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Founded in 1869, Phi Delta Phi promotes professional ethics and excellence in law. Join to connect with legal luminaries and enhance your legal career through networking and development opportunities.
Phi Delta Phi The International Legal Honor Society
The Founders of Phi Delta Phi John Bryson Cleland Eugene Edward Allen John Marion Howard Joseph Dease Ronan Charles Spaulding Thomas Back to History Page
About Phi Delta Phi: • Established in the year 1869 to promote a higher standard of professional ethics, Phi Delta Phi is among the oldest of legal organizations in North America. • The Fraternity was established only six months after the Columbus, Ohio Bar Association and almost nine years before the American Bar Association. It holds a unique position in the history of the North American bench, bar and the law schools. During the past two decades, Phi Delta Phi's reputation as an organization devoted to legal excellencehas begun to spread into México and Europe. • Phi Delta Phi has active chapters – called Inns at law schools and Halls at undergraduate schools -- in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Poland. Since its founding in 1869, Phi Delta Phi has initiated over 20,000 members. • PHI DELTA PHIs • More judges, American presidents, governors, senators, representatives, cabinet members, ambassadors, American Bar Association presidents, Association of American Law School presidents, and law school Deans have come from the ranks of Phi Delta Phi than from any other legal society.
Prominent Members: • American presidents, Supreme Court justices and prominent members of the bar and bench who have been initiated into Phi Delta Phi include: Howard H. Baker, Jr. * James A. Baker, III * Birch E. Bayh * Hugo Black * Robert H. Bork * William J. Brennan * Ellen Burns * Benjamin N. Cardozo * Pamela Carter * Archibald Cox * Gerald R. Ford * Joyce Hens Green * Charles Evans Hughes * Daniel K. Inouye * Henry M. Jackson * Thomas Penfield Jackson * Leon Jaworski * Anthony M. Kennedy * Robert F. Kennedy * Karl Lllewllyn * Thurgood Marshall * William McKinley * Gerald T. McLaughlin * Edwin Meese, III * Walter Mondale * Malcolm W. Monroe * Sandra Day O'Connor * R. Thomas Olson * Samuel Pierce,Jr. * Lewis F. Powell, Jr. * William L. Prosser * Dana Rasmussen * Sam Rayburn * William H. Rehnquist * Stephen R. Reinhardt * Owen J. Roberts * Franklin D. Roosevelt * Theodore Roosevelt * Antonin Scalia * Myra C. Selby * William French Smith * John Paul Stevens * Adlai Stevenson * Potter Stewart * William H. Taft * Earl Warren * Byron R. White * Wendell Willkie • Prominent members of the bench, bar and political community from Canada include: Rosalie Abella * John Aird * Lincoln Alexander * W. Ian Binnie * Archie Campbell * Jules Deschenes * Alan B. Gold * Brian Greenspan * Edward Greenspan * Peter Hogg * Paul S. A. Lamek * Claire L'Heureux-Dubé * Lauren Marshall * Roland Martland * R. Roy McMurty * Daniel R. Michner * John W. Morden * William D. Parker * Robert J. Pirie * Bob Rae * James B. Southey * John Napier Turner • Prominent members from México include: Mario Becerra Pocoroba * Eloy Cantú Segovia * Fernando Elizondo Barragán * Francisco García Jimeno * Genaro David Góngora Pimentel * José Antonio González Fernández * Fernando Lerdo de Tejada * Fernando Margáin Berlanga * José Antonio Núñez Ochoa * Alejandro Ogarrio R. E. * Loretta Ortíz Ahlf * Fernando Pérez Noriega * Arturo Salinas Martínez * Luis Santos Theriot * Claus von Wobeser * Pedro Zorilla Martínez
Phi Firsts… • First American to win the Nobel Prize • First African American Supreme Court Justice • First Female Supreme Court Justice • First Female Chief Justice (Canada) • First American of Japanese descent to serve in Congress
Why Join A Legal Society? • Different individuals seek different goals and objectives: • There are those who believe that camaraderie, good fellowship, and promotion of the highest standards of professional and personal ethics justify affiliation. • Others seek more tangible benefits: scholarships, regional and international meetings and conventions, and other benefits made possible by membership.
Why Join Phi Delta Phi? • Phi Delta Phi fills the gap between college and the world of the Bar and the Bench. It is the first step towards that professional association which makes the law the finest of all endeavors. • As a member of Phi Delta Phi, there are opportunities to participate in social - as well as professional - activities and functions. • Friendships cultivated in school continue after graduation. Phi Delta Phi’s maintain contact on a social level as well as a professional level through its own online member community, bar associations, Barrister Inns and other professional organizations.
Why Join Phi Delta Phi? • PDP brings you into contact with eminent jurists, professors and practitioners you otherwise might not meet. It, also, provides a focus for the activities that help develop the service and leadership qualities which a law student is expected to bring to the Bar. • For the prospective barrister, PDP instills a sense of the importance of adherence to high standards of professional ethics, integrity, character and responsibility.
Balfour Scholarship Awards International Exchange Program Balfour Phi Delta Phi Minority Scholarship Dean William A. Prosser Award Biennial Conventions & Conclaves International Graduate of the Year Award Insurance Program and other Affinity Benefits Placement Opportunities Career Board Networking Membership Benefits
Contact Us For more informationwrite to us at: info@phideltaphi.org Contact Executive DirectorTim M. Wheat, Esq. at: twheat@phideltaphi.org Visit our website: www.phideltaphi.org Back to Contents page