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Landsat – A key climate sensor

Landsat – A key climate sensor. Compton Tucker NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland and Climate Change Science Program Washington DC. Houston, We Have a Problem…. We are altering our planet’s climate. 385 ppm now. Atmospheric CO 2 since 1740.

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Landsat – A key climate sensor

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Landsat – A key climate sensor Compton Tucker NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland and Climate Change Science Program Washington DC

  2. Houston, We Have a Problem… We are altering our planet’s climate

  3. 385 ppm now Atmospheric CO2 since 1740 Different d CO2 slopes d time reflect techno-economic conditions

  4. What? Me worry?

  5. What do we need to be rescued from?

  6. Landsat – A key climate sensor Absolutely crucial land climate sensors: Landsat 1972 – now AVHRR-MODIS-VIIRS continuum 1981 -- now Lidar for the 3rd Dimension (DESDnyI) Why? Land use, land cover change Carbon cycle land Cryosphere, etc.

  7. Landsat – A key climate sensor Why? 30 m spatial resolution close-to-perfect match to surface variability (Townshend and Justice 1988) Spectral bands are well situated Repeat cycle OK Excellent data system

  8. Tropical Glaciers of Peru & Bolivia: Landsat data from 1972 to 2008 Compton Tucker, Tim Killeen, and Dan Slayback NASA/GSFC Code 610 & Conservation International 90% of world’s tropical glaciers are in Peru (70%) and Bolivia (20%) 5500-6500+ m elevations, summer growth/winter recession

  9. Study Area and Landsat Scenes Used (WRS-2)

  10. Cordillera Blanca Peru 2006

  11. Cordillera Blanca22-Jul-2006 / TM5 / 543

  12. Landsat-4/5 TM Data Used

  13. Tropical Glaciers of Peru & Bolivia:1982-1986: 2,854 km22006-2007: 2,150 km2 90% of world’s tropical glaciers are in Peru (70%) and Bolivia (20%) 5500-6500+ m elevations, summer growth/winter recession

  14. How to enhance Landsat • Landsat exploits the spatial & spectral domains • 30 m spatial resolution excellent • Excellent spectral band selection • Exploit the time domain (e.g. AVHRR, MODIS, Seawifs, etc.) but at 30 m spatial resolution with TM/ETM spectral bands • Wider field of view, 4-5 day repeat cycle • Build multiple instruments (e.g. Landsat-5’s TM) = Continuity!!

  15. Tropical Air Temperature

  16. Cloud cover variations 1978 to 2004

  17. Cloud cover variations 1978 to 2004

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