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Entering Activity. Participants check-in on chart paper by signing name under emotion Happy, Sad, Tired. Content adapted from CSEFEL: Infant Toddler Module 2 Preschool Module 2 What Works Brief # 21. CSEFEL Parenting Resources Book Nooks http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu.
Entering Activity • Participants check-in on chart paper by signing name under emotion • Happy, Sad, Tired
Content adapted from CSEFEL:Infant Toddler Module 2 Preschool Module 2 What Works Brief # 21 CSEFEL Parenting Resources Book Nooks http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu
Promoting Social Emotional Competence Individualized Intensive Interventions Social Emotional Teaching Strategies Designing Supportive Environments Building Positive Relationships
Agenda Participants will learn more about… • Helping infants and toddlers to communicate emotions and build social skills • Using strategies that build social skills and emotional literacy • Using activities to build social skills and emotional literacy • Using infant-toddler books with social-emotional themes - “CSEFEL Book Nooks”
CSEFEL Definition of Social Emotional Development • Developing the capacity of young children to form close and secure adult and peer relationships; • Experience, regulate, and express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways; and • Explore the environment and learn - all in the context of family, community, and culture. Adapted with permission from ZERO TO THREE’s definition of infant mental health, 2001
What is Emotional Literacy? Emotional Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, and respond to emotions in oneself and others in a healthy way.
Children with a Strong Foundationin Emotional Literacy: • tolerate frustration better • get into fewer fights • engage in less destructive behavior • are healthier • are less lonely • are less impulsive • are more focused • have greater academic achievement
Activity “Table Talk” With your table mates… Write a list of feeling words that you would most want to teach the children you work with.
Identifying Feelings in Self and Others • Learning words for different feelings • Empathy training • Learning to recognize how someone else is feeling • Facial cues • Body language • Tone of voice • Situational cues • Learning how to control anger, relax, and calm down
Enhancing Emotional Literacy… Direct Teaching Indirect Teaching Use of Songs and Games How would you feel if…? Checking In Feeling Dice and Feeling Wheel Use of Children’s Literature
Strategies: What Can Adults Do? • Name Your Own Feelings & Model Response • Label/Name Children’s Feelings • Help Children Regulate/Manage Own Feelings • Help Children Negotiate Feelings in Conflict • Recognize Healthy Emotional Expression
Activities: What Can Adults Do? • Sing Songs • Puppets and Finger Play • Read Stories with Feeling Words • Embed Feelings Activities in Routines • Play Games
Use of Songs and GamesSample Song • If you are happy and you know it…add new verses to teach feelings • If you’re sadand you know it, cry a tear “boo hoo” • If you’re mad and you know it, use your words “I’m mad” • If you’re scared and you know it ask for help, “help me” • If you’re happy and you know it, hug a friend • If you’re tired and you know it, give a yawn.
Feeling Activities • Book of Feeling Faces of children in class • Pass the Hat • Feeling Face Collage • Feeling Face Charades • Feelings Checking In • Feeling Face Hunt • Pretend Play to Act Out Feelings • Baby-Safe Puppets • Play Peek-A-Boo • Mirror, Mirror
Sample Game Make a _____ face.
Checking In How do you feel today? • Teachers and children can “check in” each morning by choosing a feeling face that best describes their affective state and putting it next to their name. Children can be encouraged to change their feeling faces throughout the day as their feelings change.
Emotional Literacy Games and Activities • Partner with members of center/preschool or five others around you • Examine all activities • Think and share what would work best for teaching emotions in your setting
Book Nookshttp://www.csefel.uiuc.edu/practical-ideas.html On Monday When it Rained Glad Monster Sad Monster Hands Are Not for Hitting
CSEFEL Book Nooks • http://csefel/vanderbilt.edu/resources/strategies.html • Description of the book • Examples of activities that can be used to expand social-emotional concepts • Before and after reading the book • During circle time and reading activities • During other classroom routines • In classroom areas and activity centers
Use the same book over consecutive days Reading the same book for several days in a row is a great way to provide opportunities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to develop a sense of competence and confidence, which is an important part of social/emotional development.
Social/Emotional Skill from reading over consecutive days They become able to turn pages, point at and label pictures, talk about the story, predict what will happen next, learn new vocabulary words, talk about their own experiences in relation to the story, and even make up their own story!
With Each Book Nook Think about the emotion or skill you want to teach: Before you read: • Ask child open-ended questions about the emotion or social skill • Name the main emotion/social skill of the story As you read: • Point to/look at faces, emotional expression of characters and talk about the expressions • Talk about the fact that feelings can change • Predict what might happen next • Involve the children in the story with activity • Sing a song or rhyme about the emotion/skill
With Each Book Nook Think about the emotion or skill you want to teach: After you read: • Connect it to their everyday life and experiences • Set up activities in centers and in routines to reinforce emotion or social skill
CSEFEL Book Nook Activity • Give participants an actual book nook • Assign participants a routine or activity center and have them develop activity to support emotional literacy in that routine or center • Write out on chart paper and share back
Characteristics of Classrooms • That Foster Emotional Literacy • *Books about feelings are read and are available in the story center. • Photos of people with various emotional expressions are displayed. • Teachers label their own feelings. • Teachers notice and label children’s feelings. • Activities are planned to teach and reinforce emotional literacy. • Children are reinforced for using feeling words. • Efforts occur daily.