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Cancer By Rubi Martinez

Cancer By Rubi Martinez. By Rubi Martinez. What is Cancer?. Cancer is a mutation and uncontrolled cell reproduction.

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Cancer By Rubi Martinez

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  1. CancerByRubi Martinez By Rubi Martinez

  2. What is Cancer? • Cancer is a mutation and uncontrolled cell reproduction. • An alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality of cells. Meaning that the cell reproduction in uncontrolled; it reproduce in different quantity of cells and they don’t die when they have to die this cells keep on reproducing.

  3. Symptoms • Some of the Cancer Symptoms are as common as the flue. • Fever • Nausea • Headaches • Vomiting • Weakness • Bruise easily • Fatigue • Loss of appetite • Bleed Easily

  4. How is cancer Diagnosed? • Pathology primarily • The medical science concerned with all aspects of disease with an emphasis on the essential nature, causes, and development of abnormal conditions, as well as with the structural and functional changes that result from disease processes.

  5. How is Cancer Treated? • Cancer is treated By: • Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the major form of treatment for leukemia. This drug treatment uses chemicals to kill leukemia cells. Depending on the type of leukemia you have, you may receive a single drug or a combination of drugs. These drugs may come in a pill form, or they may be injected directly into a vein. • Biological therapy. Biological therapy works by helping your immune system recognize and attack leukemia cells. • Targeted therapy. Targeted therapy uses drugs that attack specific vulnerabilities within your cancer cells. For example, the drug imatinib (Gleevec) stops the action of a protein within the leukemia cells of people with chronic myelogenous leukemia. This can help control the disease.

  6. How is Cancer Treated? • Radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses X-rays or other high-energy beams to damage leukemia cells and stop their growth. During radiation therapy, you lie on a table while a large machine moves around you, directing the radiation to precise points on your body. You may receive radiation in one specific area of your body where there is a collection of leukemia cells, or you may receive radiation over your whole body. • Stem cell transplant. A stem cell transplant is a procedure to replace your diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Before a stem cell transplant, you receive high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to destroy your diseased bone marrow. Then you receive an infusion of blood-forming stem cells that help to rebuild your bone marrow. You may receive stem cells from a donor, or in some cases you may be able to use your own stem cells. A stem cell transplant is very similar to a bone marrow transplant

  7. Types of Cancer • Leukemia • Breast Cancer • Liver Cancer • Lung Cancer • Skin Cancer • CervicalCancer • Prostate Cancer • Brain Tumor • Bone Cancer • Terminal Cancer

  8. What is the % of people diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States? • Over 1.5 million people diagnose (dx) cancer in 2011 according to National Cancer Institute. 

  9. The most common type of cancer • The most common type of cancer in the United States is Leukemia in Children.

  10. What is ALL cancer? ALL cancer is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is one of the most common leukemia among children from ages 0-17 years old. This type of cancer means that growths and develops very quickly and have rapid system lymphoblastic means that theirs something wrong with the White blood cells. This is blood cancer.

  11. What is ALL?

  12. What is ALL • The blood vessels contains red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells(WBC), plasma and platelets ALL is a disorder in the blood cells in which the white blood cells is the one that is infected with cancer. The blood cells go to a process in which the cells divide themselves into 2 which this process is call mitosis but when a cell divides into 4 then this is called meiosis. This means that theirs something wrong with the cells because they only supposed to divide into 2 not 4.

  13. Close Look at the cells

  14. How is this? The red blood cells divides it self into different part such as the white blood cells which help your body fight infection, red blood cells which carry out oxygen to all parts of the body, and platelets which help your blood clot. If your white blood cells is malicious than it wont help your body fight infections which it will make you sick.

  15. How is it Diagnosed • The most common way in which a doctor can know if a person has leukemia would be. First the doctor would take a blood example an analyze the results if your blood count shows a odd number of white blood cells. Then the doctor would ask for a Bone Marrow biopsy this would indicate what type of cancer the person has and they would choose the right type of chemotherapy to fight the cancer.

  16. How is it diagnosed?

  17. Medication and New medication to treat ALL leukemia

  18. Medication and New medication to treat ALL leukemia • Leukemia patients are treated with strong medicine that helps put the cancer in remission they go thru a process of medication for 2-3 yrs. The medication are found thanks to people from all over the places. Dirt and other unknown examples are send to the lab to be examine for chemicals that would be helpful to cure cancer. Today Scientifics are working on a antibody that would hopefully would be given to children at birth. This would be like a vaccine that would help your body make antibiotics inside to fight cancer. This would prevent people from developing cancer.

  19. Central line & Port-a-cath

  20. Central line & Port-a-cath • A central line and a Port-a-cath is use for patients with cancer. Thru that they would be able to get their chemotherapy thru out a vain located in their hearts. The chemotherapy can not be given thru a vain in the hand or arm because it would burn and it would be painful for the patient due to the medication being strong.

  21. New Treatment for Cancer • Monoclonal antibody drugs  • Monoclonal antibodies, sometimes called "MAbs," are a new weapon in the fight against cancer. They have been designed to kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells relatively unharmed. In many cases, this has resulted in better treatment outcomes with fewer side effects

  22. How does people who are diagnosed with cancer feel • Helpless • Lonely • Hated by life • Depress • Unconfident • Unsupported • Unsocial • Punishment • Unloved • Unattractive

  23. What we can do as a community to help? • Created a group in: • Church • Community where we live • School • Family • Work • Organization around the world

  24. What we can do as a community to help? • Donate: • Hair • Blood • Organs • Bone Marrow • Money • Time • Knowledge • Mothers can save their umbilical cord to save those with cancer. (mother cells)

  25. Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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