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List & Review Questions

List & Review Questions. Jeramie Cooper mw Alyssa Rodgers mw mpt Ben Sgmmato mw Julie Wheeler mw Bart Ziobro mw mpt Bismark Obeng- Mensah mw mpt Zack Hill mpt

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List & Review Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. List & Review Questions

  2. Jeramie Cooper mw Alyssa Rodgers mw mpt Ben Sgmmato mw Julie Wheeler mw Bart Ziobro mw mpt Bismark Obeng- Mensah mw mpt Zack Hill mpt Chelsea Reilly mpt mw = missing work mp = missing presentation topic

  3. Review Questions (50 pts.) What is a word that literally means “the study of death and dying?” Why is Elizabeth Kubler Ross considered a pioneer in the death & dying movement? List the 5 Stages of Dying. In what other circumstances (besides dying) might someone experience these stages (list 3) 5) Two stages are most difficult for the family of the dying patent to accept: anger and acceptance. Why? 6) Which stage serves as a “cushion?” Why do we say this is necessary? 7) List 6 Guidelines in Dealing with the Dying.

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