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1. PHYSTAT05 Highlights: Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Phystat05 Highlights. University College London 03/11/2006. M ü ge Karag ö z Ü nel Oxford University. MKU. 2. Outline. Conference Information and History Introduction to statistics
1 PHYSTAT05 Highlights:Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Phystat05 Highlights University College London 03/11/2006 Müge Karagöz Ünel Oxford University MKU
2 Outline • Conference Information and History • Introduction to statistics • Selection of hot topics • Available tools • Astrophysics and cosmology • Conclusions Phystat05 Highlights MKU
3 PHYSTAT History Phystat05 Highlights MKU
4 Phystat05 Highlights Poster MKU
5 Chronology of PHYSTAT05 Phystat05 Highlights MKU
6 PHYSTAT05 Programme 7 Invited talks by Statisticians 9 Invited talks by Physicists 38 Contributed talks 8 Posters Panel Discussion 3 Conference Summaries 90 participants Phystat05 Highlights MKU
7 Invited Talks by Statisticians David Cox Keynote Address: Bayesian, Frequentists & Physicists Steffen Lauritzen Goodness of Fit Jerry Friedman Machine Learning Susan Holmes Visualisation Peter Clifford Time Series Mike Titterington Deconvolution Nancy Reid Conference Summary (Statistics) Phystat05 Highlights MKU
8 Invited Talks by (Astro+)Physicists Bob Cousins Nuisance Parameters for Limits Kyle Cranmer LHC discovery Alex Szalay Astrophysics + Terabytes Jean-Luc Starck Multiscale geometry Jim Linnemann Statistical Software for Particle Physics Bob Nichol Statistical Software for Astrophysics Stephen Johnson Historical Transits of Venus Andrew Jaffe Conference Summary (Astrophysics) Gary Feldman Conference Summary (Particles) Phystat05 Highlights MKU
9 Contents of the Proceedings Bayes/Frequentist 5 talks Goodness of Fit 5 Likelihood/parameter estimation 6 Nuisance parameters/limits/discovery 10 Machine learning 7 Software 8 Visualisation 1 Astrophysics 5 Time series 1 Deconvolution 3 Phystat05 Highlights MKU
10 Statistics in (A/P)Physics Phystat05 Highlights MKU
11 Statistics in (Particle) Physics An experiment goes through following stages: • Prepare conditions for taking data for a particle X ( if theory driven) • Record events that might be X and reconstruct the measurables • Select events that could have X by applying criteria (cuts) • Generate histograms of variables and ask the questions: Is there any evidence for new things or is the null hypothesis unrefuted? If there is evidence, what are the estimates for parameters of X?(Confrontation of theory with experiment or v.v.) • The answers can come via your favorite statistical technique (depends on how you ask the question) Phystat05 Highlights MKU
12 (yet another) Chronology (from S. Andreon’s web page) • Homo apriorius establishes probability of an hypothesis, no matter what data tell. • Homo pragamiticus establishes that it is interested by the data only. • Homo frequentistus measures probability of the data given the hypothesis. • Homo sapiens measures probability of the data and of the hypothesis. • Homo bayesianis measures probability of the hypothesis, given the data. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
13 Bayesian vs Frequentist We need to make a statement about Parameters, given Data Bayes 1763 Frequentism 1937 Both analyse data (x) statement about parameters ( ) Both use Prob (x; ), e.g. Prob ( ) = 90% but very different interpretation Phystat05 Highlights Bayesian : Probability (parameter, given data) Frequentist : Probability (data, given parameter) “Bayesians address the question everyone is interested in, by using assumptions no-one believes” “Frequentists use impeccable logic to deal with an issue of no interest to anyone” MKU
14 Goodness of Fit Lauritzen Invited talk - GoF Yabsley GoF and sparse multi-D data Ianni GoF and sparse multi-D data Raja GoF and L Gagunashvili 2and weighting Pia Software Toolkit for Data Analysis Block Rejecting outliers Bruckman Alignment Blobel Tracking Phystat05 Highlights MKU
15 Goodness of Fit • We would like to: know if a given distribution is of a specified type, test the validation of a postulated model,.. • A few GoF tests are widely used in practice: • 2 test: most widely used application is 1 or 2D fits to data • G2 (the likelihood ratio statistics) test: the general version of 2 test (Lauritzen’s personal choice) • Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: a robust but prone to mislead test, can be used to confirm, say, two distributions (histograms) are the same by calculating the p-value for the difference hypothesis. • Other new methods, like Aslan&Zech’s energy test, exist… Phystat05 Highlights MKU
track Intrinsic measurement error + MCS hit residual Key relation! 16 An example from ATLAS (Bruckman) Direct Least-Squares solution to the Silicon Tracker alignment problem The method consists of minimizing the giant 2resulting from a simultaneous fit of all particle trajectories and alignment parameters: Let us consequently use the linear expansion (we assume all second order derivatives are negligible). The track fit is solved by: Phystat05 Highlights while the alignment parameters are given by: Systems large: inherent Computational challenges MKU Equivalent to Millepede approach from V. Blobel
17 Nuisance Parameters/Limits/Discovery Cousins Limits and Nuisance Params Reid Respondent Punzi Frequentist multi-dimensional ordering rule Tegenfeldt Feldman-Cousins + Cousins-Highland Rolke Limits Heinrich Bayes + limits Bityukov Poisson situations Hill Limits v Discovery (see Punzi @ PHYSTAT2003) Cranmer LHC discovery and nuisance parameters Phystat05 Highlights MKU
18 Systematics Note:Systematic errors (HEP) <-> nuisance params (statistician) An example: we need to know these, probably from other measurements (and/or theory) Uncertainties error in Phystat05 Highlights Physics parameter Observed for statistical errors Some are arguably statistical errors MKU
19 Nuisance Parameters • Nuisance parameters are parameters with unknown true values. They may be: • statistical, such as number of background events in a sideband used for estimating the background under a peak. • systematic, such as the shape of the background under the peak, or the error caused by the uncertainty of the hadronic fragmentation model in the Monte Carlo. • Most experiments have a large number of systematic uncertainties. • If the experimenter is blind to these uncertainties, they become a bigger nuisance! Phystat05 Highlights MKU
20 Issues with LHC • LHC will collide 40 million times/sec and collect petabytes of data. pp collisions at 14 TeV will generate events much more complicated than LEP, TeVatron. • Kyle Cranmer has pointed out that systematic issues will be even more important at the LHC. • If the statistical error is O(1) and systematic error is O(0.1), it does not much matter how you treat it. • However, at the LHC, we may have processes with 100 background events and 10% systematic errors, this is not negligible. • Even more critical, we want 5s for a discovery level. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
21 Why 5s? (Feldman+Cranmer) • LHC searches: 500 searches each of which has 100 resolution elements (mass, angle bins, ...) = 5 x 104 chances to find something. • One experiment: False positive rate at 5 s(5 x 104) (3 x 10-7) = 0.015. OK. • Two experiments: • Assume allowable false positive rate: 10. • 2 (5 x 104) (1 x 10-4) = 10 3.7 s required. • Required other experiment verification, assume rate 0.01: (1 x 10-3)(10) = 0.01 3.1 s required. • Caveats: Is the significance real? Are there common systematic errors? Phystat05 Highlights MKU
22 Confidence Intervals • Various techniques discussed during conference. Most concerns were summarized by Feldman. • Bayesian: good method but Heinrich showed that flat priors in multi-D may lead to undesirable results (undercoverage). • Frequentist-Bayesian hybrids: Bayesian for priors and frequentist to extract range. Cranmer considered this for LHC (which was also used at Higgs searches). • Profile likelihood: shown by Punzi to have issues when distribution is Poisson-like. • Full Neyman reconstruction: Cranmer and Punzi attempted this, but is not feasible for large number of nuisance parameters. • Banff workhsop of this summer was found useful in comparing various methods. The real suggestions for LHC will likely come from 2007 workshop on LHC issues. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
23 Event Classification • The problem: Given a measurement of an event X find F(X) which returns 1 if the event is signal (s) and 0 if the event is background (b) to optimize a figure of merit, say, s/√b for discovery and s/ √(s+b) for established signal. • Theoretical solution: Use MC to calculate the likelihood ratio Ls(X)/Lb(X) and derive F(X) from it. Unfortunately, this does not work as in a high-dimension space, even the largest data set is sparse. (Feldman) • In recent years, physicists have turned to machine learning: give the computer samples of s and b events and let the computer figure out what F(X) is. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
24 Multivariate Analysis Friedman Machine learning Prosper Respondent Narsky Bagging Roe Boosting (Miniboone) Gray Bayes optimal classification Bhat Bayesian networks Sarda Signal enhancement Phystat05 Highlights MKU
25 Multivariates and Machine Learning Various methods exist to classify, train and test events. • Artificial neural networks (ANN): currently the most widely used (examples from Prosper, …) • Decision trees: differentiating variable is used to separate sample into branches until a leaf with a preset number of signal and background events are found. • Trees with rules: combining a series of trees to increase single decision tree power (Friedman) • Bagging (Bootstrap AGGregatING) trees: build a collection of trees by selecting a sample of the training data (Narsky) • Boosted trees: a robust method that gives misclassified events in one tree a higher weight in the generation of a new tree Comparisons of significance were performed, but not all of were controlled experiments, so conclusions may be deceptive until further tests.. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
Boosting the tree Decision tree 26 Ex: Boosted Decision Trees (Roe) • An nice example from MiniBoone • Create M many trees and take the final score for signal and background as weighted sum of individual trees Phystat05 Highlights MKU
27 Punzi effect (getting L wrong) Giovanni Punzi @ PHYSTAT2003 “Comments on L fits with variable resolution” Separate two close signals (A and B) , when resolution σvaries event by event, and is different for 2 signals e.g. M, Different numbers of tracks different σM Avoiding Punzi bias • Include p(σ|A) and p(σ|B) in fitOR • Fit each range of σi separately, and add (NA)i (NA)total, and similarly for B Beware of event-by-event variables and construct likelihoods accordingly (Talk by Catastini) Phystat05 Highlights MKU
28 Blind Analyses Potential problem: Experimenters’ bias Original suggestion? Luis Alvarez Methods of blinding: • Keep signal region box closed • Add random numbers to data • Keep Monte Carlo parameters blind • Use part of data to define procedure A number of analyses in experiments doing blind searches Don’t modify result after unblinding, in general.. Question: Will LHC experiments choose to be blind? In which analysis? Phystat05 Highlights MKU
29 Astrophysics + Cosmology Highlights Phystat05 Highlights MKU
Cosmologists “Astronomers” Particle Physicists Bayesians Frequentists 30 Astro/Cosmo General Issues ‘“There is only one universe” and some experiments can never be rerun’ – A. Jaffe (concluding talk) Astro+cosmo tend to be more Bayesian, by nature. Phystat05 Highlights • Virtual Observatories: all astro data available from desktop • Data volume growth doubling every year, most data are on the web (Szalay) • Bad: computing & storage issues • Good (?): Systematic errors more significant statistical errors • Nichol discussed using grid techniques. MKU
31 Astrophysics: Various Hot Points • Flat priors have been used commonly, but are dangerous (Cox, Le Diberder, Cousins): would be the best quantity to use or is it h2 ? • Issues with non-gaussian distribution of noise taken into account in the spectrum: a few methods discussed by Starck, Digel, .. • Blind analyses are rare (not so good at a priori modeling!) • Lots of good software in astrophysics and repositories more advanced than PP. • Jaffe’s talk has a a nice usage of CMB as a case study for statistical methods in astrophysics, starting from 1st principles of Bayesian. Phystat05 Highlights MKU
32 Software and Available Tools Phystat05 Highlights MKU
33 Talks Given on Software Linnemann Software for Particles Nichol Software for Astro (and Grid) Le Diberder sPlot Paterno R Kreschuk ROOT Verkerke RooFit Pia Goodness of Fit Buckley CEDAR Narsky StatPatternRecognition Phystat05 Highlights MKU
34 Available Tools • A number of good software has become more and more available (good news for LHC!) • PP and astro use somehow different softwares (IDL, IRAF by astro, for ex.) • 2004 Phystat workshop at MSU on statistical software (mainly on R & ROOT) by Linnemann • Statatisticians have a repository of standard source codes (StatLib): http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/ • One good output of the conference was a Recommendation of Statistical Software Repository at FNAL • Linnemann has a web page of collections: http://www.pa.msu.edu/people/linnemann/stat_resources.html Phystat05 Highlights MKU
35 CDF Statistics Committee resources • Documentation about statistics and a repository: http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/statistics/statistics_home.html Phystat05 Highlights MKU
36 Sample Repository Page Phystat05 Highlights MKU
37 CEDAR & CEPA Phystat05 Highlights MKU
38 Summary & Conclusions • Very useful physicists/statisticians interaction • e.g. Confidence intervals with nuisance parameters, • Multivariate techniques, etc.. • Lots of things learnt from • ourselves (by having to present own stuff!) • each other (various different approaches..) • statisticians (update on techniques..) • A step towards common tools/Software repositories: http://www.phystat.org(Linnemann) • Programme, transparencies, papers, etc:http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/phystat05(with useful links such as recommended readings) • Proceedings published by Imperial College Press (Spring ’06) Phystat05 Highlights MKU
39 What is Next? • A few workshops/schools took place since October, 2005 • e.g. Manchester (Nov 2005), SAMSI Duke (April 2006), Banff (July 2006), Spanish Summer School (July 2006) • No PHYSTAT Conference in summer 2007 • ATLAS Workshop on Statistical Methods, 18-19 Jan 2007 • PHYSTAT Workshop at CERN, 27-29 June 2007 on • “Statistical issues for LHC Physics analyses”. • (Both workshops will likely aim at discovery significance. Please attend!) • Suggestions/enquiries to: l.lyons@physics.ox.ac.uk Phystat05 Highlights • LHC will take data soon. We do not wish to say • rather say “The experiment was inconclusive, so we had to use statistics” (inside cover of “the Good Book” by L. Lyons) We used statistics, and so we are sure that we’ve discovered X (well… with some confidence level!) MKU
40 Some Final Notes • Tried to give you a collage of PHYSTAT05 topics. • My deepest thanks to Louis for giving me the chance & introducing me to the PHYSTAT experience! • Apologies to those talks I have not been able to cover… • Thank you for the invitation! Phystat05 Highlights MKU
41 Backup • Bayes • Frequentist • Cousins-Highland • Higgs Saga at CERN Phystat05 Highlights MKU
42 Bayesian Approach Bayesian Bayes’ Theorem Phystat05 Highlights posterior likelihood prior Problems: P(param) True or False “Degree of belief” Prior What functional form? Flat? Which variable? MKU
43 Frequentist Approach Neyman Construction µ x x0 µ = Theoretical parameter x = ObservationNO PRIOR Phystat05 Highlights MKU
44 Frequentist Approach at 90% confidence Frequentist Phystat05 Highlights Bayesian MKU
45 A Method Method: Mixed Frequentist - Bayesian Full frequentist method hard to apply in several dimensions Bayesian for nuisance parameters and Frequentist to extract range Philosophical/aesthetic problems? Highland and Cousins NIM A320 (1992) 331 Phystat05 Highlights MKU
46 Higgs Saga P (Data;Theory) P (Theory;Data) Is data consistent with Standard Model? or with Standard Model + Higgs? Phystat05 Highlights End of Sept 2000: Data not very consistent with S.M. Prob (Data ; S.M.) < 1% valid frequentist statement Turned by the press into: Prob (S.M. ; Data) < 1% and therefore Prob (Higgs ; Data) > 99% i.e. “It is almost certain that the Higgs has been seen” MKU