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CA State 4-H Futures Task Force: Recommendations for the Future. Facilitator: Keeley Mooneyhan, HR Matters Inc. April 3, 2014. Today’s Goals. Agenda. Review Previous Recommendations Review Organization Subcommittee Recommendations Next Steps. Approve Drafted Recommendations
CA State 4-H Futures Task Force: Recommendations for the Future Facilitator: Keeley Mooneyhan, HR Matters Inc. April 3, 2014
Today’s Goals Agenda • Review Previous Recommendations • Review Organization Subcommittee Recommendations • Next Steps • Approve Drafted Recommendations • Identify final FTF meeting
Shared Expectations • Partner, share, and build trusting relationships • Be the voice of innovation, change and opportunity • Help 4-H evolve • Make 4-H relevant and important • Speak of aspirations • Lead by example
Guiding Principles Taskforce Goals • Strengthen program delivery: Connect People, Resources, Programs, Tools, and Technology • Accelerate distribution of information, education, and learning • Honor and respect the past while leading 4-H’s next evolution • Identify “Best Practices” to grow, develop, and support 4-H across CA Outcomes • Be committed to the mission, vision, and pillars of 4-H • Appreciate different perspectives of 4-H • Create a future where 4-H is considered a cornerstone of Youth Development • Identify areas of shared interest and value to the organization and commit to preserve what’s great and to evolve what can be better Overall Experience Goals • Minimize “Negativity” • Establish Trust and Grow Partnerships • Build Excitement & Maintain Momentum • Create Interest • Gain/Retain Youth, Volunteer, and Community Engagement and Participation • Empower Youth • Drive Commitment • Set the Stage for Success (Expectation Setting) • Recognize Uniqueness
Our Journey . . . Context Alignment • Understand the history of 4-H • Identify some of the opportunities for the future • Discover and Discuss Opportunities to “Make The Best Better” • Identify Areas of Interest • Draft Priorities • Confirm areas of interest • Set Priorities • Collect recommendations Recommendations Insights • Collect and share statewide feedback • Identify statewide themes for opportunity and preservation • Draft Recommendations for the future
Where Are We today? Current Conversation
The Roadmap to the Future Vision, Mission,and Objectives FTF Strategy Priorities Organization Objectives Vision Mission 1. Make the Best Better 2. Learn by Doing Healthy, happy, thriving people who make a positive difference in their communities The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program engages youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development Public Relations Organize 4-H to best meet the growing and changing needs of the members, volunteers, and supporters to better position growth for the next 100+ years Organization Public Relations Engagement • Define a consistent 4-H organizational management framework, tools and resource library • Advance organizational alignment, synergy and funding capture capabilities to increase funding, reduce costs, and increase resources • Develop a 4-H PR plan and associated marketing materials • Build Public Relations efforts in coordination with public values initiative to increase public awareness to the positive impact 4-H offers as a youth development organization Engagement • Enhance alignment of the various 4-H stakeholders through intentional relationship building, training, sharing, and communications • Ensure staff, volunteer, and member capabilities continually evolve to make the best better • Build cross-organization training, cultural sensitivity (generational, rural/urban, ethnic), communications, and change management processes • Share learning and continuously increase the competence of all volunteers, staff, and members Communications Communication Funding Funding • Develop, define, and implement robust communication strategies and best practices to reach each individual member/volunteer • Determine multiple methods for information delivery; especially for areas without access to internet Increase awareness, visibility, outreach and participation in the program. Build and improve relationships with members, potential members, leaders, and external advocates; increase knowledge of programs/opportunities; recruit more members to participate; increase delivery modes of 4-H; and increase diversity by reaching more people in our communities Increase communication across the 4-H organization, share opportunities across sections, and improve the flow of information.
Engagement Recommendations Engagement is how we interact, recruit and retain youth and adults in the program. Relationships and being part of a community are real tangible benefits from being part of 4-H. We want to increase outreach and participation in the program, particularly among underserved and underrepresented populations. 4-H needs to represent the diversity of the communities we serve and provide rich and diverse programs. Build and improve relationships with members, potential members and volunteers, and external advocates; increase knowledge of programs/opportunities; recruit and retain more members and volunteers; and increase diversity of youth and volunteer participants.
Communication Recommendations Communication is the exchange of information, ideas, and access to tools. Information doesn’t flow easily through the 4-H organization in any direction. Despite efforts to push information down from the State to the local levels, information doesn’t get to every individual and locally information doesn’t always flow back up to the State so that information becomes 2-way. It is important to consider the best communication strategies to reach every individual member/volunteer and ensure access for the majority if not all involved.
Public Relations Recommendations Public Relations is the process of creating and maintaining a favorable public image. 4-H could benefit from a robust public image campaign to increase positive awareness, visibility, outreach, and participation in the program.
Organization Recommendations Organization refers to how 4-H as a body of people is organized for governance, administration, and delivery of programs. How 4-H is organized in CA may impact communication, what we do, and access to resources. The CA 4-H organization is complex and has multiple areas which have become unintentionally siloed. An organization should be established to best meet the growing and changing needs of the members, volunteers, families and supporters; and to help 4-H grow for the next 100+ years. Organization should address administration, management, program development and delivery, and funding challenges and create additional opportunities for efficiency and combined synergies for shared success and growth.
4-H FTF Subcommittee on Organization Recommendations: Proposed Outcome Summary Based on our discussions there were several clear themes which emerged and should be at the basis for any organizational design initiative: Collaboration, Communication, Operational Efficiency, Transparency, and Cross-Organizational Alignment CA 4-H has a unique operational and support structure in cooperation, oversight, and shared ownership with the USDA, State of CA through the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Local Counties, multiple volunteer organizations, and 4-H youth/adult participants. Not to mention, funding and program support are often provided by external partners, grants, and fund development in and around our communities. We cannot change the organizational ownership; however, one of the ways we might move forward is to think in terms of “One 4-H” and how we can drive towards an outcome where CA 4-H operates as “One 4-H Organization”.
The Key Objectives • An organization should be established to best meet the growing and changing needs of the members, volunteers, families and supporters; and to help 4-H grow for the next 100+ years • An organization should address administration, management, program development and delivery, and funding challenges and create additional opportunities for efficiency and combined synergies for shared success and growth • An effective structure for the California Youth Development Program should further empower and give youth and adult volunteers greater authority in the program • A structure should focus on 4-H Public Relations, Youth and Adult Engagement, and Fund Development as well as expand the programmatic focus at the state level • The structure needs to improve communication and minimize administrative and management responsibilities
Recommendations • Recommended Organizational Framework • Recommended Steps for Planning & Implementation of Organization • Defining the Details of the Organization • Planning & Validation • Implementation • Immediate Actions to Drive for Increased Partnership
1 Recommended Organizational Framework
The Approach The steps followed to get to the following organization proposal: • Subcommittee members provided feedback on current organization pros/cons and recommended solutions • Identification of what work needs to be done, how the work should be done (at high-level), and who is involved. • Assessed the best organizational approach to accomplish the work, meet the defined objectives, and incorporate recommended solutions
Themes from Feedback focus of the subcommittee • High Level Framework (high level org components, purpose, and how work gets done) • Break down the siloes • Shared goals • Engagement of volunteers • Organization addresses recommendations of 4-H FTF: PR, Marketing (branding), outreach, recruiting, communication • State Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) • Deep Dive (drilling down on org details) • Selection process • Communications framework • Reduce/streamline administrative aspects (paperwork) as much as possible • Improve efficiency • Expand outreach • Diversity
Programs/Events Management • Program Working Teams • Volunteers, Youth, Community Partners & Staff • SET (with sub programs) • Healthy Living (with sub programs) • Citizenship • Leadership & Public Speaking • State Ambassadors • Collegiate 4-H • Management Committees: • State Staff, Volunteers, Youth, Community Partners, Funders • Marketing & PR • Fund Development • Adult & Youth Engagement • Communications • Incentives & Recognition • Treasury and Budget • Policy • Peer Review • Community Advisory Academic Advisory Teams State & County Staff (SET, Healthy Living, Camping, Citizenship, Thrive) Statewide Event Coordination (Administration & logistics) State Staff Sectional Council Members participate in committees or act as advisory panel Board of Directors Volunteers, Youth, Community/Funding Partners, Academics & Staff Delivery Mechanisms • Delivery Working Teams • State & County Staff, Volunteers, Youth • Afterschool • Camping • Military Sectional/Regional Program Delivery Teams State Staff – Regional Partner Volunteers & Youth – Sectional Councils
2 Recommended Steps for Planning & Implementation – Step 1 Step 1: Defining the Details of the Organization Form small working team to: • Create organization model from framework • Define roles & responsibilities for board of directors, committees and working teams • Confirm numbers and make-up of board, committees and working teams • Develop selection criteria, including diversity goals • Communication Framework
Recommended Steps for Planning & Implementation – Step 2 Step 2: Planning & Validation • Planning: identify & execute on actions that need to be completed in order to implement new organization framework. This will include: • Recruiting for board • Recruiting for new committees & working teams • Recruiting community partners • Validation: test your assumptions re: how organization will be successful by collecting feedback
Recommended Steps for Planning & Implementation – Step 3 Step 3: Implementation • Implement new org framework July 2015 • Build and execute on communications plan • Develop change management plan and execute
3 Immediate Actions to Drive for Increased Partnership • Increase State/Sectional Partnership • Recommend immediately assigning state staff for each sectional council • State staff will bring information from the state and coordinate with council president to define annual goals with the council providing feedback to the state • Reach out to the county to determine better avenues of partnership with volunteers
Relationship Between Sectional and State Councils and State 4-H Office • State 4-H Office is responsible for all sectional and state events/activities. • County Directors did not want to be responsible for sectional and state events (and do not have authority/jurisdiction over sectional and state events). • County Directors requested that county staff be removed from responsibilities of planning and implementing sectional and state council activities/events. • Main responsibility of county staff/academics is to support their county programming.
Provide Additional Recommendations • Recommendations will continue to be collected until May • Same format will be used to collect recommendations • Please remember to be solution-focused. If raising an issue, do not submit without a recommendation to solve.
What’s Next for the FTF? • Roll-out to broader community • Webinars • Reconvene to review and finalize recommendations to the state • Disband
Organization Framework RecommendationDefinitions - Participants • State Staff – state employee with responsibilities that include 4-H • County Staff - county staff with responsibilities that include 4-H • Volunteers – adults who volunteer their time to help promote 4-H • Youth – youth members • Community Partners – anyone who is not already engaged in 4H but involved in an organization associated with community youth or company with an interest in youth development core 4-H areas.
Organization Framework RecommendationDefining How the Work Gets Done (high-level) – Management • Board of Directors- will have oversight/management authority over particular 4-H management areas and oversees recommendations/work done by the management committees and other working teams. • Management Committees – each management committee will have a chairman who will serve on the board of directors. The committee will be comprised of a representative group of 4-H members, adult volunteers, community partners, county staff, state YDP staff to create recommendations for the operation and management of the 4-H YDP. They will distribute the information and share with other work teams. • Councils –advisory body of volunteer & youth delegates from sections/local counties. May participate in management committees or act as a panel to provide input/recommendations for committee proposals. Also focus on sectional events.
Organizational Framework RecommendationDefining How the Work Gets Done (high-level) – Programs/Events • Program Work Teams – groups with a diverse and representative group of 4-H YDP youth, volunteers, and staff focused on specific 4-H area. Work on identifying issues, studying needs, creating educational materials, and designing learning experiences that address these issues and needs within specific content areas • Academic Advisory Teams – groups involving faculty, staff (school & county level) and extension educators researching and designing learning experiences for youth development within specific content areas
Organizational Framework RecommendationDefining How the Work Gets Done (high-level) – Delivery Mechanisms • Delivery Working Teams – state, county staff, youth & volunteers focus on how 4-H programs are delivered beyond the clubs • Sectional/Regional Program Delivery Teams –state staff assigned to partner with sectional councils in order to deliver programs in their respective regions