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The Journey Begins!. 6 th Grade Orientation. Office Staff. Principal: Mrs. Ventura Asst. Principal: Mrs. Taylor : (last name A-K) Asst. Principal: Mrs. Bernal (last name L-Z Counselors: Mrs. Pickens (last name A-C) Mrs. Terrill (last name D-L)
The Journey Begins! 6th Grade Orientation
Office Staff • Principal: Mrs. Ventura • Asst. Principal: Mrs. Taylor: (last name A-K) • Asst. Principal: Mrs. Bernal(last name L-Z • Counselors: Mrs. Pickens (last name A-C) • Mrs. Terrill (last name D-L) • Mrs. Miller (last name M-Z) • Front Desk: Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Kemper • Registrar: Mrs. Page • Nurse: Mrs. Garner • Bookkeeper: Mrs. Falconer
A Day in the Lifeof a 6th Grade Student *Wednesday’s are late start, bell rings at 8:45 am.
How to Read the Schedule Locker # and Combo Notice there is no 4th period. That is when you eat lunch! The “A-B” portion of your schedule is ONLYfor PE and Music. You will rotate every-other day throughout the entire year. This student will have PE on A days and Choir on B days. Q = Quarter Long Class S= Semester Long Class This student has two quarter long classes for 2nd period Oceans class first quarter and Ecosystems 2nd quarter. All of the rest of his classes are semester long. Please verify that your ‘CONTACT INFORMATION’ is correct! This is the information your student will need to set up their PowerSchool account. Your Parent access ID and Password to set up the parent account will be attached to your child’s schedule at registration.
We accept Cash, Check or On-Line Credit Card Payments What Fees to Expect at Registration Fees are only assessed for elective classes. We do sell certain items for your convenience, however you may provide your own agenda book, lock for PE, calculator, & PE clothes.
6th Sports • Cost: $90 per sport. If you pay for 2 sports the 3rd sport is free. (Must also purchase Activity Card $20) • Sports Available & Dates: • Fall: Cross Country: Starts Aug. 14th • Winter: Wrestling: Starts Oct. 16th • Spring: Tennis or Track: Starts March 16th
Lockers • Locker numbers and combinations will be assigned at registration. • Students will be able to access their lockers on registration day. They are welcome to practice opening their lockers and may put items in their lockers at that time as well. • Randomly assigned & requests not granted. • Do Not Give out combo or share Lockers. • Academic (lock built in). PE locks must be provided by parents. (PE lockers assigned after school starts).
Attendance & Credits • Make every effort to be at school on time, everyday. This promotes high levels of learning. • Our funding from the State is based on attendance. • In 7th and 8th grade your child will receive credits for their core classes (much like high school). Students are allowed 6 absences per semester. Starting in 7th grade, students lose credit if they exceed the absence limit. • If your child cannot come to school you need to call and notify the attendance secretary: #350-4071.
Common Grading Policy Our goal is to follow research based best practices in grading and ensure that every child knows exactly how they will be assessed. Daily Assignments/Homework • No Name Papers - Papers turned in without a name will receive full credit when the owner is identified as long as it was turned in by the due date. • Redoing an Assignment - Allowing a student to redo an assignment is up to the individual teacher. • Grades will be posted within a timely matter. Late Work • The late work practices have been outlined by grade level to help students increase their level of responsibility as they progress through middle school. • Please note, students are encouraged to turn in missing work, even if no credit is earned. This is required in order to retake a test, quiz, or lab. (see “Test Retakes” below) 6th Grade • Late work will be accepted until the end of that specific unit from which it came. • 1st Semester – A late assignment will receive a maximum of 90% of credit earned. • 2nd Semester – A late assignment will receive a maximum of 80% of credit earned. Test Retakes • The option to retake a test, quiz, or lab will be offered at the discretion of the teacher. In the event of a retake, the school’s policy is as follows: • Tests, quizzes, and lab retakes may be completed as scheduled by teacher and will receive a maximum of 70%. • Students will only be allowed one retake per test, quiz, or lab. • Students will have no more than one week from the time of the original test, quiz, or lab to retake it. • Students may NOT retake a test, quiz, or lab if they have missing assignments within the unit. • Students may only retake a test, quiz, or lab if a grade under a 70% of the original score was received. • There will be no final exam retakes. (semester finals, EOCs, state tests, etc.)
Common Grading Policy Make-Up Work • Students will be allowed 2 days for every 1 day missed due to an excused absence to turn in any work missed for full credit earned. Parent Contact • The parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student will be contacted by the teacher when that student’s overall class grade has fallen below a 70%, no later than 2 weeks before the end of a grade reporting period. • Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to regularly check a student's grades via PowerSchools. Logins are given on class schedules and are also available through the front office (208-350-4060). For any specific questions regarding a student’s grade, please contact that specific teacher. • This document outlines the common grading practices for Lowell Scott Middle School. Exceptions to the common grading practices may be made for, but are not limited to the following: Students with an IEP, 504, or other specific accommodations outlined for a specific student. Honor classes and other courses that carry academic expectations beyond the Lowell Scott Middle School and Meridian School District expectations are exempt from these practices. Any exception the teacher deems fit for a specific assignment and/or class.
PowerSchool is Your New Best Friend. PowerSchool is by far the best way to keep up to date with your child’s grades, assignments and attendance.
Instructions to create a PARENTPowerSchool account • www.westada.org and click on PowerSchool • Click on Create an account • Enter in Parent first and last name • Enter in parent email • User Name (you create this) • User Password (you create this) The second section on the page is, “Link Students to Account” • Enter student name • Enter Parent/Guardian access ID, and then enter access password. (This information will be stapled to your child’s schedule that you pick up at registration). District assigned access ID and Passwords are case sensitive. Enter exactly as shown. • Select relationship Once you have created your parent account, you will use your personal ID and password to log in to your child’s account.
Check Grades at any time! Click on grade to get details on each assignment. You can have progress reports automatically emailed to you! Click on teacher to send them an email.
Policies • Handbook can be found in the LSMS Agenda books and/or viewed at: http://www.westada.org (Students’ Tab) • Review/Sign Handbook and Science Safety forms at Registration. • Dress Code: Must cover stomach, back, chest and undergarments. Tank tops, spaghetti straps and tube tops not permitted (shoulders covered). Shorts and skirts must mid-thigh in length. (see handbook for full description) • Phones & Electronics: Devices are to be used in a “mananer consistent with instructional and testing activities in the classroom” at a teacher’s discretion. They can be used OUTDOORS before or after school. Misuse may result in a device being confiscated until a parent can pick it up. Please note: LSMS is not liable for theft.
Where to get Info.? • The District website has a wealth of information: www.westada.org
LSMS Website http://www.westada.org/lsms
Tips for Success • Know the policies & procedures. • Be at school everyday. • Know how you will be assessed. • Set goals. • Ask questions rather than make assumptions. • Get involved. (sports, activities, volunteer, etc.) • Stay organized. (binder, agenda, study time) • Make good choices and decisions. • Voice concerns early. • Partner with Teachers. Always listen to both sides. • Know your child’s friends. • Grant independence gradually.