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Benefits of virtualizing the OC/RDC Platform

Benefits of virtualizing the OC/RDC Platform. Hakim Rachidi & Nicolas Bergmann. Abstract.

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Benefits of virtualizing the OC/RDC Platform

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  1. Benefits of virtualizing the OC/RDC Platform Hakim Rachidi & Nicolas Bergmann

  2. Abstract In this presentation you will see how Quintiles has benefited from migrating the entire OC/RDC Platform from Physical to Virtual using the Oracle VM Technology.  The migration provides an Oracle Clinical RDC environment as a service as well as reducing the cost. We will explain why the Oracle VM Hypervisor with Oracle Enterprise Linux Guests connected to an LDAP Server, is the best choice compared to an Hardware solution to be Cloud ready. This eliminates physical database servers and physical application servers. Performance is always a challenge.  We will demonstrate the benefit of balancing transactional activity versus reporting and exports through the usage of Oracle Data Guard.  We will summarize how the combination of a Mutualized environment with Fast Provisioning can easily address current and future business needs by following the Oracle Certification Matrix.


  4. From physical to virtual Physical Architecture Virtual Architecture Virtual Server Architecture Data Deduplication Databases < 20G < 500G (Medium Load) > 500G (High Load) 4 x BL870 Itanium HPUX 11iv2 64 GB MC Service Guard

  5. From physical to virtual Physical Architecture Virtual Architecture Virtual Server Architecture Data Deduplication Databases Virtual guest 5u7 5u7 5u8 5u8 6u3 6u3 Hypervisors

  6. Fromphysical to virtual Physical Architecture Virtual Architecture Virtual Server Architecture Data Deduplication Operating System Swap Oracle Binaries Data Archives Redo Logs Oracle Entreprise linux NFS repositories RAW Devices – Direct attachements OS SWAP Oracle Binaries Database

  7. Fromphysical to virtual Physical Architecture Virtual Architecture Virtual Server Architecture Data Deduplication Oracle Binaries Oracle Oracle Oracle Entreprise linux Name = Vm_02 Oracle

  8. Fromphysical to virtual Physical Architecture Virtual Architecture Virtual Server Architecture Data Deduplication NFS repository = data deduplication efficiency (64%) NFS Mount OS SWAP As an example: 100GB  36GB

  9. Oracle VM BenefitsFAST PROVISIONING Entreprise Manager 12c Oracle VM Manager 3.1

  10. Fast provisioning Enterprise Manager 12c Easy integration Process example Demo Entreprise Manager 12c Oracle VM Manager

  11. Fast provisioning Enterprise Manager 12c Easy integration Process example Demo

  12. Fast provisioning Enterprise Manager 12c Easy integration Process example Demo VM Deployment from Template • OS Version • CPU • Memory Enterprise 12c agent System Ready to use • LDAP Authentication • Virtual Machine • OperatingSystem • Agent • Database • System Ready Network • Retrieve IP addresses Disks • Oracle binaries • Oracle Data Database Installation or Clone • Clone a Database template or Fresh install from Install Disks 12

  13. Fast provisioning Enterprise Manager 12c Easy integration Process example Demo Demorecorded


  15. Physical Performances I/O Performances 20gb 20gb 20gb nfs 20gb 20gb 20gb Rawdevice

  16. Oracle VM BenefitsSOFTWARE PERFORMANCES Compare performance between HP-UX and Virtualized System Useddatabasestakenfrom a real Oracle Clinical production database Samephysicalstorage and connectivityconstraints

  17. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Physical HP BL870c 2x Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series processors (1.59 GHz, 18 MB, 4 cores)  8 LogicalCPUs 64 GB of Physical Memory 300 GB Lun stored on a FAS 2020 (450 Gb x 27 disks) OS : HP-UX 11iv3 Virtual HP ProLiant BL460c G7 2x Intel(R) XeonCPU X5660 (2.80 GHz, 12 MB, 6 cores HT)  24 LogicalCPUs 92 GB of Physical Memory 300 GB Lun stored on a FAS 2020 (450 Gb x 27 disks) 8 8 LogicalCPUs 6 16 GB of Physical Memory OOS : RedHat Enterprise Linux Server 5.5 Paravirtualized Hosts

  18. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Databases Setup for performance testing Clone of a production Database Configuration of the cloneddatabase on UNIX Full Database Export of the cloneddatabase Full Database Import on LINUX Upgrade of Oracle Clinical RDC to 4.6.5 Configuration of the Linux database Heterogeneousenvironment Operating System : HP-UX vs Linux Disk : VxFS vs EXT4 Oracle Database : vs Oracle Clinical RDC : 4.6.0 vs 4.6.5

  19. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Oracle Binaries : NFS Oracle Data : Fiber Channel as RawDevice Memory sized to avoid swap Sized CPU to avoidbottleneck Sized Configuration No partitioning • Similar Oracle Databasememoryparameters: • db_block_size=16K • memory_max_target=16G • pga_aggregate_target=2G • sga_max_size=6G • …

  20. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion • Popular Oracle Databaseloadgenerationtool (OLTP) • Algorithmused : TPC-C • Expectedresult • Averagenumber of Transactions per minute • AutomaticWorkloadRepository report

  21. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion 50 Warehouses

  22. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion BATCH VALIDATION • Real business case • Relevence of the Data for the performance testing : • Number of responses : 260 587 989 • Number of pages with data : 4 925 091 • Testingstudy (Cardiology) : • Number of patients with data : 14 977 • Number of pages : 953 309 • Number of responses : 31 569 033 • Number of procedures : 1 083 • Batch validation flag reset tool

  23. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Mount points opt. : delaylog, nodatainlog, mincache=direct, delaylog, convosync=direct, noatime filesystemio_options : SETALL

  24. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Mount points opt. : rw, noatime filesystemio_options : SETALL disk_asynch_io : TRUE

  25. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion BATCH VALIDATION

  26. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion BATCH VALIDATION

  27. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion Key Parameters • File Systems : • Type • Mount options • Oracle databaseparameters : • filesystemio_options • disk_async_io • Oracle Database version ? • Operating System ?

  28. Software Performances Overview Physical Virtual Conclusion To summarize Hugebenefit to switch to virtual


  30. Data Performances Efficiency Introduction Oracle Data Guard Oracle RAC • Clinicaldatabaseparallelactivities : • Oracle Clinical interactive users • Oracle Clinical RDC interactive users • Batch Validation sessions & single procedure • Checks online • Reporting & Metrics jobs processing • Data Exports • Other application connected on the OC MetadataRepository • …  This cangeneratedatabaselatency and bottleneck

  31. Data Performances Efficiency Introduction Oracle Data Guard Oracle RAC Today Solution : Oracle Data Guard QOS Interactive Transactions GOLD SILVER Gold BRONZE 15 min • Storage • Hardware • Availability • … Reporting Bronze

  32. Data Performances Efficiency Introduction Oracle Data Guard Oracle RAC FUTURE : Oracle Real Application Cluster QOS GOLD SILVER BRONZE Oracle Net Services • Hardware • Availability • … Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 hb hb Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 hb hb Gold Silver Bronze Oracle RAC

  33. Oracle VM BenefitsCOSTS

  34. Costs

  35. Oracle VM BenefitsCONCLUSION

  36. Conclusion • Costreduction • Performance gain • Delivery time reduction • OfferFlexibility & Scalability • Cloud ready

  37. Questions & Answers

  38. THANK YOU Contacts Hakim Rachidi hakim.rachidi@quintiles.com Nicolas Bergmannn nicolas.bergmann@quintiles.com

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