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December 2012. High speed catenary. CONFIDENCE MOVES THE WORLD. Overview. 1 . Main catenary characteristics and power supply. Speed world record : 574,8km/h. 1. 2. 4. Test and comisionning. Historical. 3 . Feedback. 5 . 1.
December 2012 High speed catenary CONFIDENCE MOVES THE WORLD
Overview 1. Main catenarycharacteristics and power supply Speed world record : 574,8km/h 1. 2. 4. Test and comisionning Historical 3. Feedback 5.
1. • Over 50 years of public transportation experience
High Speed line - Historical Our experience fuels the entrepreneurial spirit that drives us every day The French national railway and SYSTRA have a long experience on High Speed Line. • 1981 February: World record speed at 380km/h, • 1981 September: Paris South East LGV (speed limit: 260km/h), • 1989 September: Atlantic LGV (speed limit: 300km/h), • 1990 May: World record speed at 515.3km/h, • 1993 May: North LGV (speed limit: 300km/h), • 1994 May: Channel tunnel “Eurostar”, • 2001 June: Mediterranean LGV (speed limit: 300km/h), • 2007 April: New World record speed at 574.8km/h, • 2007 June: East European LGV (speed limit: 320km/h),
2. Main characteristicscatenary and power supply • Over 50 years of public transportation experience…
Main CatenaryCharacteristics • Mechanical requirements must be met • A permanent contact with the pantograph to ensure continuousfeedingof traction current, • Amoderated uplift to reduce the effect of the wave propagated and optimize the behavior of the following pantographs • A contact force between the pantograph and the contact wire as less as possible without creating a loss of contact, for minimizing the wear of the contact wire and of the pantograph carbon bands, • Minimize the vertical movements and the hard points to reduce the phenomena of electrical arcs and flashes, • A regular wear on the entire width of the pantograph carbon band to minimize the maintenance.
Main CatenaryCharacteristics • These criteria must also be reliable: • Taking into account of the lateral movements of the current collection device due to the reactions of the rolling equipment circulating on the track (centrifugal force, deformations in the suspension gear, track defects transmitted to the bodies ... • Whatever the weather conditions (temperature variation, effect of wind on the catenary), Titre de la présentation
Main CatenaryCharacteristics • The main mechanical criteria which must, therefore be respected are : • Constant height of contact plane (5,08 m / rolling surface for example in France), • 200 mm maximum stagger in track alignment, with respect to the pantograph axis so as to spread the wear, • mast and facilities systems leaving the passage clear for circulation of the trains, according some installation rules with respect to the "Clearance" of the rolling stock, but also with respect to the track to allow installation and maintenance of the track parts. Titre de la présentation
Main Power supplyCharacteristics • Electrical requirements must be met • Transmission of traction current continuously to the rolling stock, taking into account the operating conditions and the maintenance, • Obtain the longer space between two sub stations and decrease the voltage losses, • Ensuring the safety of facilities and public with a clean and immediate switch off in case of any installation default, • Respect the air gap clearance between live parts and rolling stock, between live parts and the public whatever the weather conditions, • Quickly detect electrical incidents.
Main Power supplyCharacteristics • The main electrical criteria which must, therefore be respected are: • A power supply made of 2 x 25 kV AC – 50 Hz with autotransformers in Europe. This solution allows about 60 km spacing between 2 substations with some autotransformers placed every 10 km, • A power supply model based on separated tracks : that allows to isolate electrical or catenary incident and to continue the exploitation, • All metallic parts are connected together with a protection circuit (aerial and buried earth wire), • The use of phase breaker between to substation. Titre de la présentation
Principle of power supply : 2 x 25 kV AC – 50 Hz Titre de la présentation
Examples of power supplyequipment Titre de la présentation
Main Characteristics • Main Characteristics table
Fitting design Titre de la présentation
Main wireCharacteristics • Catenary Characteristics
Main wireCharacteristics Titre de la présentation
3 3. • Testing and commisionning Titre de la présentation
Test & Commissioning Our unique expertise • Once the high speed line is built, Systra will methodically carry out the line testing. • We will undertake the safety case, safety checks and test the implementation of each component until the line can enter into service. Titre de la présentation
4. • Feedback Titre de la présentation
How to improve the design in High Speed Rail ? • Contributed to every French High Speed Rail line (over 2,000 km - 1,243 mi) • The SEA project (South East of Atlantic) : about 300 km of double tracks, test and commissioning 2017, • Over 30-years experience of developing high speed rail networks throughout the world and with the help of simulation softwares (Esmeralda, Oscar, etc.), • Unique rail operator experience through SNCF ownership, • Our collaboration with SNCF allows us to benefit from their experience feedback • Try to beat, when it’s possible, our High Speed Rail World record (574.8 km/h - 357.2 mph). Titre de la présentation
Esmeralda : Dimensionning and optimizing the power supplysizing • This software allows: • to dimension the traction installations for a given level, • to compare power supply solutions, • to verify if existing equipment can cope with changes in traffic, characterized by one or more parameters (reduced headway, increased loads, higher speeds, ,etc.) Titre de la présentation
Oscar : pantograph-catenarydynamic interaction behavior • This software allowsto : • Simulate the behavior of the anykind of catenarywith one or severalpantographs (calculate the uplift, the meanload, the maximum and minimum load) • Tackle the challenge of increasing speed, • Determine the overheating. Titre de la présentation
SNCF Feedback Titre de la présentation
5. • World record speed at 574,8km/h
East European Line : speed world record • Characteristics of TGV East European line • Length: ≈ 300 kilometers, • Very High Voltage (VHV) at the primary side of the traction transformer : 225000 Volts and 400000 Volts, • Traction substations: 5 (2x27500V – 50Hz), • Autotransformers: 22. Titre de la présentation
Data • Main modifications required to perform the speed world record