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Chapter 12. Personality. Assignment: Cattel 16 Personality Test. http://similarminds.com/personality_tests.html Choose the Cattell 16 Factor Test (85 questions) Print out results
Chapter 12 Personality
Assignment: Cattel 16 Personality Test • http://similarminds.com/personality_tests.html • Choose the Cattell 16 Factor Test (85 questions) • Print out results • (NOTE: Don’t expect a detailed report as would be generated by a trained psychologist. Online tests are not comprehensive and are not as reliable as a psych report prepared by a psychologist.) • Short reaction/reflection • Do you agree/disagree? • What behaviors/attitudes can you cite to support your claim? • (Don’t have to explain every factor ... Just what is most interesting. Particularly any extreme scores.)
Personality tests on the Internet Personality Tests and Internet • There are numerous personality tests available on the Internet. • Not all equal in quality, reliability, or validity. • Lack of professional interpretation of the results of such tests. Menu
Theories of Personality • Personality • Innate or Learned? • Conscious or Unconscious? • Influenced by Internal or External Factors?
Personality Personality • Personality - the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave. • Character - value judgments of a person’s moral and ethical behavior. • Temperament - the enduring characteristics with which each person is born. Menu
Four Perspectives in Study of Personality • Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic • Behavioristic (including social cognitive theory) • Humanistic • Trait perspectives Menu
Freud’s view of the divisions of the conscious mind Sigmund Freud • Europe during the Victorian age. • Men were understood to be unable to control their “animal” desires at times, and a good Victorian husband would father several children with his wife and then turn to a mistress for sexual comfort, leaving his virtuous wife untouched. • Women, especially those of the upper classes, were not supposed to have sexual urges. • Backdrop for this theory. Menu
Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939) • Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist • founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. • Freud is best known for • theories of the unconscious mind, • mechanism of repression; • redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, • his therapeutic techniques, especially his theory of transference in the therapeutic relationship • the presumed value of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires.
Psychodynamic Perspectives • Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory • Personality Structures • Id, Ego and Superego • Defense Mechanisms • Repression
Psychoanalytic Approach • Views personality as primarily unconscious (beyond awareness); occurring in stages; emphasizes early experiences with parents (play a role in sculpting personality). • Id • consists of instincts (reservoir of psychic energy) • Guided by the “pleasure principle” • Ego • deals with the demands of reality. • Guided by the “reality principle” • Superego • moral branch of personality.
Psychoanalytic Approach • The goal of Freudian therapy, or PSYCHOANLYSIS, was to bring to CONSCIOUSNESS repressed thoughts and feelings; to allow the patient to develop a stronger EGO • You always desire what you don't have or what you are not • it is very unlikely that you will fulfill this desire • Freud’s treatment is meant to teach the patient to cope with his or her insatiable desires • Defense Mechanisms • The ego's protective methods for reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality. • Crucial to the operation of the unconscious is REPRESSION • people often experience thoughts and feelings that are so painful that they cannot bear them. • Such thoughts and feelings—and associated memories—could not be banished from the mind, but could be banished from consciousness. • Thus they come to constitute the unconscious.
Psychodynamic Perspectives • Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory • Personality Development • Oral Stage • Anal Stage • Phallic Stage • Oedipus Complex • Latency Stage • Genital Stage
Freud’s stages of personality development Freud’s Theory: Stages of Personality Development • Oral stage - first stage occurring in the first year of life in which the mouth is the erogenous zone and weaning is the primary conflict. Id dominated. Menu
Freud’s stages of personality development Freud’s Theory: Stages of Personality Development • Anal stage - second stage occurring from about 1 to 3 years of age, in which the anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the source of conflict. Ego develops. • Anal expulsive personality - a person fixated in the anal stage who is messy, destructive, and hostile. • Anal retentive personality - a person fixated in the anal stage who is neat, fussy, stingy, and stubborn. Menu
Freud’s stages of personality development Freud’s Theory: Stages of Personality Development • Phallic stage - third stage occurring from about 3 to 6 years of age, in which the child discovers sexual feelings. Superego develops. • Oedipus complex- situation occurring in the phallic stage in which a child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and jealousy of the same-sex parent. • Identification - defense mechanism in which a person tries to become like someone else to deal with anxiety. Menu
Freud’s stages of personality development Freud’s Theory: Stages of Personality Development • Latency - fourth stage occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings of the child are repressed while the child develops in other ways. • Genital – sexual feelings reawaken with appropriate targets. Menu
Identifying Defense Mechanisms in Everyday Life • Instructions: Each ofthe following scenarios illustrates one of Freud’s defense mechanisms from the list below. Read each case, identify the defense mechanism, and explain how it is illustrated by the example. • Displacement Projection Rationalization • Reaction Formation Regression • Repression Sublimation Denial
Identifying Defense Mechanisms in Everyday Life • 1. After losing the soccer game by failing to stop a goal, Hester explains to her older brother, “Winning is really quite meaningless and unimportant. It has little to do with true happiness.” What defense is Hester using? • 2. Angela really likes her older sister’s boyfriend and wants him to ask her out despite the fact that he has eyes for only her older sister. On a conscious level, she knows her feelings are unacceptable, so she turns it around. Angela tells her best friend, “I think Roberto dates my sister to be nearer to me.” What defense is Angela using? • 3. Jack is in love with his teacher but feels guilty about it. In class, he acts like a horrible, disrespectful brat. What defense is Jack using?
Identifying Defense Mechanisms in Everyday Life • 4. Secretly, Amanda likes reading sexually explicit materials, but she struggles because she feels it is morally wrong. She takes a job at the local library screening books for obscenity in order to protect the public. What defense is Amanda using? • 5. Serika notices that her 7-year-old son likes to pull wings off flies, jab pins in the cat, and trap mice so he can cut off their tails. Serika tells herself that her son has a great future in medicine. What defense is Serika using? • 6. Eric received a “fair” grade on a paper he worked very hard to complete and was quite proud of. After school, he picks a fight with his sister, calls her a jerk, and tells her she’s “stupid.” What defense is Eric using?
Identifying Defense Mechanisms in Everyday Life • 7. Emmanuel’s mother has been very busy taking on extra projects at work. She frequently works late or brings the projects home to complete at night. Despite the fact that he is 8 years old, Emmanuel has been sucking his thumb and wetting the bed. What defense is Emmanuel using? • 8. Georgia was extremely close to her grandfather. He died unexpectedly last year, and though Georgia attended all the funeral services, she does not remember any of the events that took place for those three days. What defense is Georgia using?
Psychoanalytic Approach • Evaluation of Freud’s approach • Sexuality is not all that pervasive a force in development • Later years are as important as early years • Ego functions (thinking, reasoning, creativity) not necessarily bound by id’s impulses • Role of sociocultural factors (not just biological)
Psychodynamic Perspectives • Psychoanalytic Dissenters and Revisionists • Horney’s Sociocultural Approach • Jung’s Analytical Theory • Collective Unconscious • Archetypes • Adler’s Individual Psychology • Evaluating of the Psychodynamic Perspectives
Karen Horney’s Sociocultural Modification(1885-1952) • Horney (like Adler) emphasized the importance of sociocultural factors in personality development. • rejected the classical psychoanalytic concept that “anatomy is destiny” and countered Freud’s notion of penis envy by stating that both sexes envy the attributes of the other. • The need for security is a prime motive in human existence. • Individuals cope with anxiety using three main strategies: • moving toward people (dependence) • moving away from people (independence) • moving against people (competition, aggression). • Balanced use of these 3 strategies
Carl Jung’s Depth Psychology(1875-1961) • Collective Unconscious • distinguished from the personal UNCONSCIOUS particular to each human being. The collective unconscious is also known as "a reservoir of the experiences of our species." • Importance of symbolisms/Archetypes • innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations • The SELF, the regulating center of the psyche • The SHADOW, the opposite of the ego image, often containing qualities that the ego does not identify with but possesses nonetheless • The ANIMA, the feminine image in a man's psyche • The ANIMUS, the masculine image in a woman's psyche
Archetypes The Hero. From world leaders to mythic gods, the hero represents someone who rises to the occasion to conquer and vanquish with great might. Often the hero is a relatively weak individual, but one who connects to powerful internal forces. Herein lies a blueprint for the development of one’s own sense of individuality. The Trickster. This archetype is often seen as a collective shadow figure representing the underdeveloped or inferior traits of individuals. Great Mother. The Virgin Mary, the Hindu goddess Kali, fertility symbols, “Mother Earth,” myths and legends of motherhood...these are all reflections of our archetype of one who ushers us into existence and nurtures us. Spiritual Father. Our image and sense of fathers is tied to spirituality. An obvious link, established well before Jung, is found in many Judeo-Christian religions.
Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology(1870-1937) • Bio • unhappy childhood • saw himself as undesirable and in competition with an elder, successful brother • severe rickets and glottis • maladies prevented him from enjoying the normal activities of childhood, became an outsider • younger brother died while sleeping in the bed next to him • developed resentment toward his mother, cold and unfeeling except when it came to her firstborn son. • Left home, became part of a street gang. • “nomad”—situated in a social environment • individuals created ideas and self-conceptions that reflected their environment. • individual fictions are generated
Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology(1870-1937) • In Adler’s own case, feelings of inferiority and isolation must have been central to his early fictions, but if he were to act “as if ” those fictions were real, he would develop symptoms or behave as inferior. • At the core of Adler’s theory is a central idea: • We search for significance in a society that values competitiveness. • We are encouraged to excel, to be popular, to be athletic, to be a “real man,” to believe that “practice makes perfect,” and to “dream the impossible dream.” • attributes or abilities he or she hopes will give feelings of worth. • Should the child feel that he or she cannot attain a “place in life” because of doubts about abilities, the child will become discouraged and engage in disturbing behavior in an effort to find a place.
Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology(1870-1937) • Compensation • Process of developing abilities to overcome real or imagined inferiorities • Overcompensation • When trying to hide a weakness or deny real inferiority • Inferiority complex • Exaggerated feelings of weakness & inadequacy • Superiority complex • Superiority complex • Exaggerated self-importance • To mask strong feelings of inferiority
Psychoanalytic Approach • Evaluation 1. Early experiences do play a role in shaping personality. 2. Personality can be better understood by examining it developmentally. 3. We mentally transform our experiences to give them meaning that shapes our personality. 4. Unconscious motives do lie behind some of our behaviors. 5. The inner world may conflict with the demands of reality. 6. Personality and adjustment are legitimate areas of scientific enquiry. 7. Psychoanalytic theories are difficult to test empirically. 8. Psychoanalytic theory may be too negative and pessimistic. 9. Psychoanalytic theory may place too much emphasis on unconscious processes. 10. Psychoanalytic theory has a male, Western bias.
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives • Skinner's Behaviorism • Personality is merely a collection of observable behaviors; learned through reward/punishment experiences • Cognition not important! Environment is! • To change: simply rearrange environment of individual
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives • Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory • Behavior, environment, and person/cognitive factors are important in understanding personality. • Personal constructs • Must consider how a person views the world; constructs the world • People constantly assign meaning to experiences • People may interpret different meanings
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives • Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory • Reciprocal Determinism – Bandura’s explanation of how the factors of environment, personal characteristics, and behavior can interact to determine future behavior. • Observation Learning • Personal Control • Delay of Gratification • Self-Efficacy • Locus of Control • Optimism
Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives • Evaluating the Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives • Emphasized environmental factors/experiences • Criticism • Focus on changes in environment; neglected enduring traits of individuals • Reductionism – citing 1 or 2 factors to explain complex behavior • Too mechanical – humans are creative and spontaneous
Humanistic Approach • Emphasized the uniqueness of individuals and how they view the world • unlike how behavioral and psychoanalytic views
Humanistic Approach • Rogers' Approach • Hypothesized that people start out with positive feelings about themselves • Eroded by significant people • “I will praise (love)you only if you conform to our standards.” • Conditional positive regard/Conditions of worth • Good feelings diminish • Devalue our true selves • Conflict trying to live up to standards (societal or of parents, friends etc.)
Humanistic Approach • Rogers' Approach • The Self • Developed through experiences with the world • Self-Concept • Individual’s overall perceptions of his abilities, behavior, personality • The REAL SELF (the result of experiences) VS. the IDEAL SELF (who they’d like to be) • The greater the discrepancy, the more maladjusted the person • Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy, and Genuineness • UPR: Rogers' term for accepting, valuing, and being positive toward another person regardless of the person's behavior. • The Fully Functional Person • a person who is in touch with and trusting of the deepest, innermost urges and feelings
Roger’s view of self Menu
Humanistic Approach • What are you conditions of worth?
Humanistic Approach • Abraham Maslow • People have needs: • Deficiency needs (physiological, psychological) • Growth needs (“self-actualizing” needs) • Need for truth • Need for beauty • Need for goodness • Need for justice • Need for perfection etc. • All lower needs must first be met
Humanistic Approach • Abraham Maslow 1990's adapted Hierarchy of Needs including Transcendence needs 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc. 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc. 3. Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family, affection, relationships, etc. 4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial responsibility, etc. 5. Cognitive needs - knowledge, meaning, etc. 6. Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, etc. 7. Self-Actualisation needs - realising personal potential, self-fulfilment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. 8. Transcendence needs - helping others to achieve self actualisation.
Humanistic Approach • Evaluation • Key elements • The way we perceive ourselves and our world • Need to look at the whole person • Innate positiveness of the qualities of individuals • Criticisms • Difficult to test • Too optimistic about human nature? • Encourages narcissism?
The Origins of Personality • Henry Thomas Throckmorton was born at 2:06 this morning at Atherton Memorial Hospital. Henry weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and is 22 inches long. He appears to be a healthy and normal human infant. • Imagine that we have asked these questions of three psychologists, one representing Freud and psychoanalytic psychology, the second representing Skinner and the radical behaviorists, and the third representing Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, and humanistic psychology.
The Psychoanalytic Perspective • Little Henry is basically selfish, pleasure-oriented, and irrational. • personality right now is all id. • Later the ego will develop to negotiate between the id and the environment, and the superego will develop to punish him with guilt if he disobeys the rules of his parents and society. • He will become civilized, but beneath the facade created by the ego and the superego, the id will continue to generate sexual and aggressive impulses and make demands that society will not tolerate. • Many of the motives that direct his behavior are buried in his unconscious mind, and his thinking will be distorted by his need to disguise his primitive nature and to protect secrets that must be denied and repressed.
The Psychoanalytic Perspective • During the first four years of life, the focus of that all-important need, sexual gratification, will migrate from the mouth to the anus and from the anus to the genitals. • The manner in which conflicts related to these erogenous impulses are resolved will have a lasting influence on his personality. • His basic personality will be established by the time he is five years old. • When Henry is an adult, he may feel that he has free will, but actually his choices were to a great extent made for him by the human genes that carry the instinctual drives for sex and aggression, and by repressed experiences of early childhood.
The Psychoanalytic Perspective • Henry’s parents will influence the development of his personality by the way they handle the three central conflicts of infancy and early childhood. • These conflicts involve oral gratification and weaning, anal gratification and toilet training, and the Oedipal situation. • In the case of weaning and toilet training, parents must be sensitive to timing and to letting the child deal with these aspects of socialization gradually and with a minimum of parent-child confrontation. • During the Oedipal stage, the mother must continue to be loving and affectionate, but she must also avoid sexually stimulating Henry, or behaving toward him in a way that encourages his incestuous desire for her.