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Chapter 26. Energy, Power, Transportation and the Environment. Objectives. After reading the chapter and reviewing the materials presented the students will be able to: State the environmental pollution from various energy, power, and transportation industries.
Chapter 26 Energy, Power, Transportation and the Environment
Objectives • After reading the chapter and reviewing the materials presented the students will be able to: • State the environmental pollution from various energy, power, and transportation industries. • Discuss steps to minimize environmental impact.
Environmental Pollution • Contaminants in the air, water, and land cause environmental pollution. • Air pollution is the action of contaminating the mixture of gases surrounding the earth. • Clean Air Act (CAA) is an act congress passed in 1963 that sets emission standards for certain sources of pollutants. Amendments in 1990 included more stringent automobile emission standards, phase out of ozone depleting chemicals, and strengthening EPA’s role in oversight.
Water Pollution • Water pollution is the action of contaminating the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, especially with human made waste. • Suspended particles absorb light and make water cloudy. • Industrial spills, agricultural runoff, or untreated sewage can contaminate rivers. • The pH of a solution is a measure of the acidity. A 7 on a pH scale represents a neutral solution. Acidic solutions have a pH of less than 7. A rating above 7 represents a basic solution.
Other Forms of Pollution • Lead contamination: leaves victims with permanently diminished mental capacity. • Electro magnetic fields (EMF) are produced by electricity flowing through power lines. There is concern that chronic exposure to EMFs may increase the risk to certain types of cancers. • Surface mining (strip mining): Legislation now mandates that strip mining tracts undergo reclamation at the conclusion of the mining operations. • Noise pollution: Concern about noise pollution has resulted in the modification of airplane approach ways to airports and even aircraft engine design.
Reducing Pollution in the Energy, Power, and Transportation Industries • The automobile (700 million vehicles) is now responsible for about 33% of all crude oil consumption worldwide. Driving automobiles is now widely regarded as the single most polluting human activity on earth. Catalytic converters are used to reduce emissions. • Diesel fuel emits 30 to 70 times more particulate waste than gasoline fuel. • Baghouses: Used to control air pollutants from power plants, steel mills, foundries and other industrial furnaces. Particles are trapped on filters made of cloth, or paper. The particles are then blown or shaken to a collection hopper. • Electrostatic precipitators: Use static electricity to attract particles. • Wet Scrubbers: Used in coal burning power plants, asphalt and concrete plants, and other facilities that emit gases that are soluble in water. The gases are passed through a liquid solution (scrubber).
Summary • Contaminants in the air, water, and land cause environmental pollution. • Air pollution is the action of contaminating the mixture of gases surrounding the earth. • Clean Air Act (CAA) is an act congress passed in 1963 that sets emission standards for certain sources of pollutants. • Water pollution is the action of contaminating the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, especially with human made waste. • Acidic solutions have a pH of less than 7. A rating above 7 represents a basic solution. • Lead contamination: leaves victims with permanently diminished mental capacity. • Driving automobiles is now widely regarded as the single most polluting human activity on earth. • Diesel fuel emits 30 to 70 times more particulate waste than gasoline fuel. • Wet Scrubbers: Used in coal burning power plants, asphalt and concrete plants, and other facilities that emit gases that are soluble in water. The gases are passed through a liquid solution (scrubber).
Home Work • What is environmental pollution? • What is the pH of acidic solutions and basic solutions?