred time and space for spiritual growth and development for two years • Compassionate Cinema previews 4-6 films per year highlighting social justice issues • Sunday Forum provides opportunity for stimulating, faith based lectures and discussion. 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting
Community Ministry - Recap of past year • Stephen Ministry has trained 65 into their ministry and currently there are 15 active ministers with 50 people being held in prayer • Caring Ministry cares for shut-ins, takes meals, sends cards, makes gift baskets, provides transportation for those in need • Prayer Shawl Ministry knitters meet on Wednesday evening to knit shawls, 15 shawls have been given out this last year • Forming Community -dinner groups meet monthly for brunch or dinner , the Hospitality group welcomes newcomers and those who have not been recently, New Member class, orients potential new members • Sunday Bistro/ Coffee, monthly Bistro and Sunday coffee provided by volunteers • Wednesday Night Dinner provided by volunteers • Top of the Hill is a gathering for a meal and guest speakers • All Church Camp to be held August 2014 • Canyon Worship Pot-luck to be held at the Spruces Sunday August 3 • Christmas Caroling during the holiday season • Fund Raisers Spring and Fall raising money for Community Ministries and the Capitol Fund 2014 Spring Congregational Meeting