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DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2006-07 Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all. Introduction to Central Services Branch Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all. Background Performance highlights Programme performance
DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT 2006-07 Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all Introduction to Central Services Branch Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all
Background Performance highlights Programme performance Administration security Corrections Care Development Social Reintegration Facilities Challenges Expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2007 Auditor-General’s report CONTENTS
Issues raised by Portfolio Committee in 2005/06 included. Alignment of the Strategic Plan, the ENE and the AR Poorly formulated performance indicators Process in DCS Ensure that planning processes feed into each other The mid-term feeds into the ENE (targets refined and revised to ensure they are SMART and are aligned to the Strategic plan Ensure alignment of operational plans and quarterly reports to the strategic plan Background
Ensure alignment of operational plans and quarterly reports to the strategic plan Ensure that Quarterly reports are the generators of the AR Alignment of terminology used in all planning documents Ensure understanding of government wide planning cycle and the statutory requirements across the department Engagement of operational levels of the department in the planning process Development of the M&E process FPPI and refinement of indicators New Commissioner and CFO appointed Background
Draft AACSA constitution and the Programme of Action (POA) for the establishment of AACSA. 1 500 learners were provided an opportunity for experiential training from January 2007. Increase in the number of sites accredited to provide Anti-Retroviral medicine. A comprehensive framework and policy on social reintegration was developed Corrections week launched PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS 06-07
Development and launch of the Integrated Human Resource Strategy Developed new communication strategy Approval of the establishment of Vetting Field Work Units 21 policies aligned with the White Paper and approved The Master Information Systems Plan (MISP) was completed in July 2006 and approved by the executive management. PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ADMINISTRATION
Accelerated recruitment Partnerships with civil society including Monitoring of the act – OSF Management Strategy for sexual offenders – CSVR NICRO – rehabilitation programmes FBOs - Cont…
Operation Vala, the festive season security plan launched in December 2006 – period of increased activity re: escapes Reduction in escapes (decrease in the number of escapes by 17% from 112 to 93) 62 deaths were recorded in 2006/07 against the target of 29 Installation of fences, CCTV monitors at 47 centers Progress on access control in 66 centers PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: SECURITY
Awaiting trial detainees decreased by 8.29%. The sentenced inmate population increased significantly from 110 985 to 113 366. However, correctional facilities remain overpopulated 38.86%. Strategies to reduce ATD population Bail applications up to R1000 - Sections 63(1) and 63A – 8 772 ATD’s successfully diverted Plea Bargaining – Section 105A – 778 cases concluded Video Postponement project to support initiatives of court cycle times DCS has aligned the 40 identified courts with 22 correctional centers for further roll out of the Video Postponement PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORRECTIONS
Number of sentenced women showed an upward trend – there was an increase from 2 332 in January 2006 to 2 398 in December 2006, while women awaiting trial increased from 929 in January 2006 to 984 in December 2006. The number of children awaiting trial in custody decreased from 1 348 in January 2006to 1 043in December 2006, while sentenced population decreased from 1 129 in January2006 to 954 in December 2006. Cont…
The HIV and Syphilis prevalence survey for personnel and offenders completed. Additional funding received from the United States Government through the PEPFAR programme for the integration of TB and HIV and AIDS management. Eight sites accredited for the implementation of anti-retroviral treatment for HIV positive offenders. Poverty alleviation policy and procedure manual approved The Moral Renewal Programme has been launched in all the regions. PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CARE
The President’s Awards Programme was made available to young offenders in four regions – Western Cape; Eastern Cape; Free State / Northern Cape and Gauteng. DCS piloted the learnership training approach within the corrections environment by training parolees and probationers. A framework for the needs of special categories of offenders was approved. PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: DEVELOPMENT
A comprehensive framework and policy on social reintegration was developed. Risk Classification Tool for probationers and parolees subject to community corrections has been developed. Correctional Services officially proclaimed the inception of the Correctional Supervision and Parole Review Board (Review Board). 26 736 of 51 911 submissions for parole and correctional supervision placements were approved. 24 720 offenders participated in pre-release programmes. PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: SOCIAL REINTEGRATION
Construction of Kimberley Correctional Centre commenced on 14 November 2006 Feasibility study for the construction of the Nigel and Klerksdorp correctional centres has been finalised. 44 of the 94 projects under Repairs and Maintenance Programme (RAMP) were completed in 2006/07. PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: FACILITIES
Violent and daring escapes Procurement of Remand Detention Facilities to address the special requirements for ATDs Corruption and collusion between officials and inmates Challenges
The final overall expenditure of the Department as at 31 March 2007 was at 94.10% The under spending on Goods and Services was due to Property Services not fully billed as anticipated The filled posts were at 41 148 against the target set for March which was 42 222 resulting in 1 074 unfilled vacancies as at the end of March 2007 An amount of R512.9 million was requested for Roll-Over to the 2007/2008 financial year and the remainder will be surrendered CURRENT STATE OF EXPENDITURE AS AT 31 MARCH 2007
Progress on 2005/06 qualifications: Housing loan guarantees Not a qualification in 2006/07 financial year Monitoring on a monthly basis continues APOPS Not a qualification in 2006/07 financial year Matter resolved Report of the Auditor-General
Progress on previous qualifications (Cont): Medical expenditure Life certificates sent to continuation members Receivables BAS functionality enhanced to include responsibility information Judge White cases – remarkable progress Report of the Auditor-General (Cont…)
Progress on previous qualifications (Cont): Asset Management Approval received to migrate to LOGIS Report of the Auditor-General (Cont…)
Asset management Capital assets Improvements/additions to buildings not on WAT but in disclosure note No reconciliation between 3 systems (WAT; PAS; and BAS) WAT not updated with all additions QUALIFICATIONS – 2006/07
Asset management (Cont…) Capital assets (Cont…) In certain instances assets captured at incorrect amounts on WAT Disclosing disposal at book value and not at cost Not all assets could be traced to their physical location Not all assets were bar-coded QUALIFICATIONS 2006/07 (Cont…)
Asset management (Cont…) Buildings and other fixed structures Disclosed improvements/additions for buildings registered in DPW name Insufficient audit evidence provided for capital works-in-progress QUALIFICATIONS - 2006/07 (Cont…)
Asset management (Cont…) Intangible assets No disclosure of intangible assets No asset register for intangible assets QUALIFICATIONS – 2006/07 (Cont…)
Medical expenditure Dependants’ information not on life certificates In certain instances contributions made for deceased members QUALIFICATIONS - 2006/07 (Cont…)
Receivables Not all files were submitted for audit purposes for non-current debts No evidence on debtor files that statements were sent Reconciliations not performed between PERSAL and BAS QUALIFICATIONS - 2006/07 (Cont…)
Receivables Debts not always recovered on service termination Debts not always recovered from staff debtors QUALIFICATIONS - 2006/07 (Cont…)
Accruals Understatement of accruals in disclosure note QUALIFICATIONS - 2006/07 (Cont…)
An Age of Hope: a National Effort for Corrections, Rehabilitation and Social Re-integration of Offenders THANK YOU THANK YOU An Age of Hope: A National Effort for Corrections, Rehabilitation and Social Re-integration of Offenders