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Power quality information system based on data energy metering integration and analysis Fernando Ramírez, Javier Antúnez, Roberto Castán , Carlos Meléndez and Antonio Suárez. Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas Comisión Federal de Electricidad. 13-15 November, 2013. Introduction:.
Power quality information system based on data energy metering integration and analysis Fernando Ramírez, Javier Antúnez, Roberto Castán, Carlos Meléndez and Antonio Suárez. Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas Comisión Federal de Electricidad 13-15 November, 2013
Introduction: Energy consumption: • EERE (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy) indicate that in California State energy consuming are divided in: • Commercial • Industrial • Residential • Transportation 13-15 November, 2013
Introduction: Residential Energy consumption: The energy consumed by appliances represents approximately 13% of the total energy consumption in the home. Typical amount of energy consumed annually by household appliances. 13-15 November, 2013
Efficient energy use: Energy efficiency refers to the optimization of energy consumption to reduce energy usage without reducing the quality of services with the least possible impact on the environment. End-users have to be involved in energy efficiency plans, in order to make a rational and efficient use of energy; hence, it is necessary they count with tools that facilitate the implementation of these plans. 13-15 November, 2013
Energy Management Systems: EMS refers to an automated system that is designed specifically for monitoring and optimizing the use of energy in end-user facilities, such as a building or group of buildings, factories or homes. Energy Management Systems are an essential part of the Demand Response concept, since these systems offer tools to the consumers to avoid unnecessary use or expenditure of energy inside the home. 13-15 November, 2013
Energy Management Systems: • EMS are classified according to their application: • Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS). • Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS). • Factory Energy Management Systems (FEMS). 13-15 November, 2013
Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS): • These systems consist in applications that provide information about home electricity consumption and its cost in real time or in defined time intervals. • Elements of HEMS: • In-Home Display • Smart meter • Smart appliances 13-15 November, 2013
Typical AMI systems interoperating with HEMS: 13-15 November, 2013
HEM System description: Objective: Develop a Home Energy Management System to allow new appliances to be incorporated into the scheme of “smart appliances”. Scope: Design and test new electronics devices, communications media and the adequate technology to be incorporated in new appliances, in order to obtain a HEM system prototype. 13-15 November, 2013
HEM System description: To implement the HEM system prototype three electronic modules were designed: An In-home-Display. Three electronic modules to be integrated into the normal home appliances. Three “smart” power outlet modules. Also an smart meter was incorporated to the HEMS, and a HAN network was implemented to communicate the system. 13-15 November, 2013
HEM system operating environment: 13-15 November, 2013
HEM system basic operation: The HEM system developed is composed for the following elements: An In-Home Display. Three appliances (a washer machine, a refrigerator and an electric stove) equipped with an electronic module to convert them into “smart appliances”. A smart power outlet for controlling and measuring the no-smart appliances. A HMI to monitor the management system for the user. A smart meter with two-way communication capability. A Home Area Network using ZigBee and PLC. 13-15 November, 2013
HEM system scheme using ZigBee: 13-15 November, 2013
HEM system scheme using PLC: 13-15 November, 2013
HEM system basic operation: 13-15 November, 2013
Conclusions: One of the goals of the Smart Grid concept is to develop grid modernization technologies, tools, and techniques for Demand Response in order to help the electricity providers not only to save money through reductions in peak demand. A HEM system is a tool for consumers in residential sectors that help them to control their energy consumption. The system was tested successfully incorporating a Human Machine Interface, a smart meter and a communication network implemented via ZigBee and PLC. Results test in laboratory have been encouraging and suggest that the system could be applied for energy management in real environments such as homes, buildings and factories. 13-15 November, 2013
Questions from reporters 13-15 November, 2013
Is the HEMS architecture presented in the paper works for enabling consumer market participation? What are the steps should be taken in such cases where retail markets are available. The HEM system can enable consumer participation in the market. The In-Home Display has the ability to receive information regarding electrical tariffs from electrical utility. Also the user can send messages to utility systems, as CIS/CMR. The communication between In-Home Display and Utility is through the smart meter. In Mexico, retail markets are no available. 13-15 November, 2013
What are security and privacy measures considered by the authors in HEMS implementation? • About privacy: each HEM system is identified by two codes. First one is a code to identify the home when the system is operating and other one is a code to identify the smart appliance. The home code is unique to each home. The In-Home Display is configured with the home code corresponding to its HEM system, hence, it identify the smart appliances with the same home code. • Regarding security, the information is encrypted using the AES 128 algorithm. 13-15 November, 2013
Thanks for your attention 13-15 November, 2013