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UNGS Building Site Proposal

UNGS Building Site Proposal. By :. St. Helens. Everest. Mauna Kea. Paricutin. Map of the Mountains. The four proposed Mountain sites. The Researchers. The Task: We were asked to <<explain the specific details that you had to examine. Summarize the instructions for the audience>>.

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UNGS Building Site Proposal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNGS Building Site Proposal By :

  2. St. Helens Everest Mauna Kea Paricutin Map of the Mountains The four proposed Mountain sites

  3. The Researchers

  4. The Task: We were asked to <<explain the specific details that you had to examine. Summarize the instructions for the audience>>. The Task we Faced <<delete this text field and insert a movie of a man throwing a dart at the Earthinsert movie from Gallery  Type in “Earth”  insert>>>

  5. <<make a numbered list of the criteria. Rewrite in your own words. Group similar criteria together>> The U.N. Location Evaluation Criteria

  6. (list at least four questions that you feel are essential in selecting a location. The questions must be researched and part of the selection process) Our Essential Questions

  7. Our proposed site: • <<<name>>> • <<insert image from Web site- site source on “Works Sited” slide>>

  8. Our Location Selection: Name of Mountain: • Location: • Type of Mountain: • Built by: <<folding? Lava? Cinders?>> • It meets the following criteria: • Elevation of suggested site: • Elevation of mountain: • Geological History: <is it still growing? When did it grow last?> • History of earthquakes <does this area have any?>

  9. <<name of mountain>><<name>> is the best location for the following reasons: List the top five reasons (as they match the criteria) for selecting this mountain. Include how your essential questions worked with this location. <<Link to a web site about your mountain. Right click on the “I” and select “edit link”, type in new link.>>

  10. ……is a <type of mountain> • <<shape of mountain, include steepness>> • They’re are usually found near …….. • <<if a volcano, type of lava flow, if not a volcano, type of rock it’s made out of>> • <<list 3 more facts about your type of mountain as it pertains to a possible building site>>>

  11. First Rejected Site <name of mountain> <<<insert image of mountain>>>

  12. Rejected Site #1 <<Name of first site rejected>> • Location • Type of mountain • <<List at least 3 solid reasons site was rejected.>> • . • . • .

  13. Reasons for Rejecting <<name of mountain>> <<name>> • <<<make a numbered list that explains more reasons why this mountain was rejected>>

  14. ……is a <type of mountain> • <<shape of mountain, include steepness>> • They’re are usually found near …….. • <<if a volcano, type of lava flow, if not a volcano, type of rock it’s made out of>> • <<list 3 more facts about your type of mountain as it pertains to a possible building site>>>

  15. Second Rejected Site <name of mountain> <<<insert image of mountain>>>

  16. Rejected Site #2 <<Name of second site rejected>> • Location • Type of mountain • <<List at least 3 solid reasons site was rejected.>> • . • . • .

  17. Reasons for Rejecting <<name of mountain>> <<name>> • <<<make a numbered list that explains more reasons why this mountain was rejected>>

  18. ……is a <type of mountain> • <<shape of mountain, include steepness>> • They’re are usually found near …….. • <<if a volcano, type of lava flow, if not a volcano, type of rock it’s made out of>> • <<list 3 more facts about your type of mountain as it pertains to a possible building site>>>

  19. Third Rejected Site <name of mountain> <<<insert image of mountain>>>

  20. Rejected Site #3 <<Name of first site rejected>> • Location • Type of mountain • <<List at least 3 solid reasons site was rejected.>> • . • . • .

  21. Reasons for Rejecting <<name of mountain>> <<name>> • <<<make a numbered list that explains more reasons why this mountain was rejected>>

  22. ……is a <type of mountain> • <<shape of mountain, include steepness>> • They’re are usually found near …….. • <<if a volcano, type of lava flow, if not a volcano, type of rock it’s made out of>> • <<list 3 more facts about your type of mountain as it pertains to a possible building site>>>

  23. Where’s it Going • Everest • <<<write either ACCEPTED or REJECTED and the basic reasons summarized into one or two sentences. >> • Mauna Kea • <<<write either ACCEPTED or REJECTED and the basic reasons summarized into one or two sentences. >> • Paricutin • <<<write either ACCEPTED or REJECTED and the basic reasons summarized into one or two sentences. 4. St. Helens • <<<write either ACCEPTED or REJECTED and the basic reasons summarized into one or two sentences. >>

  24. Works Cited IMAGES & Information from Encarta & Other Sources

  25. Works Cited for Everest Images and information :

  26. Works Cited for Mauna Kea Images and information :

  27. Works Cited for Paricutin Images and information :

  28. Works Cited for St. Helens Images and information :

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