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Respiratory System

Discover the key points of the respiratory system, including its main function of gas exchange, structures such as the lungs and bronchioles, and ways to protect it. Learn about common respiratory problems and why people still smoke despite knowing the dangers. Watch a video on respiration and explore the toxic truth about smoking through commercials.

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Respiratory System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Respiratory System

  2. Key Point: • The respiratory system provides oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the body

  3. Main Function: Respiration - The exchange of gases between the body and the environment

  4. Structures Lungs – Two large structures that fill with air and are emptied in a rhythmic way. *This rhythm changes with the level of your activity.

  5. Lungs Trachea – The windpipe that brings air into the lungs. Bronchi – The trachea branches into the bronchi which are the main airways that reach into each lung

  6. Lungs Bronchioles– A network of smaller tubes that are attached to alveoli Alveoli – Thin- walled air sacs covered in capillaries. Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place in the alveoli.

  7. Structures Diaphragm – A muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. This muscle is responsible for contracting and relaxing and pulling air into the lungs.

  8. Structures Nose and Mouth- -Air enters and exits the body through the nose and mouth. -Cilia – tiny hair-like structures that line the membranes of the nose -Mucus – thick, sticky substance thattraps foreign particles like dust, bacteria and viruses and prevents them from moving deeper into this system.

  9. Structures Pharynx –Throat Larynx –Voice Box Epiglottis – Flap of tissue that covers the air-only passage when we swallow preventing food and liquid from entering the lungs. (closes off the entrance to the larynx and trachea when you swallow)

  10. Ways to Protect the Respiratory System -Avoid second hand smoke and all tobacco products -Limit your exposure to pollutants in the air -Exercise regularly -Wash your hands regularly -Get regular medical checkups

  11. Problems Affecting The Respiratory System Sinusitis- inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses Bronchitis – inflammation of the bronchi Asthma – inflammation and narrowing of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles causing difficulty breathing

  12. Problems Of The Respiratory System Pneumonia – inflammation of the lungs due to bacterial or viral infection Tuberculosis – a contagious bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs Emphysema – a disease that progressively destroys the walls of the alveoli

  13. Question Why do people smoke even though they know it is dangerous?

  14. Did you know……?

  15. Respiration

  16. Did you know…? • A person inhales and exhales fifteen times a minute, approximately 20,000 times a day. • Breathing in, and then out counts as one breathe. • In 24 hours they breathe in nearly 2,200 gallons (10,000 liters) of air- enough to fill 30,000 coke cans

  17. Adult lungs hold nearly six quarts of air. • It would take about three days to drink this amount of liquid.

  18. Respiration

  19. Video Bill Nye Commercials Smoking: Toxic Truth Reality Matters: Smoking

  20. Let’s put it all together… Air comes in the nose or mouth 1. Pharynx 2. Larynx 3. Trachea 4. Bronchi (in lungs) 5. Bronchioles 6. Alveoli (external respiration) 7. Capillaries 8. Vein 9. Cell (Internal Respiration) RED- WITH O2 BLUE- IS WITHOUT O2 (CO2) 10. Artery 11. Capillaries 12. Alveoli 13. Bronchioles 14. Bronchi 15. Trachea 16. Larynx 17. Pharynx . Out nose or mouth

  21. Cigarette Pack • Create a cigarette pack showing the negative effects smoking has on the body! • These must contain: • (5) negative effects-pictures/captions • Brand name • Warning label

  22. Warning Labels

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