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IEEE CIS DLP Sub-comittee. CIS Distinguished Lecturer Program Chair, Carlos A. Coello Coello. Current Activities. The new members of the committee have already been assigned a specific role.
IEEE CIS DLP Sub-comittee CIS Distinguished Lecturer Program Chair, Carlos A. CoelloCoello
CurrentActivities • The new members of thecommitteehavealreadybeenassigned a specific role. • AlltherequestsforDistinguishedLecturershavebeenrepliedwithin 48 hoursaftertheirsubmission.
CurrentActivities • Thewebsite has beenupdatedwithin 48 hoursafter new information has beengenerated. • Wewillstartpublicizingthecallfor DL nominationsin a few more days (end of June).
CurrentActivities • DuringJuly, I willcirculate a proposalforselectingthe new DistinguishedLecturersfortheperiod 2015-2017. Thisproposalwill be discussed and refinedbythemembers of thecommitteeand will be appliedthisyear.
Westillhavemoney to sponsor about 8 more DistinguishedLecturersthisyear, and therehavebeenalreadypreliminarydiscussions of 3 more possibleDistinguishedLecturersforthisyear.