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An integrated European effort to develop vaginal/rectal HIV preventive drugs. Guido Vanham and Kevin Ariën , Virology Unit, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp. CHAARM: objectives. To develop new HIV antivirals for vaginal/rectal HIV prevention
An integrated European effort to develop vaginal/rectal HIV preventive drugs Guido Vanham and Kevin Ariën, Virology Unit, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
CHAARM: objectives • To develop new HIV antivirals for vaginal/rectal HIV prevention • To develop microbicide combinations and coformulations • To test efficacy of microbicide (combinations) in macaque models of vaginal and rectal challenge. • To perform human phase I trial of microbicide combinations. • To investigate vaginal biomarkers in microbiota, immune factors and proteome analysis.
New inhibitors in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: e.g. INSTI: RDS and MAS compounds inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others and combinations
miniCD4 proteins or CD4 mimetics(Loic Martin, CEA) Morellato-Castilloet al., 2013, J MedChem
M48U1 protectsmacaquesagainstvaginalchallengewith SHIV162 mCD4 M48-U1 applied in a HEC gel 1 hour before high dose SHIV challenge → 5 out of 6 animals protected Dereuddre-Bosquet et al., 2012, PLoSPath
M48U1 CD4 miniprotein as a potentialmicrobicide • Has a broad spectrum activity against HIV-1 • Protects macaques against a high dose SHIV challenge • No toxicity • Chemically stable → Needs to be combined with another (entry)inhibitor e.g. linked to CCR5 inhibitor (ongoing).
Compoundsunderdevelopment in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: e.g. INSTI: RDS and MAS compounds inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others and combinations
Llama heavy chain VHH as entry inhibitors(Lucy Rutten and Theo Verrips, University of Utrecht) • Set-up: • Extensively immunize a llama with HIV gp120 or gp140 • Construct a phage library of VHH • Either perform selection on gp120 binding • Or directly in vitro test of HIV neutralization
VHH as superior entry inhibitors? • Target various areas on gp120 and gp41 • Some (J3, 2E7) have a very broad spectrum against HIV-1 /SHIV • Non toxic • Chemically stable • “Synergistic” biheads = combination of entry inhibitors
Compoundsunderdevelopment in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: e.g. INSTI: RDS and MAS compounds inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others and combinations
Binding and action of Nucleoside andNon-Nucleoside -RTI • N-RTI bind in polymerase site and act as chain-terminators • NN-RTI bind near polymerase site and act as allosteric inhibitors
NovelNNRTI: Diaryl pyrimidines anddiaryltriazines(Koen Augustyns, Jurgen Joossens, VenkatrajMuthusamyUniversity of Antwerp) DATA DAPY Ariën et al., JAC (2013) 68: 2038-47
New DATA: NNRTI formicrobicide? The new CyanovinylTriazine NNRTI 1398 • Has a better selectivity profile than Dapivirine • Is active against Dapivirine-resistant mutants = second generation NNRTI microbicide, when DPV resistance occurs? → pharmacokinetic studies in macaques ongoing
Compoundsunderdevelopment in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: e.g. INSTI: RDS and MAS compounds inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others and combinations
Acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANPs) with dual-triple action(Jan Balzarini and Dominique Schols, REGA Institute) = 6-PhosphonylMethoxyethoxy-2,4- DiaminoPyrimidine Tobecomparedwith Balzarini et al PLOS Pathogens 2013 e1003456
Compare anti-HIV and anti- HSV of ANPs Acyclovir is selectively active against HSV-1 and -2 Tenofovir is much more active against HIV-1 and -2 than against HSV; yet showed anti-HSV activity in CAPRISA trial PMEO and PMEA are active against both HIV-1 and -2 and HSV-1 and HSV-2 Balzarini et al PLOS Pathogens 2013 e1003456
PMEODapym: triple action? • Directly active against HIV-1 and HIV-2 (similar to Adefovir and Tenofovir) • Possible indirect actions on HIV acquisition: • Blocking HSV (similar to Adefovir) • Stimulating β chemokines and downregulation CCR5 (selective for PMEODapym) Balzarini et al PLOS Pathogens 2013 e1003456
Compoundsunderdevelopment in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates(ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: • New Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) RDS and MAS compounds: active against Raltegravir-resistant mutants • Inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others and combinations
Lens Epithelium-DerivedGrowth Factor (LEDGF p75)may assist in various aspect of HIV integration Integrase Integrase Suzuki and CraigieNature Reviews Microbiology5, 187–196 (March 2007)
LEDGINs: a new perspective for integrase inhibition Mechanism of action different from INSTI → active against INSTI resistant mutants → potentially synergistic with INSTI
Compoundsunderdevelopment in CHAARM 1) Entry-fusion inhibitors: e.g. CD4 miniproteins llama single chain Ab (VHH) 2) Reverse transcriptase inhibitors: e.g. NNRTI: Di-Aryl TriAzine (DATA) NRTI: acyclic nucleoside phosphonates (ANP) 3) Inhibitors of integrase process: e.g. INSTI: RDS and MAS compounds inhibitors of LEDGF (LEDGIN) 4) Others: • Entry- fusion: NBD-basedCD4 BS inhibitors (Botta, Sienna) 5P12 RANTES (Hartley, Geneva) Small CCR5 inhibitors (Spoluka, Ukrainia) Gold nanoparticles (Penades, Bilboa) • NNRTI: N-DABO analogues (Botta, Sienna) • Proteasomeand Protease inhibitors (Spetz, Stockholm) • Combinations: first tobetested: Dapivirine – Darunavir in ring format
Conclusionsandperspectives CHAARM • Novel compounds under development: • Various parts in life cycle (including new targets e.g. VHH and LEDGin) • Various chemical nature (small molecules, proteins…) • Improving selectivity index • Some active against first generation mutants (e.g. DATA 1398, MAS and RDS INSTI) • Some have intrinsic dual activity (e.g. VHH biheads, ANP)
Conclusionsandperspectives CHAARM • Novel compounds under development: • Various parts in life cycle (including new targets e.g. VHH and LEDGF) • Various chemical nature (small molecules, proteins…) • Improving selectivity index • Active against mutants, resistant to existing drugs (e.g. DATA, INSTI) • Some have dual activity (e.g. VHH biheads, ANP) • Three in vitro test platform ( Carlos III, Imperial College, ITM) • Combinations-coformulations: both gels and rings (Queens, KULeuven) • Vaginal and rectal macaque PK and challenge (CEA, Paris) • Clinical Phase I trial platform and biomarker studies (ITM and U York) • Integration with biotech companies (Janssen, Particle Sciences, Spoluka…) • PPP (International Partnership on Microbicides IPM) and community (EATG)
An extended European family enjoying life in “Golfo Paradiso” (2013 CHAARM consortium meeting in Camogli, Italy) http://chaarm.eu/ gvanham@itg.be