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Intellectual Property Forum

Intellectual Property Forum. Objective: Current Issues for US and Korean Patent Law Date: August 9, Thursday, 4:00 PM ~ 5:45 PM Location: Beach Room. Intellectual Property Forum.

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Intellectual Property Forum

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Intellectual Property Forum Objective: Current Issues for US and Korean Patent Law Date: August 9, Thursday, 4:00 PM ~ 5:45 PM Location: Beach Room

  2. Intellectual Property Forum According to advancement of Korean industry structure, the importance of patent protection for core technologies is ever increasing. In addition, according to change of international business environment including rise of China and Korea-US FTA effectivation, role of Korea as the important partner of US in East Asia is becoming important. For Korean enterprises planning to enter US, IP Forum is an excellent opportunity to consult US patent attorneys directly regarding US patent practice, and preparation and resolution of patent litigation.

  3. Intellectual Property Forum Speakers C. Wook Pak (Patent Attorney, Cislo & Thomas LLP) Accelerating Examination of Patent Applications Roger C. Hahn (Patent Attorney, HAHN & VOIGHT PLLC) Strategies for Commercializing University Innovation in the US: A Corporate Perspective

  4. Intellectual Property Forum HoHyoung PARK, Intellectual Property Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Korea - Global IP Cooperation & Recent Legislation and Revision in Korean IP Laws Dae RHEE, Director, Global Sales & Marketing Team, WIPS - Practical IP : Insights from the Samsung vs Apple Patent War Unyoung CHO, President, Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) - IP Human Resources Development

  5. Intellectual Property Forum Forum Chair: Chanmin Park [Law Offices of Kim, Lee & Park] Forum Co-Chair: Paul T. Lee [Korea-US IP Foundation]

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