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Join us on Jan 29th at 7:00 PM for a session at Ashland High School Cafeteria with counselors. Learn about course requirements, College Credit Plus, Graduation Criteria, 9th Grade Courses & more. Visit arrowsguidance.weebly.com for applications & info.
8th grade to 9th grade Course Information Night January 29th 7:00 PM Ashland High School Cafeteria
Counselors Jon Court (Letters A-F) jocourt@ashlandcityschools.org Peggy Steward (Letters G-M) pestewar@ashlandcityschools.org Josh Packard (Letters N-Z) jopackar@ashlandcityschools.org
All applications and scheduling information can be found on the guidance website http://arrowsguidance.weebly.com
College Credit Plus • What is it? • Chance for AHS students to earn college credit while taking courses at the high school through partner colleges • Are there requirements to be eligible? • Yes --- See our guidance webpage for more information • Can a student take the class for just high school credit? • Yes ---Circling the name of the class indicates the student wants to take it for high school credit only. Circling the college credit plus option beside it means the student is interested in taking it for college credit as well. • Which courses are available for College Credit Plus? • Microsoft Word & Speech • Microsoft Excel (pending approval)
College Credit Plus(Formerly Post-Secondary and Dual Credit) • College Credit Plus allows students to earn college credit either by attending classes at Ashland High School or by attending classes on a college campus. • Student interested in the College Credit Plus program should attend our information night with their parents on February 24th at 7:00 PM in the high school cafeteria.
High School Credit Each full year class = 1 credit Each semester (half year) course = ½ credit Two exceptions to the rule • Agricultural Science classes = 1.25 credits • Any P.E. class = ¼ credit
Minimum Requirements for Graduation 21 credits 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math 3 credits of Science 3 credits of Social Studies ½ credit of Health ½ credit of P.E. (2 semester classes) 2 semesters of fine or performing art in grades 7-12
Other Considerations Students need six courses per semester Students need to pass 5 credits each 9 weeks and have at least a 1.5 GPA in order to be eligible for extracurricular activities.
9th Grade Courses: English 4 Credits Required for Graduation Full Year Required Courses English 9 OR Honors English 9
9th Grade Courses English • Honors English 9 • Students need to be recommended by English teacher and have a 1300 as their Lexile reading score • Must complete writing prompt and submit it online • Summer Reading • To Kill a Mockingbird • Lord of the Flies • One text to be chosen from a pre-selected list • They will complete a creative project over the self-selection during the summer, a large objective test (100 questions) upon the start of school over Flies & Mockingbird, and a written project (including both argument and creative pieces) over the required texts during the first weeks of school.
Possible 9th Grade Courses English • Semester Courses • Speech– ½ credit (Dual Credit) • Can earn college credit through North Central State • Circle College Credit plusor circle Speech for HS credit only • Journalism I – ½ credit • Can lead to Journalism II with instructor approval and then to school newspaper the following year • Dramatics – ½ credit • Video Production I (application required) • Competitive to get in as a 9th grader, students need to pick a backup class
9th Grade Courses: Social Studies 3 Credits Required for Graduation American History Honors American History Online application required Summer reading Read a book (will pick from teacher provided list) related to United States History and complete a book review and oral presentation at the beginning of the school year. The book review is due on the first full day of class
9th Grade Courses: Science 3 Credits Required for Graduation Physical Science I and II (1 semester each) Advanced Biology (full year) May enroll based on placement test scores. Make sure student is signed up for placement test at their school
9th Grade Courses: Math 4 Credits Required for Graduation Algebra I Students who struggle with math should plan on a full year study hall to access the math tutor room Geometry Prerequisite of Honors Algebra I Honors Geometry Follow sequence; advanced program; leads to AP Calculus Prerequisite of Honors Algebra I Honors Algebra II Follow sequence; advanced program; leads to AP Calculus Prerequisite of Honors Geometry
9th Grade Courses: Physical Education ½ credit of P.E. is required for graduation ½ credit of Health is required for graduation Physical Education I Semester course ¼ credit Health Semester course ½ credit
ASHLAND CITY SCHOOLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION WAIVER Students who participate in two seasons of district-sponsored high school interscholastic athletics, marching band or cheerleading shall not be required to complete any physical education course as a condition to graduate. (An athletic season is defined by the rules and bylaws of the Ohio High School Athletic Association). Partial credit will not be granted. In order to be eligible to graduate, a high school student who is excused from the physical education requirement must still complete instruction in 6.5 electives.
ASHLAND CITY SCHOOLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADUATION REQUIREMENT WAIVER Participating in interscholastic athletics, marching band and cheerleading is a privilege, and not a right. This policy shall not in any way be construed as granting a student the right to participate in such district-sponsored activities. Board rules and policies including Code of Conduct continue to apply. In addition, any student participating in this policy shall be subject to any athletic fee and or pay-to-participate fee. Granting of this waiver becomes effective upon completion of the specified athletic seasons as approved by the band director, athletic or cheerleading coach/advisor and submission to the Guidance Office.
ASHLAND CITY SCHOOLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADUATION REQUIREMENT WAIVER ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: FALLWINTERSPRING Football Girls Basketball Baseball Girls Volleyball Boys Basketball Softball Boys Cross Country Wrestling Boys Track Girls Cross Country Cheerleading Girls Track Boys Soccer Boys Swimming/Diving Boys Tennis Girls Soccer Girls Swimming/Diving Girls Tennis Gymnastics Cheerleading Competition Cheerleading Marching Band Boys Golf Girls Golf Please indicate on your registration sheet if you are planning on using the PE waiver in lieu of taking PE classes.
Summer Course Offerings Students should circle P.E. I and/or Health and write “Summer” beside that selection. Once student interest and staffing has been determined, an announcement will be made about the date, time and cost. (Late April) Sign-up for summer classes is on a first-come, first-served basis. Approximate cost is around $100 Tentative start date would be June 8th Usually AM and PM session 8-11 AM & 11:30 – 2:30 PM Runs for four weeks
World Languages • It is recommended that students have a C or better in previous English and math courses before pursuing a world language. • Students should be enrolled in Algebra I or higher as a 9th grader. • World Language is not a graduation requirement But… Ohio Colleges recommend at least 2 years of a world language And… Three years of one world language or two years of two world languages are required for the Honors Diploma upon graduation. And… Ashland High School does offer 6 hours of college credit for those students completing Spanish V or French V
9th Grade Courses : World Language Any of the following languages in sequence: French Latin Spanish
Possible 9th Grade Courses : Business Business Microsoft Word– (semester course) - ½ credit College Credit through North Central State College Be sure to circle the College Credit Plus option if you are interested in receiving the college credit! Circle just Microsoft Word if you only want HS credit for the course Microsoft Excel– (semester course) – ½ credit prerequisite – Microsoft Word College Credit through North Central State College Be sure to circle the College Credit Plus option if you are interested in receiving the college credit! Circle just Microsoft Word if you only want HS credit for the course
Possible 9th Grade Courses: Career Tech Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources One and one-quarter credit Meets one period Career Based Intervention Program (CBIP) Two credits – 1 credit work, 1 credit related CBI Social Studies – 1 credit Structured for students at-risk academically If interested, put CBI at the top of the worksheet and complete a regular schedule.
Possible 9th Grade Courses: Career Tech Family and Consumer Sciences Semester classes Towards Independence Toward Independence provides students with an understanding of the concepts and principles involved in managing one’s personal finances. Topics include savings and investing, credit, insurance, taxes and social security, spending patterns and budget planning, contracts, and consumer protection. A cooking unit is included with this class (based on making smart money choices when it comes to preparing food). Decisions in Living Decisions in Living is an introductory class that helps students learn about job skills and interpret career and workplace issues. This course demonstrates how academic achievement influences personal and career growth. Students will learn about conflict resolution techniques and apply social skills that lead to becoming a healthy, caring and responsible citizen
Possible 9th Grade Courses: Music Band Stage Band Orchestra Concert Choir Music Theory (semester class) Open by referral from a music teacher to anyone in a band, choir or orchestra class with preference given to juniors and seniors. Those underclassmen or students not enrolled in a music class must see Mrs. Wolbert before signing up. This is not an entry level course.
Possible 9th Grade Courses: Art Introduction to Art a full-year course that is a prerequisite for all future art courses. Introduction to Art is a very popular class and preference is given to upperclassmen. Be sure to list at least 1 full year course or two semester courses as backups if you choose Intro to Art as one of your desired electives
Other Important Information Ohio College Recommendations 4 credits of College Prep English 4 credits of Math Prefer Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II 3 credits of Science (2 lab sciences) 3 credits of Social Studies 2 credits of Foreign Language 1 credit of Fine/Performing Arts
Other Important Information Honors Diploma Requirements (must meet 7 of 8 criteria) 4 English Credits 4 Math Credits 4 Science Credits 4 Social Studies Credits 3 Foreign Language Credits (same language) Or 2 in 1 language and 2 in another 1 Credit in Fine or Performing Art 3.5 GPA ACT composite score of 27
Other Important Information: AHS Guidance Website: http://arrowsguidance.weebly.com/ Program of Studies is available online Web pages with links to information on colleges, careers, planning timelines, scholarship listings, financial aid, and information for potential college athletes. Registration sheets are due in English classes on Monday February 2nd