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Meeting Specific Audience Needs in Technical Communication

Learn how to analyze, address, and tailor information to different audiences in technical communication. Identify primary and secondary audiences, assess their information needs, and adjust the technicality levels accordingly.

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Meeting Specific Audience Needs in Technical Communication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 2 Meeting the Needs of Specific Audiences Technical Communication, 12th Edition John M. Lannon Laura Gurak

  2. Audience • All technical communication is intended for people who will use and react to the information. These people are the audience. • Before you start writing, you need to identify precisely who will be reading the document and how they will use the material.

  3. Analyze Your Document’s Audience and Purpose • Who is the main audience for this document? • Who else is likely to read it? • What is your relationship with the audience? • Are multiple types of relationships involved? • What information does this audience need? • How familiar might the audience be with technical details? • Do these readers have varying levels of expertise? • What culture or cultures does your audience represent? • How might cultural differences shape readers’ expectations and interpretations?

  4. Primary and Secondary Audiences • Primary • People who requested the document • Often need more technical information • Secondary • People who will carry out the project • Need less technical information

  5. Assess the Audience’s Information Needs • Because audience’s basic purposes vary, every audience expects a message tailored to its own specific needs • The same basic message can be conveyed in different ways to different audiences

  6. Identify Levels of Technicality Experts Just the facts and figures Highly technical è è Informed persons Facts and figures explained Semi-technical è è Laypersons Facts and figures explained in simplest terms Non-technical è è

  7. Anticipate Your Audience’s Preferences • Length and Details • Format and Medium • Tone • Due Date and Timing • Budget

  8. Any Questions? For additional help reviewing this chapter, please visit the Companion Website for your text at http://www.pearsonhighered.com/lannon.

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