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Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy

Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy. Wendy Wong Resource Conservation Department National Environment Agency 11 Aug 06. Ever wonder what keeps the Earth warm?. Energy from the sun. Greenhouse gases (GHGs). Infrared radiation. GHGs traps outgoing heat. Global Warming.

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Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Wendy Wong Resource Conservation Department National Environment Agency 11 Aug 06

  2. Ever wonder what keeps the Earth warm? Energy from the sun Greenhouse gases (GHGs) Infrared radiation GHGs traps outgoing heat

  3. Global Warming • Since Industrial Revolution, fossil fuel has been extensively used to power our homes and cars • Excess GHGs have therefore been released • More heat is being trapped, causing Earth’s surface to become warmer

  4. Feeling hot? • Global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.6°C (± 0.2°C) since the late 19th century • 1998 and 2005 were the warmest years on record

  5. Why should we be concerned? • As a relatively low-lying, small island state, global warming can affect us: • Increased frequency and intensity of rainfall and tropical storms • Flooding, land loss and coastal erosion • Loss of water resources or seawater intrusion into fresh water bodies • Resurgence of diseases • Hotter climate

  6. Did you know? • Energy used to power our homes and cars comes from fossil fuel • Burning of fossil fuel releases GHGs as well as harmful air pollutants • To slow down climate change: • Use energy efficiently • Use cleaner energy

  7. What is Singapore doing about Climate Change?

  8. N3C • National Climate Change Committee • Chaired by Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment and Water Resources • Tackles climate change issues Visit www.nccc.gov.sg for more details

  9. Key Programmes

  10. Electricity Generation • Market competition to promote greater energy efficiency • Gencos switching to NG and adopting combined cycle generation technologies (CCGT) • Cogeneration • Production of electricity and heat using the same fuel

  11. Electricity Generation • Test-bedding and demonstration of innovative clean energy technologies • Solar photovoltaics (PV) • Hydrogen fuel cells

  12. Industry • Energy Efficiency Improvement Assistance Scheme (EASe) • $10 million incentive scheme • Fund up to 50% of the cost of detailed energy audits • Energy Audit Scheme • Encourage very large emitters of CO2 to improve their energy efficiency and energy management systems and practices • Accelerated Depreciation Allowance Scheme • Encourage companies to replace old, inefficient equipment and invest in energy-saving devices

  13. Vehicle Quota System & Electronic Road Pricing Park & Ride Scheme Transport • Curb growth of vehicle population • Promote public transportation

  14. Transport • Green Vehicles • Natural gas powered buses and taxis • Hybrid, fuel cell cars • Green Vehicle Rebates • Fuel Economy Labelling Scheme • Raise consumer awareness of fuel • economy in cars • Currently, 113 car models registered

  15. Transport • Green Transport Week • 20 – 27 Aug 06 • Raise awareness of fuel economy and encourage motorists to adopt climate-friendly habits Eco Chase @ *scape 27 Aug 06 Take part in a race around Singapore using eco-friendly modes of transportation and completing eco-challenges Sign up at www.sec.org.sg

  16. Buildings • Energy Efficiency Improvement Assistance Scheme (EASe) • Energy conservation projects • Energy efficiency improvement of public sector buildings • Energy Smart Building Labelling • Accord recognition to buildings with good energy performance, while maintaining a healthy and productive indoor environment

  17. Households • Energy labelling of household appliances • Currently, 106 air-cons and 80 fridges

  18. Households • Green Corners • To increase visibility of energy labelled products

  19. Households • Climate Change Awareness Programme • Raise awareness on climate change and inculcate climate-friendly habits in households and motorists • www.climatechange.com.sg

  20. Reduce your GHG contribution Here’s how …

  21. Play a part today! Use an electric fan The energy used to power 1 air-con is enough to power more than 30 fans

  22. Play a part today! Set your air-con’s thermostat at 25ºC or 1ºC higher Setting your air-con at 25°C gives you the most comfort at the least cost

  23. Play a part today! Use energy-saving light bulbs and switch off when not in use Energy-saving bulbs use about 80% less energy without comprising on light output

  24. Avoid switching off using the remote control Play a part today! Don’t standby. Turn off electrical appliances and equipment at the mains Appliances consume power in standby mode

  25. Play a part today! Take public transport MRT and buses are more energy efficient than cars and taxis

  26. Play a part today! Walk or cycle for short distances and when it is safe to do so Walking and cycling is environmentally friendly, free and healthier!

  27. Play a part today! Find out more at www.nccc.gov.sg and www.climatechange.com.sg

  28. Thank You!

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