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Emergence of Christian Art. Aurelian walls. Cemetery Basilicas outside the walls. Catacomb of Domitilla. Catacomb of Pretestato , entrance. Catacomb of Pamphilus , grave slab. Catacomb of San Callisto , loculi. Catacomb of San Sebastiano, “ichthus” = “Jesus Christ son of God Savior”.
Aurelian walls Cemetery Basilicas outside the walls
Catacomb of Domitilla Catacomb of Pretestato, entrance
Catacomb of Pamphilus, grave slab Catacomb of San Callisto, loculi
Catacomb of San Sebastiano, “ichthus” = “Jesus Christ son of God Savior” Catacomb of Novation
Catacomb of San Callisto, Cubiculum *Catacomb of Domitilla, cubiculum
DomusAurea Catacomb of Domitilla
*Catacomb of San Callisto, fish and loaves, 3rd.c Catacomb of San Sebastiano, pheasant, 2nd c.
Catacomb of the Giordani, Raising of Lazarus , 3rd.c Catacomb of SS. Marcellino e Pietro, Jonah cast into the sea, 3rd.c
Sarcophagus. Good Shepherd, detail, 3rd.c *Catacomb of San Callisto, Good Shepherd, 3rd.c
Sarcophagus. Good Shepherd, late 4th c. Sarcophagus of Julius Achilleus 3rd c.
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, 359 Vergilius Romanus, Council of the Gods, 5th c.
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, 359 Coin. Adventus of ConstantinusChlorus, 296-98
San Sebastiano. Beneath the present basilica Cemetery Basilicas
San Sebastiano, triclia below the basilica San Sebastiano. Beneath basilica
San Sebastiano, triclia below basilica San Sebastiano, graffiti in the triclia
*San Sebastiano/ Basilica Apostolorum, 310-340 *San Sebastiano plan
*San Sebastiano, ambulatory San Sebastiano
San Marco, tombs, 336 San Sebastiano
*Tor Pignattara, SS. Marcellino e Pietro,plan *SS.Marcellino e Pietro, Tor Pignattara, 320
*Tor Pignattara, SS. Marcellino e Pietro,plan *Tor Pignattara, SS. Marcellino e Pietro
*Sant Agnese and Sta. Costanza. Before 354 *Sant Agnese and Sta.Costanza, plan
*Sta. Costanza, section *Sta. Costanza, plan
*Sta. Costanza *Sarcophagus of Constantina, 354
*Sta. Costanza, ambulatory mosaic, grape harvest *Sta. Costanza, ambulatory
*Sta.Costanza, reconstruction *Sta. Costanza, dome
Sta. Costanza, dome Sta. Costanza, dome mosaic, reconstruction
Sta. Costanza,16th c. drawing of dome Nilotic scene, Algeria, 3rd c.
Sant’Agnese I and Sta. Costanza, 4th c., catacombs, Sant’Agnese II, 630
*Sant’Agnese II, plan, 630 Sta. Costanza and Sant’Agnese II
*Sant’Agnese II, section Sant’Agnese II, plan at gallery level
*Sant’Agnese II, 630 Sant’Agnese II, reused marbles
*Sant’Agnese II, apse, St. Agnes and Saints *Sant’Agnese II,apse, 630
*San Lorenzo flm (= fuori le mura), 4th (bottom)and 6th c. (top) basilicas *San Lorenzo flm, 4th and 6th c. basilicas
*San Lorenzo flm, 6th c. (Pelagian) basilica right, 13th c. addition left San Lorenzo flm, Pelagian basilica top
*San Lorenzo flm, ca. 600 (right) and ca. 1200 (left) *San Lorenzo flm, ca.600
San Lorenzo flm, 6th c. gallery *San Lorenzo flm, 6th c. basilica