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Michigan Merit Curriculum & Personal Curriculum Modification: For general education and special education. March 11, 2008 Mason-Lake and Oceana Intermediate School Districts. Table Activity. What credits are required for graduation?
Michigan Merit Curriculum &Personal Curriculum Modification: For general education and special education March 11, 2008 Mason-Lake and Oceana Intermediate School Districts
Table Activity • What credits are required for graduation? • Which of these credits can be modified for a general education student? • Which of these credits can be modified for a special education student?
Getting to Credit • Credit must be aligned with subject area content expectations
Personal Curriculum • Legislative Requirements: • Agreement between the superintendent, parent/guardian, and the student ; initiated by parent • Developed by a team that must include at least • student • parent/guardian • counselor/designee • school psychologist should be included for students with disabilities • Aligned with the EDP • Measurable goals • Method to evaluate progress • Communication of progress with parent • PC Leads to a REGULAR dipolma
Allowable Modification for a General Education Student • http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/faq12_178604_7.pdf • No modification of ELA, Science, World Languages, or On-line Learning • Specific modifications for math, social studies, VPAA, PE/Health
Modifications Health and Physical Education and Visual, Performing and Applied Arts • Student takes additional credit beyond the required credits in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Languages
Modifications Social Studies • The third credit may be modified if the student takes an additional credit (beyond the required credits) in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Language • 2 credits required, including civics
Subsection (k)Special Education Students • Permits consideration of modifications “not otherwise allowed” • PC allows some credit “swapping” and some content modification • Modification is subject to “demonstration that the modification is necessary because the pupil is a child with a disability” • Permits the modification “to be made to the extent necessary”
The modification must be consistent with the Educational Development Plan and the Individualized Education Program • This determination is made by at least • student • parent/guardian • counselor/designee • school psychologist should be included for students with disabilities
Link to IDEA • If a pupil receives special education services, the pupil's IEP shall identify • the appropriate course or courses of study and • the supports, accommodations, and modifications necessary to allow the pupil to progress in the curricular requirements of the MMC or PC and meet the requirements for a diploma.
Accountability • NCLB and IDEA 04 hold State and Public Agencies accountable for the performance of students with disabilities within a structure of state standards. • While it is allowable to account for growth and performance for some of these students on alternative achievement standards it is not appropriate to create a different path to graduation.
Accountability • IDEA defines what is not a diploma and therefore defines what is a diploma. • Section 300.102(a)(3), regarding exceptions to FAPE, has been changed to clarify that a regular high school diploma does not include an alternative degree that is not fully aligned with the State’s academic standards, such as a certificate or a general educational development credential (GED). • In this context, nothing from the MDE can counter the accountability framework that NCLB and IDEA create.
Some Things Seems to Be Very Clear • We cannot substitute alternative content and count achievement within that content towards the 18 credit requirements. • We cannot reduce the number of credits. • The IEP supports but does not trump the graduation requirements. • There are no plans for a Special Education curriculum that will lead to a separate diploma. • No such thing as a modified diploma. • Kids who don’t get a diploma are not doomed to fail in life. • Districts can issue alternative certificates but they do not end FAPE.
Transfer Students • Student has successfully completed the equivalent of 2 years of high school credit out of state or at a nonpublic school. • Districts may use appropriate assessment examinations to determine what credits were earned out of state or at a nonpublic school • The Personal Curriculum incorporates as much of the subject area content expectations of the Michigan merit standard as is practicable. • Student successfully completes at least 1 mathematics credit during final year of high school. • Credit must be at least Algebra 1 if enrolled at least 1 year • Next credit above Algebra 1 if student has demonstrated success in Algebra1 • Student must take Civics
Michigan Merit CurriculumPersonal Curriculum ModificationPart II March 11, 2008 Mason-Lake and Oceana Intermediate School Districts
Goals for this session • Have in place the forms necessary to make a PC happen in your school district • Provide some consistency across districts on the PC process and forms • Provide an opportunity for cross-district discussions
Discussion • Where is your district in the process of developing a PC plan for students? • Has anybody had a request for a PC for a student? • How will you “advertise” this to parents? Will you “advertise” it?
NC RESA Forms • Request • Timeline • Eligibility • Each group look at one form and recommend changes
NC RESA Forms • ELA • MATH • SCIENCE • Social studies • VPAA • On-Line • Health • World Languages • Each group look at one form and recommend changes
Example of a Completed PC • How do we fit in the individual HSCE for special education students?
Discussion • Cut Scores • Assessments for Granting Credit • Technology for Tracking Students • Next Steps