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Livestock Data Collection analysis and Use in Tanzania. Presenter L. Nsiima (MLFD). Workshop: New Perspectives on Livestock Data Organized by the Tanzania Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development in collaboration with the WB-FAO-ILRI Livestock Data Innovation Project.
Livestock Data Collection analysis and Use in Tanzania Presenter L. Nsiima (MLFD). Workshop: New Perspectives on Livestock Data Organized by the Tanzania Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development in collaboration with the WB-FAO-ILRI Livestock Data Innovation Project Arusha, Tanzania, 10-11 August 2011
Mandate of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development (MLFD). Mandate of MLFD is overall management and development of livestock and fisheries resources for sustainable achievement of the: • Millennium Development Goals; • National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty; • Improved Livelihood of Livestock and Fisheries Dependent Communities; and • Food Safety & Security without compromising Animal Welfare and Environmental Conservation.
Overarching rationales for collections / using livestock related data: Overarching rationales for collections / using livestock related data is: • to have evidence-based policies and strategies and decision-making (which have increased demand for good statistical information); • to monitor the contribution of livestock industry in the implementation of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty; • essential for management and control of the livestock industry (which continuously requires decision-making in relation to production, reproductive management, marketing and trade and animal health).
Methods of livestock data collection Livestock data and statistics are generated mostly by a secondary sources including administrative records, surveys and censuses. • Who decides which variables or indicators are collected? • Administrative records – indicators/variables decided by Local Governments • Surveys and Censuses - indicators/variables decided by the National Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with MLFD. • Other data – indicators/variables decided by institutions (e.g. Import/Export by Tanzania Revenue Authorities). • Who collects the data? • Administrative records – collected by Local Governments • Surveys and Censuses - collected in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics and Agriculture Line Ministries. • Other data – are collected from institutions (e.g. Import/Export by Tanzania Revenue Authorities, live animals prices by Ministry of Industry and Trade).
Methods of livestock data collection Livestock data and statistics are generated by a secondary sources including administrative records, surveys and censuses. For administrative records; • Data are collected by LGAs in all districts using extension staff, • MLFD retrieve data as a mutual understanding with LGAs. • Currently, Agricultural routine data system being tested in four districts. For surveys and censuses. • NBS and ASLMs through collaboration collects the data at Household Level based on designed sample size. • Surveys are done annually while censuses are organized after every 5 years. • Interviewing methods are used using structured questionnaires. • The Government and donor funds pays for data collection?
Methods of livestock data collection • Who first cleans / processes the data? • Administrative records – data is cleaned by Local Governments and no further processes except putting in required format. • Surveys and Censuses - data is cleaned by the National Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with MLFD. • Other data – data is cleaned by source institutions except putting in required format. • What data / indicators and in what formats arrive at your institutions? • Animal health • Water and pasture • Livestock infrastructure (dip tanks, slaughter slabs, water dams, charcos) • Hides and skins production • Artificial insemination • Livestock movements The data is retrieved from quarterly, annual reports, ad hoc requests. Normally data are in hard copies.
Livestock data analyses Analyses done with the livestock data collected: • Do you organize the data? In what formats? • Data are always organized in Ms. Office excel formats. • Do you build your own indicators? On what basis? • Indicators are built on specific demand, with consideration of the MLFD indicators • What is their level of spatial and time aggregation • country, regions, districts, and on annual, quarterly, monthly.
Livestock data analyses • Do you use livestock data collected by other organization? YES • Do you elaborate those data? YES • Do you make joint analyses of the data collected by your own institution and those collected by others? NO
Livestock data uses Main three (or less) uses of livestock-related data, • 1st use of livestock-related data • Policy : formulate policies and implement sector projects and programmes. • 2nd use of livestock-related data • Planning: appraisal/monitoring and evaluation reporting. • 3rd use of livestock-related data • Management: general management of the sector issues (Environmental, drugs and vaccines, water for livestock, pastures).
Livestock data storage • Do you store the livestock-related data you collect? Yes • How do you store the livestock data you collect? • Almost all collected data are stores in a computer readable form (MS Office – Excel, Word), in different file without a database system for their easy management.
Livestock data dissemination Dissemination of the livestock related data MLFD collects: • Are all raw livestock-related data you collect available to the general public or only some of the data / indicators / summary statistics are available? • only some of the data / indicators / summary statistics are available. • Are data disseminated through databases / reports / other means? • Ministry’s website (http://www.mifugo.go.tz). • Annual Basic Data booklet. • Websites - LIMS, TSED, CountryStat • Budget speeches • How people can access your livestock data/ indicators? Internet by accessing website, reading reports. • Are your livestock-related data available for free / for a fee? Data are for free.
Livestock data issues Main constraints related to: • Livestock data collection • Lack of coordination and cost-effectiveness • Inadequacy in designing a particular set of data as “official data” for the sector because of multiplicity of sources • Insufficient budgetary allocations • Weak field organization – missing links • Livestock data analyses • Lack of trained and skilled personnel in livestock data analysis • Livestock data uses (both those collected by your own institutions and by other institutions) • Adequacy of available data (inaccurate, inconsistent through time and between sources , not complete, data not put in optimal use by data users , lack timeliness, increasing demand) • Livestock data storage and dissemination • Data are scattered among different sources and there is no one stop center for livestock data
Options to improve livestock data Main options to address identified constraints and improve quantity / quality of the livestock data needed to fulfill MLFD mandate • Options to improve livestock data collection • Data harmonization within livestock production (MLFD & stakeholders) • Conducting a census for livestock on complete enumeration basis – bench mark; • Conducting a dialogue between data producers and users to strengthen collaboration among stakeholders; • Review available indicators. • Options to improve livestock data analyses • Capacity building of staff – equip staff with adequate knowledge and skills • Provide incentives to staff in data production chain. • Building capacity of resource hardware and software availability. • Options to improve livestock data storage & dissemination • Review data collection, analysis, storage and dissemination system for livestock sector. • Establishing a comprehensive database management system.
Joint options to improve livestock data Opportunities for collaboration with other institutions to improve the livestock data you need to fulfill MLFD mandate; • Harmonization of data system (collection, analysis and interpretation for policy formulation hence sector growth and poverty reduction). • Strengthen capacity in data and information sharing among major livestock data producers (databases and dissemination – one stop center and training of staff).