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Donald Dabdub MAE-164 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Coupling the Hydrogen Infrastructure and Transportation Futures to the Air Quality of the Urban Environment. Donald Dabdub MAE-164 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Henry Samueli School of Engineering. Motivation. Southern California Air Quality.

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Donald Dabdub MAE-164 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

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  1. Coupling the Hydrogen Infrastructure and Transportation Futures to the Air Quality of the Urban Environment Donald Dabdub MAE-164 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Henry Samueli School of Engineering

  2. Motivation

  3. Southern California Air Quality

  4. Southern California Air Quality Trends Source: Southern California Air Quality Management District (AQMD)

  5. California Energy Resources • Most oil resources used for transportation • Natural gas used for electricity and heating • In-state electricity production: • Natural Gas 41.5%    • Nuclear 12.9%    • Large Hydro 19.0%    • Coal 15.7%    • Renewable 10.9%

  6. Southern California Power Demand Source: California Energy Commission

  7. Problem Statement To what extent will air quality in an urban airshed be affected by these reductions? Studies widely agree that widespread deployment of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and the associated infrastructure would reduce air pollutant emissions from the transportation sector.

  8. Central Generation Office Space Industrial Residential Commercial

  9. Distributed Generation Microturbine Solar Gas Turbine Fuel Cell

  10. Example of DG Installations • Franchise Tax Board – Sacramento • 470 kW Rooftop PV System • 3132 solar panels • 50,000 square feet • Capacity Factor ~ 14% • Pasadena City College • Two C60 Capstone Micro-Turbines • Electrical output: 120 kW • Heat Recovery: 700,000 Btu/hr • Electricity savings: $100,000/year Source: California Energy Commission

  11. Example of DG Installations • Yosemite Nat’l Park • Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell • Fuel: Propane • Power: 5 kW • Not enough sunlight for photovoltaic • Sierra Nevada Brewing Company • Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell • Fuel: Natural gas or digester gas • Power: 4 x 250 kW Source: California Energy Commission

  12. Example of DG Installations • California State University, Northridge • Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell: • 18% of campus base-load power needs • Power: 4 x 250 kW • Fuel: Natural Gas • Waste heat used to heat buildings, a pool and domestic hot water • CO2 routed to greenhouse for plant enrichment studies • Photovoltaic Panels: • Power 692 kW Info and pics kindly provided by Jim Maclay, MAE PhD student

  13. CAPABILTIES A systematic and highly resolved land-use based methodology to establish and evaluate fuel (e.g., hydrogen, natural gas, biofuel, electricity) infrastructure scenarios for California • SUPPORT • Air Resources Board • South Coast Air Quality Management District • San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District • U.S. Department of Energy • California Energy Commission • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

  14. Preferred Combination Assessment (PCA model) Air Quality Model (UCI-CIT model)

  15. Preferred Combination Assessment Hydrogen Generation Hydrogen Distribution Hydrogen Utilization % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Input: Total Hydrogen Distributed: SMR Compression Vehicle Dispensing Natural Gas Liquefaction Vehicle Dispensing Electrolysis – Grid Centralized: Compression Vehicle Dispensing Electricity – Grid SMR Pipeline Liquefaction Vehicle Dispensing Electricity – Renewable Coal Gasification Compression Tube Trailer Compression Vehicle Dispensing Water Compression Liquid Tanker Compression Vehicle Dispensing Electrolysis – Renewable Input: Coal Input: Output: Input: Adjust Contribution Adjust Contribution • GHG emissions • Criteria pollutant emissions • Energy consumption • Water consumption Adjust Contribution Demonstration of a Novel Assessment Methodology for Hydrogen Infrastructure Deployment,  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34 (2009), pp. 56-69.

  16. Example Output: Greenhouse Gas Emissions GHG emissions associated with passenger vehicles in southern California H2 from more fossil fuel sources H2 from more renewable sources Advanced gasoline vehicles* GHG emissions CO2 equivalents (metric tons per day) Output: 2030 12.5% adoption of hydrogen vehicles 2060 75% adoption of hydrogen vehicles • GHG emissions • Criteria pollutant emissions • Energy consumption • Water consumption * Future projects for conventional vehicles are based on CARB EMFAC2007

  17. nucleation condensation / evaporation surface chemistry coagulation Aerosol Processes aqueous chemistry diffusion water uptake activation resuspension sub-cloud scavenging oxidation precursor emissions primary emissions dry deposition

  18. Atmospheric Aerosol Gas-Phase Photochemistry Condensible Organic Vapors Primary Organic Particulate Emissions (OC, EC) SO2 Emissions Primary Gaseous Organics Sea Salt Gas-Phase Photochemistry Primary Inorganic Particulate Emissions (dust, fly ash, etc.) H2SO4 HNO3 Primary H2SO4 Emissions H2O Gas-Phase Photochemistry NH3 Emissions NOx Emissions

  19. Combustion Process Emissions primary OC - EC H2O SO2 Emissions Gas-Phase Photochemistry Primary H2SO4 H2SO4 S(IV) HCl emissions H+, SO42-, HSO4-,H2SO4 HCl Cl-, Na+ NH3 primary OC - EC NH4+,OH- Sea-Salt Emission NH3 Emissions Dust, fly ash metals Secondary OC Condensible Organics Gas-Phase Photochemistry NO3-,H+ Ca2+,Mg2+, Fe3+, etc. HNO3 Gas-Phase Photochemistry NOx Emissions Dust, Fly Ash Emissions Gaseous Organics Emissions

  20. General Dynamic Equation Processes to Model • Advection-diffusion • Thermodynamics • Dynamics (mass transport) • Primary emissions • Dry deposition • Nucleation of new particles • Aerosol-phase chemistry

  21. Air Pollution Modeling on Parallel Supercomputers 123 Gas Species 296 Aerosols: 37 species, 8 sizes 361 Reactions 1100 m 671 m 308 m 154 m 38 m 0 m 30 Cells 80 Cells Each Cell: 5 x 5 km2

  22. Mare Nostrum Barcelona, Spain 10,240 dual-core IBM 64-bit PowerPC 970MP processors Peak performance: 94.21 Teraflop Memory: 20 TB of RAM and 280 TB of external storage

  23. Measured O3 Concentration http://www.airnow.gov

  24. South Coast Air Basin of California http://www.visibleearth.nasa.gov/

  25. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Emissions Southern California Year: 2060 • GHG emissions • Criteria pollutant emissions • Energy Consumption • Water consumption NV CA AZ H2 Fueling Stations Regional SMR Regional Petroleum Coke Central Coal/Biomass Central Renewable/Nuclear Local High-Temp Fuel Cells Distributed SMR Interstates & Freeways H2 Pipelines H2 Truck Deliver Routes Central Generation Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Los Angeles

  26. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Emissions Southern California Year: 2060 NV CA AZ H2 Fueling Stations Regional SMR Regional Petroleum Coke Central Coal/Biomass Central Renewable/Nuclear Local High-Temp Fuel Cells Distributed SMR Interstates & Freeways H2 Pipelines H2 Truck Deliver Routes Truck Delivery Routes Distributed Generation Land Use Industrial Vacant Oil & Gas Infrastructure Los Angeles

  27. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Emissions

  28. Air Quality Output from emissions model • GHG emissions • Criteria pollutant emissions • Energy Consumption • Water consumption Δ Ozone: 8-hour average Spatial Distribution Temporal Distribution Δ Particulate Matter Air Quality Simulation Determining Air Quality Impacts of Hydrogen Infrastructure and Fuel Cell Vehicles, Environmental Science and Technology In Press (Stephens-Romero, Carreras-Sospedra, Brouwer, Dabdub, Samuelsen)

  29. Air Quality Impacts Ozone: 8-hour average[Advanced gasoline vehicles] Baseline concentrations Southern California Year: 2060

  30. Air Quality Impacts Ozone: 8-hour average[Δ Ozone] Scenario-R (More Renewable) Scenario-F (More Fossil Fuel) Δ Ozone (ppb) Δ Ozone (ppb) Southern California Year: 2060

  31. Air Quality Impacts

  32. Air Quality Impacts Southern California Year: 2060 NV CA Petroleum Coke IGCC AZ H2 Fueling Stations Regional SMR Regional Petroleum Coke Central Coal/Biomass Central Renewable /Nuclear Local High-Temp Fuel Cells Distributed SMR Interstates & Freeways H2 Pipelines H2 Truck Deliver Routes Los Angeles

  33. Air Quality Impacts PM2.5: 24-hour average[Advanced gasoline vehicles] Baseline concentrations Southern California Year: 2060

  34. Air Quality Impacts PM2.5: 24-hour average[Δ PM2.5] Scenario-F (More Fossil Fuels) Scenario-R (More Renewable) Southern California Year: 2060

  35. Conclusions • A new modeling framework STREET has been developed. It provides an understanding of how fuel cell vehicles can affect localized pollution within an urban air basin as well as how these effects can change depending upon spatial allocation of hydrogen infrastructure and temporal distribution of emissions from the infrastructure. • Compared to projections of remarkably improved gasoline vehicles, hydrogen infrastructure deployment will substantially improve air quality in an urban airshed, even when fossil fuels are a significant source of hydrogen.But the location of petroleum coke hydrogen production facilities in the basin can lead to local increases in pollution formation compared to gasoline vehicles.

  36. Thanks!

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