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Boltzmann equation for soft potentials with integrable angular cross section The Cauchy problem. Irene M. Gamba The University of Texas at Austin Mathematics and ICES IPAM April 2009- KTWSII. In collaboration with Ricardo Alonso. elastic collision. ‘ v. v. inelastic collision.
Boltzmann equation for soft potentials with integrable angular cross sectionThe Cauchy problem Irene M. Gamba The University of Texas at Austin Mathematics and ICES IPAM April 2009- KTWSII In collaboration with Ricardo Alonso
elastic collision ‘v v inelastic collision C = number of particle in the box a = diameter of the spheres N=space dimension ηthe impact direction η v* ‘v* d-1 i.e. enough intersitial space May be extended to multi-linear interactions
Consider the Cauchy Boltzmann problem (Maxwell, Boltzmann 1860s-80s); Grad 1950s; Cercignani 60s; Kaniel Shimbrot 80’s, Di Perna-Lions late 80’s) Find a function f (t, x, v) ≥ 0 that solves the equation (written in strong form) with Conservative interaction (elastic) • σ is the impact direction: ′u=u - 2(u· σ) σ (specular reflection condition) • Assumption on the model:The collision kernel B(u, û · σ) satisfies • B(u, û· σ) = |u|λ b(û· σ) with -n < λ ≤ 1 ; we callsoft potentials: -n < λ < 0 • Grad’s assumption: b(û · σ) ∈ L1(S n−1), that is
Grad’s assumption allows to split the collision operator in a gain and a loss part, Q( f, g) = Q+( f, g) − Q−( f, g) = Gain - Loss But not pointwise bounds are assumed on b(û· σ) The loss operator has the following structure Q−( f, g) = f R(g), with R(g), called the collision frequency, given by |u|λ |u|λ λ The loss bilinear form is aconvolution. We shall see also thegain is a weighted convolution
Recall: Q+(v) operator in weak (Maxwell) form, and then it can easily be extended to dissipative (inelastic) collisions ωis the scattering direction with respect to an elastic collision:ω= u′ /|u| were u′ and u satisfy The relation of specular reflection: u′ = u -2(u· σ) σ cos (u· ω) = π – 2 cos(u· σ). More generally, the exchange of velocities in center of mass-relative velocity frame Energy dissipation parameter or restitution parameters with β=1 elastic interaction Same the collision kernel form With the Grad Cut-off assumption: λ Q−( f, g) = f And convolution structure in the loss term:
Outline • In Alonso’s lecture: • Average angular estimates (for the inelastic case as well) • weighted Young’s inequalities for 1 ≤ p , q , r ≤ ∞ (with exact constants) 0 ≤λ = 1 • Sharp constants for Maxwell type interaction for (p, q , r) = (1,2, 2) and (2,1,2) λ= 0 • Hardy Littlewood Sobolev inequalities , for 1 < p , q , r < ∞ (with exact constants) -n ≤λ < 0 • In this lecture • Existence, uniqueness and regularity estimates for the near vacuum and near (different) • Maxwellian solutions for the space inhomogeneous problem • (using Kaniel-Shimbrot iteration type solutions) elastic interactions for soft potential • and the above estimates.Lp stability estimates in the soft potential case, for 1 < p < ∞
Average angular estimates & weighted Young’s inequalities & Hardy Littlewood Sobolev inequalities & sharp constants R. Alonso and E. Carneiro’08, and R. Alonso and E. Carneiro, IG, 09 (ArXiv.org): by means of radial symmertrization techniques Bobylev’s variables and operator is invariant under rotations Denoting by Translation and reflection operators Bobylev’s operator on Maxwell type interactions λ=0 is the well know identity for the Fourier transform of the Q+
for Young’s for variable hard potentials and Maxwell type interactions 0 ≤λ = 1 Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev type inequality for soft potentials -n <λ < 0
Inequalities with Maxwellian weights As an application of these ideas one can also show Young type estimates for the non-symmetric Boltzmann collision operator with Maxwellian weights. For any a > 0 define the global Maxwellianas
Distributional and classical solutions to the Cauchy Boltzmann problem for soft potentials with integrable angular cross section(Ricardo Alonso & I.M.G., 09 submitted) Consider the Cauchy Boltzmann problem: (1) B(u, û· σ) = |u|−λ b(û· σ) with 0 ≤ λ < n-1 with the Grad’s assumption: with Q−( f, g) = f Definition:A distributional (mild) solution in [0; T] of BTE initial value problem is a function f ϵ W1;1(0; T;L∞(R2n)) that solves (1) a.e. in (0; T] x R2n such that , satisfies
Kaniel & Shinbrot iteration ’78 (DP-L -11yrs) Notation and spaces: Consider the space with the norm Kaniel-Shinbrot:(also Illner & Shinbrot ’84) define the sequences {ln(t)} and {un(t)} as the mild solutions to the system which relies in choosing a initial pair of functions (l0, u0) satisfying so called the beginning condition in [0, T]: and where the pair (l1, u1) solves the system with initial state (l0, u0).
Theorem: Let {ln(t)}and {un(t)}the sequences defined by the mild solutions of the linear system above, such that the beginning condition is satisfied in [0, T], then (i) The sequences {ln(t)}and {un(t)}are well defined for n ≥ 1. In addition, {ln(t)}, {un(t)} are increasing and decreasing sequences respectively, and l#n (t) ≤ u#n (t) a.e. in 0 ≤ t ≤ T. (ii) If 0 ≤ ln(0) = f0 = un(0)for n ≥ 1, then lim ln(t) = lim un(t) = f(t)a.e. in [0; T]: n∞ n∞ In addition the limit f (t) ∈ C(0, T; M#α,β)is the unique distributional solution of the Boltzmann equation in [0, T] and fulfills 0 ≤ l#0(t) ≤ f #(t) ≤ u#0(t) a.e. in [0, T].
Hard and soft potentials case for small initial data Lemma : Assume −1 ≤ λ < n − 1. Then, for any 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T and functions f#, g#that lie in L∞(0, T;M#α,β), then the following inequality holds # # with Distributional solutions for small initial data: (near vacuum) Theorem: Let B(u, û· σ) = |u|−λ b(û· σ) with -1 ≤ λ < n-1 with the Grad’s assumption Then, the Boltzmann equation has a unique global distributional solution if . Moreover for any T ≥ 0 , # As a consequence, one concludes that the distributional solution f is controlled by a traveling Maxwellian, and that It behaves like the heat equation, as mass spreads as t grows
Distributional solutions near local Maxwellians : RicardoAlonso, IMG’08 Previous work by Toscani ’88, Goudon’97, Mischler – Perthame ‘97 • Theorem: Let B(u, û· σ) = |u|−λ b(û· σ) with -n < λ ≤ 0with the Grad’s assumption • In addition, assume that f0is ε–close to the local Maxwellian distribution • M(x, v) = C Mα,β(x − v, v) , with 0 < α, 0 < β. • Then, for sufficiently small εthe Boltzmann equation has a unique solution satisfying • C1(t) Mα1,β1 (x − (t + 1)v, v ) ≤ f ( t, x-vt , v) ≤ C2(t) Mα2,β2 (x − (t + 1)v, v) • for some positive functions 0 < C1(t) ≤ C ≤ C2(t) < ∞, and parameters 0 < α2 ≤ α ≤ α1 and 0 < β2 ≤ β ≤ β1. • Moreover, the case α = 0 (infinite mass) is permitted as long as α 1 = α 2 = 0. • (this last part extends the result of Mishler & Perthame ’97 to soft potentials)
Distributional solutions near local Maxwellians : RicardoAlonso, IMG’08 Sketch of proof: Define the distance between two Maxwellian distributions Mi= CiMαi,βi for i = 1, 2 as d(M1, M2) := |C2 − C1| + |α2 − α1| + |β2 − β1|. Second, we say that f is ε–closeto the Maxwellian distribution M = C Mα,β if there exist Maxwellian distributions Mi (i = 1, 2) such that d(Mi, M) <εfor some small ε > 0, and M1 ≤ f ≤ M2. Also define and notice that for -n < λ ≤ 0
Following the Kaniel-Shinbrot procedure, one obtains the following non-linear system of inequations which can be solved in C1(t) and C2(t) for an initial data for t0 ≥ 1 that satisfy an admissible beginning condition. Sketch of proof: 1- So choose C1(t) and C2(t) such that (Remark: Mischler &Perthame for λ=0 and ϕ1 = ϕ2 )
or which clearly implies for any t0 , t ≥1 2- Therefore which has a solution of the form For
3- Therefore, C2(t) will be uniformly bounded for t ≥ 1 as long as which can be obtained done by taking d (M1, M2) ≤ ϵand In particular, the ‘beginning condition’ follows since, with source and absorption coefficient fixed, a simple comparison arguments of ODE’s shows that The evolution equation for C1(t) with an initial state C1(0)=C1 , with f0 ≥ C1Mαi,βi , implies . Similarly arguments work for C2(t). Then, for sufficiently small ϵthe Boltzmann equation has a unique solution satisfying C1(t) Mα1,β1 (x − (t + 1)v, v ) ≤ f ( t, x-vt , v) ≤ C2(t) Mα2,β2 (x − (t + 1)v, v) for some positive functions 0 < C1(t) ≤ C ≤ C2(t) < ∞, and parameters 0 < α2 ≤ α ≤ α1 and 0 < β2 ≤ β ≤ β1. i.e. the distributional solution f is controlled by a traveling Maxwellian, and so it spreads its mass as t ∞,
Classical solutions (Different approach from Guo’03, our methods follow some of the those by Boudin & Desvilletes ‘00, plus new ones ) Definition. A classical solutionin [0, T] of problem our is a function such that , Theorem (Application of HLS inequality to Q+ for soft potentials): Let the collision kernel satisfying assumptions λ < nand the Grad cut-off, then for 1 < p < ∞ where γ= n/(n−λ)and Ci= C(n, λ, p, ||b||L1(Sn−1) ) with i = 1, 2,3. The constants can be explicitly computed and are proportional to with parameter 1 < q = q(n, λ, p) < ∞, (the singularity at s = 1 is removed by symmetrazing b(s)when f = g )
Theorem (space regularity, globally in time ) Fix 0 ≤ T ≤ ∞ and assume the collision kernel satisfies B(u, û· σ) = |u|−λ b(û· σ) with -1 ≤ λ < n-1 with the Grad’s assumption. Also, assume that f0satisfies the smallness assumption or is near to a local Maxwellian. In addition, assume that ∇f0 ∈ Lp(R2n) for some 1 < p < ∞. Then, there is a unique classical solution f to the problem in the interval [0, T] satisfying the estimates of these theorems, and for all t ∈ [0, T], with constant x x x Proof: set with › for a fix h > 0 and x ∈ S n−1 and the corresp. translation operator and transforming x∗ → x∗ + hx in the collision operator. › : ∫
Multiply by and integrate: ∫ Using HLS estimates on Q(f,g) and, since the distributional solution f(t; x; v) is controlled by a traveling Maxwellian, then with a = n/(n−λ) And estimate (by similar arguments) By Gronwall inequality x globally in time Then, as h 0 to x
Velocity regularity (local in time) Theorem Let f be a classical solution in [0, T] with f0satisfying the condition of the smallness assumption or is near to a local Maxwellian and ∇x f0 ∈Lp(R2n) for some 1 < p < ∞. In addition assume that ∇v f0 ∈ Lp(R2n). Then, f satisfies the estimate Proof : Take for a fix h > 0 and ˆv ∈ S n−1 and the corresp. translation operator and transforming v∗ → v∗ + hˆv in the collision operator. multiply by and : ∫ apply HLS on Q
Just set then (Bernoulli Eq. ) with x Which is solved by Then, by the regularity estimate with 0 < λ < n-1 x Then, as h 0 to
Lp and Mα,β stability Set Now, since f and g are controlled by traveling Maxwellians one has with a = n/(n−λ) and 0 < λ < n-1
Theorem Let f and g distributional solutions of problem associated to the initial datum f0and g0respectively. Assume that these datum satisfies the condition of theorems for small data or near Maxwellians solutions (0 < λ < n-1). Then, there exist C > 0 independent of time such that Moreover, for f0and g0sufficiently small in Mα,β Remark: The result of Ha 06 for L1 stabiltity requires b(û· σ)bounded as a function of the scattering angle. Our result is for integrable b(û · σ)…. but p >1
Thank you for your attention! References and preprints http://rene.ma.utexas.edu/users/gamba/publications-web.htm