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Elective Offerings 2012-2013. Elective Offerings 2012-2013. Rising Sophomores. Here’s a Preview of Your Registration Form.
Elective Offerings 2012-2013 Elective Offerings 2012-2013 Rising Sophomores
Here’s a Preview of Your Registration Form If you are planning to take a class that is “Application Only,” you will still need to select 6 electives. If you are selected for an “application only” program, one of your electives will be removed and replaced with the course for which you applied. Keep this in mind when you register for classes in a couple of weeks. You will be asked to select 6 electives and number them with priority (1 being highest priority). Please do this on your sample registration form as we review each class but realize that you are NOT registering for classes today.
Graduation Requirements: Electives & Foreign Language • Elective Graduation Requirement: all students must have at least 3 electives that are from CTAE, Foreign Language, or Fine Art. • You can fulfill this requirements by having any combination of electives (from those departments). For example, Art, Band and Spanish (2 fine arts + Modern Language) or Drafting I, II, and III (3 CTAE). • If you plan to go to a technical school or junior college you may not have to take a foreign language, 4 year colleges and universities do require you to take 2 years of the same language to meet admissions requirements for that school!
MCHS Offerings • Agriculture Education (CTAE) • Business and Computer Science (CTAE) • Construction (CTAE) • Family and Consumer Science (CTAE) • Early Childhood Education (CTAE) • Band (Fine Art) • Art (Fine Art) • Chorus (Fine Art) • Drama (Fine Art) • Foreign Language • PE—these courses do not meet CTAE/Fine Arts/Foreign Language requirements • Academic Electives—these courses do not meet CTAE/Fine Arts/Foreign Language requirements
Agriculture • Basic Agriculture: The course introduces the major areas of scientific agricultural production and research; presents problem solving lessons and introductory skills and knowledge in agricultural science and agri-related technologies. • Animal Production & Management: The goal of this course is to provide all students instruction in establishing and managing agricultural animal enterprises; includes instruction in selecting, breeding, feeding, caring for, and marketing beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and poultry. • ¤Animal Science: As part of the Agriscience pathway program of study, this course is designed to introduce students to the scientific principles that underlie the breeding and husbandry of agricultural animals, and the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural animal products. ¤--Meets 4th science requirement and counts toward HOPE GPA **--NOT Board of Regents Approved for admissions requirements!!
Agriculture • Ag. Mech Tech I:This laboratory course is designed to provide students with introductory level experiences in selected major areas of agricultural mechanics technology which may include small engine maintenance and repair, metal fabrication, wood working, electrical wiring, and maintenance of agricultural machinery, equipment, and tractor operation. • ¤ Forest Science**The course covers establishing forests by natural and artificial means, maintaining and surveying forests, identifying and protecting trees, practicing silviculture, measuring trees and land, mapping, preparing for timber sales and harvest, employing multiple-use resource management, keeping records, and figuring taxes ¤--Meets 4th science requirement and counts toward HOPE GPA
Agriculture • ¤Horticulture:The course introduces the major concepts of plant and horticulture science. This course is designed to provide students with the skills and methods to produce, process, and market plants used for ornamental, recreational, and aesthetic purposes. • ¤Wildlife Management** The course includes instruction in the history of wildlife management, ecological concepts, habitat assessment, habitat management techniques for wildlife, population dynamics, predator-prey relationships, wildlife species biology and identification, human-wildlife conflict resolution, the role of hunting in conservation, game and fish laws and regulations, hunters safety, and the application of scientific principles to managing wildlife habitat and populations. • Nursery and Landscaping: This course is designed to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge utilized by the green industry in nursery production and management and landscape design and management. Classroom and laboratory activities are supplemented through supervised agricultural experiences and leadership programs and activities. ¤--Meets 4th science requirement and counts toward HOPE GPA **--NOT Board of Regents Approved for admissions requirements!!
Business and Computer Science • Computer ApplicationsAreas of instruction include computer applications and integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software as well as use of emerging technologies. • Computer Applications II (pre-requisite-Comp. App. I) Areas of instruction include advanced computer applications and integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software, as well as the use of emerging technologies. In this course, high school students can acquire advanced skills required to create, edit, and publish industry appropriate documents. • Business Communication Competency will be developed in the areas of oral and written communication, interpersonal skills, and the use of current technology. • Business Essentials This course will help students build a strong knowledge base and develop management skills as they study forms of business ownership, functions of management, budgeting and finance, technology, communications, legislation, leadership and teamwork, marketing, and economics • Entrepreneurial Ventures This course concentrates on the management skills necessary for successful business operation. Students will study management strategies for developing and implementing business plans; structuring the organization; financing the organization; and managing information, operations, marketing and human resources.
Business and Computer Science • Legal Environment of Business Legal issues will include contracts, sales, consumer law, agency and employment law, personal and real property, risk management, environmental law, and government effects on business. The impact of ethics on business operations will be studied. • Computing in the Modern World In this course, students can acquire a fundamental understanding of the operation of computers and computer networks and create useful programs implementing simple algorithms. • Fundamentals of Web Page Design (pre-req for Adv. Web Page)This course will provide students with essential web page planning and development skills. Students will learn to write code manually and use graphical authoring tools. Students will also learn to work with web page layout and graphical elements, including images, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and frames
Construction • Construction I: This course explains the safety obligations of workers, supervisors, and managers to ensure a safe workplace. Also includes the basic knowledge and skills needed in the following areas: construction math, hand and power tools used in the field, general blueprints, and basics of rigging safety. Construction courses must be taken sequentially, therefore only construction I is open to rising sophomores. If you plan to complete a construction pathway you should take this class your sophomore year so that you can complete all three classes.
Engineering/Drafting • Drafting I: Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Design is a foundation course that serves as an introduction to the drafting and design field. Students learn drafting techniques through the study of geometric construction at which time they are introduced to computer-aided drafting and design. Drafting courses must be taken sequentially, therefore only drafting I is open to rising sophomores. If you plan to complete a drafting pathway you should take this class your sophomore year so that you can complete all three classes.
Family and Consumer Sciences ¤--Meet’s 4th Science Requirement and counts toward HOPE GPA • Food, Nutrition and Wellness: an essential course in understanding nutritional needs and food choices for optimal health of individuals across the lifespan. Leads to the advanced nutrition pathway and develops a knowledge base and the skills necessary to select among alternatives in the marketplace, with an emphasis on nutrient content, the development of chronic diseases, and food safety. • ¤Food, Nutrition & Lifespan: an advanced course in food and nutrition that addresses the variation in nutritional needs at specific stages of the human life cycle: lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood including old age. This course provides knowledge for real life and offers students a pathway into dietetics, consumer foods, and nutrition science careers with additional education at the post-secondary level. • ¤Food Science: Students will evaluate the effects of processing, preparation, and storage on the quality, safety, wholesomeness, and nutritive value of foods.
Early Childhood Education • Human Growth and Development:Topics that may be addressed include principles of physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and moral development; human needs across the ages and stages of childhood; impacts of family and societal crisis on the development of the child; and career decisions. • Introduction to Early Childhood Education: The course addresses early childhood care and education and development issues that include guiding the physical, cognitive, creative, social, emotional, and moral development of children. • Health, Safety & Nutrition of Children: This course develops skills for employment in early childhood-related occupations, including professional issues and work ethics; developmentally appropriate practices; health, safety and nutrition education; certification in CPR/First Aid/Fire Safety; child abuse and neglect; symptoms and prevention of major childhood illnesses and diseases; and prevention and control of communicable illnesses
Work-Based Learning • Students earn school credit as they work in a paid or unpaid work placement • Allows students to gain real world experience, apply skills they have learned in school, and learn more about careers that interest them • The WBL program is available to high school juniors and seniors • Students gain admission into the program by completing a WBL application packet including teacher recommendations
Band • Symphonic Band • Percussion • Brass • Woodwinds • Modern Dance (Colorguard- audition only)
Beginning Guitar Techniques • Students must provide their own acoustic guitar and purchase the text book. • This course introduces basic guitar techniques. Covers performance and production, analysis and theoretical studies, historical and cultural contributions and influences, creative aspects of music and appreciation of music.
Art • Visual Art I: introduces art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. It emphasizes the ability to understand and use elements and principles of design through a variety of media, processes and visual resources. Students also explores master artworks for historical and cultural significance. • Visual Art II: enhances level-one skills in art history, art criticism, aesthetic judgment and studio production. Students explore different two-and three-dimensional art media and processes and investigate master artworks to increase awareness and to examine the role of art and the artist in past and contemporary societies. • AP Studio Art: (students must have completed 1 art course & requires permission of department)The AP Studio Art program is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. AP Studio Art is not based on a written exam; instead, student submit portfolios at the end of the school year for evaluation. Three portfolio’s are require, 2-D, 3-D and Drawing—corresponding to the most common college foundation courses. Courses must be taken sequentially!
Chorus • Mixed Beginner: This course provides opportunities to develop performance skills and knowledge in mixed choral singing and stresses individual progress and group experiences. This is a non-auditioned chorus open to males and females. Several after school performances are required during the year. • Women’s Chorus: (Audition only) This course provides opportunities for intermediate-level female performers to increase performance skills and knowledge in all-female choral singing. • Mixed, Intermediate: (Audition only) This course provides intermediate-level performers opportunities to increase performance skills and knowledge in mixed choral singing.
Drama • Drama: Develops and applies performance skills through basic vocal, physical and emotional exercises; includes improvisation and scene study and related technical art forms. Can be taken for multiple credits.
Physical Education/Driver’s Education • Health/Personal Fitness (Req. for graduation) • Aerobics/Weight Training (Girls) • Team Sports • Weight Training (Boys) • Driver’s Education (limited space)
Academic Electives • Botany¤ • Journalism—application only (Mr. Jones or Ms. Little at the FA) • Yearbook—application only (Ms. Haggard or Ms. Little at the FA) • Sociology (online only, E2020) • Current Events/MCNN Newscast—application only (Mr. Boykin) • Advanced Placement PsychologyThe AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. All classes will count towards HOPE GPA ¤-class will count as 4th science Additional elective courses are available through Georgia Virtual School (GAVS), if you are interested see Ms. Owen for a list of courses and descriptions.
Foreign Language • Spanish I (online e2020) • Chinese I (GA Virtual School) • French I (GA Virtual School) • German I (GA Virtual School) • Japanese I (GA Virtual School) • Latin I (GA Virtual School) Students should only take a foreign language their sophomore year if they plan to take 3 years of the same language. All foreign language classes will count towards HOPE GPA. If you plan to go to a Board of Regents school, you MUST take 2 units of the SAME language
Collect Sample Forms • Advisors—please collect the sample registration forms from students. These should be returned to students and/or used to assist in course selection during registration. • If students would like to review the sample forms again between now and registration, they will be available on the Guidance page of the MCHS website.