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New Initiatives. The business advantage of transforming data into actionable information. SWIFT Middle East Regional Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 27-28 March, 2012. Business intelligence Leverage the insights of SWIFT traffic data and differentiate your transaction business.
New Initiatives The business advantage of transforming data into actionable information SWIFT Middle East Regional Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 27-28 March, 2012
Business intelligence • Leverage the insights of SWIFT traffic data and differentiate your transaction business • SWIFTRef • A single source for all your global payments reference data needs • Sanctions screening • Automate transaction monitoring and filtering with zero-software • MyStandards • Reduce the cost, time and increase the quality of standards management
Introduction: SWIFT statistics are uniqueGDP and SWIFT Payments show a similar trend • Year on Year quarterly growth rates * OECD Europe Q4 2010 is provisional Source: SWIFT, OECD
Global view of the SWIFT Index Nowcasting Actual & calculated based on theSWIFT Index Forecasting % growth, quarter on quarter Actual GDP growth Global GDP Actual Growth Global GDP Growth based on SWIFT Index Actual Actual & Calculated Nowcasted Forecasted Source: SWIFT, OECD
BusinessIntelligence Challenges Assess & Monitor your performance Positionyourselfin the market Base your decision making on facts and figures
Middle East vs. the World- Index evolution Customer Payments Index based on the volume (Jan 2011 as base)
Middle East vs. the World – Country view Distribution of the transactions & value of Customer Paymentsreceived by the Middle East countries
Middle East vs the World– TOP 10 currencies in absolutegrowth(Q4 2011 vs Q4 2010) Customer Payments Worldwide Number of Customer Payments received by the Middle East per currency & percentage growth 9
Business Intelligence Solutions BI WATCH / INSIGHT/ Consulting BI Services WATCH Analyzers WATCH Insight
Context around Sanctions screening • Regulatory scrutiny and enforcement of sanctions policies is increasing • Available screening solutions complex and costly to maintain • Challenges for low-volume financial institutions SWIFT is launching a centralised screening service
Scope of the SWIFT service On-boarding process Ongoing reviews Customer identification & verification Initial due diligence Customer screening Ongoing due diligence Customer & transaction monitoring Transaction screening start transacting Sanctions Screening over SWIFT is a transaction screening service: • FIN MT messages (CAT 1, 2, 4 and 7 at launch) • Real time
An innovative central screening platform Your institution notification Your correspondents • Best-in-class screening engine • Centrally hosted and operated by SWIFT • Sanctions List update service • No local software installation & integration
Sanctions screening Advanced screening engine with list management Reduce yourtotal cost of compliance with a central utility easy to implement no softwareno installationno maintenance
Standards are a necessity, but managing them can become a challenge… Standards Prone to errors Costly Resource-intensive Time consuming Automation of business processes
MyStandards is a collaborative web platform to better manage standards definitions and usage MyStandards
Base Standards:MT/MX/ISO 20022 Centralize all of your standards-related information on-line • Global market practices Content • Local market practices • Bilateral guidelines • Internal specifications Market practice groups Financial institutions
Base Standards:MT/MX/ISO 20022 Value for all actors from designers to consumers Collaborative • Publish & Collaborate Features • Implement • Analyse • Capture Market practice groups Financial institutions
Centralise all your standards information Automate user-friendlydocumentation Improve release management MyStandards Enable efficient collaboration Streamline usage guidelines management Speed up accurate implementation
The new name in reference data swiftref
SWIFTRef Utility - benefits TodayYou maintain the data Tomorrow SWIFTRef Utility BA BA EPC SSI ISO SSI EPC EBA SSI EBA SWIFT sort c. SSI SWIFT sort c. SSI SSI ISO Beneficary’s BIC Beneficiary’s acc.nb Intermediary BIC Intermed. acc. nb Intermed. bank codePayment system XFIN service Y ....... Beneficary’s BIC Beneficiary’s acc.nb Intermediary BIC Intermed. acc. nb Intermed. bank codePayment system XFIN service Y ....... Today you need to worry about maintaining payments reference data from different sources. Tomorrow, with SWIFTRef utility, you can get all this data through a channel of your choice, updated daily, fully automatically.
The Fundamental Elements Utility Everyone has access Global Geography & Payments Networks– not just SWIFT Comprehensive All data sets required for effecting payments Transparency Source of data is clear and benchmarked Flexible Output content & format – and pricing Partners Working with them –other data providers Service Data plus Information plus helpdesk facilities
SWIFTRef background – the utility T2 Licenced Banks BX ISO EPC SSI MT670 EBA Nat IDs MT094s SWIFT Beneficary’s BIC Beneficiary’s acc.nb Intermediary BIC Intermed. acc. nb Intermed. bank codePayment system XFIN service Y ....... ....... GPRU The challenge is maintaining reference data from different sources get consolidated data through a one channel via the delivery method of your choice At the frequency of your choice, fully automated or manual as you choose
SWIFTRef background – the eco-system collecting data from communities data from individual FIs Comsys SWIFTRef datacollectionteam SWIFTRefGPRU providing services to communities consolidated data services
Improving ‘legacy systems’ Complete Global Benchmarked Coverage is clear Relational Everything cross-linked Helpdesk & information services Data plus service Special services for market segments Regional services can be provided
Upgrade Programme time table Termination old products/contracts • Upgrades will be organised in “waves”. • SWIFT will pro-actively contact each customer during 2012 • No change to the BIC directory, CCH file, Bank file (Alliance)
Transaction filtering with zero-software • A single source of payments data • Differentiate your transaction business • Easy Standards management