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INTERESTING FACTS -- UT SYSTEM 15 component institutions 9 general academic universities 6 health institutions 4 medical schools 2 dental schools 9 nursing schools Student Population more than 170,000 students more than 30,723 degrees awarded annually UT System institutions account for: 34% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded by public institutions in Texas 38% of all graduate degrees 53% of all professional degrees (e.g., law, pharmacy)
INTERESTING FACTS UT Austin • campus covers more than 350 acres • research-intensive institution • annual enrollment of > 48,000 students • 25% of students enrolled in graduate and professional programs • 16 colleges • awards the greatest number of doctorate degrees of any university in the nation • one of the widest selections of study areas among major universities in the U.S. • students from all 50 states and about 120 foreign countries • 2700 faculty members and 17,000 staff members
NSF R&D research expenditures were $422 M, 72% growth since 1998
Funding Sources 2004-2005 All Sources Federal Sources
Office of the Vice President for Researchhttp://www.utexas.edu/research/ Research Centers/Institutes Applied Research Laboratories Dr. Clark Penrod, Executive Director Bureau of Economic Geology Dr. Scott Tinker, Director Center for Electromechanics Dr. Robert Hebner, Director Institute for Advanced Technology Dr. Harry Fair, Director Center for Agile Technology Dr. David Brant, Director IC2 Institute Dr. John Sibley Butler, Director Institute for Computational Engineering & Science Dr. J. Tinsley Oden, AVP & Director Research Support Units Office of Sponsored Projects Dr. Susan Sedwick, AVP & Director Office of Technology Commercialization Dr. Neil Iscoe, Director Office of Research Support & Compliance Dr. Lisa Leiden, Director Texas Center for Advanced Computing Dr. John (Jay) Boisseau, Director Animal Resource Center (ARC) Dr. Glen Otto, Director Applied Computational Engineering & Sciences Dr. Kurt Bartelmehs, Coordinator Funding Resources Research Alert Community of Science Eureka Health Research Network Limited Submissions Internal funding: RG, SRG, URF, Subventions
APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING & SCIENCESBuilding 201 East 24th Street | Austin, Texas THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Research Grant Opportunities Institutional & Local The University of Texas at Austin
RESEARCH ALERThttp://www.utexas.edu/research/vp/alert/index.html Research Prizes and Honors News and Information Quoted-UT Researchers in the News Research Opportunities Faculty Highlights Tim Green (timgreen@mail.utexas.edu)
UNIVERSITY GRANTShttp://www.utexas.edu/research/vp/awards/ Office of VP Research • Research Grant (RG, $6,000) • Special Research Grant (SRG, $750) • Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF, $1,000) • Subvention Awards • Hamilton Book Awards • Limited Submissions
RESEARCH GRANT • $6000 for about 20 applications • 2006-2007 Research Grants • Deadline for submission: September 7, 2006
SPECIAL RESEARCH GRANTS $750 Applications may be submitted September 1- May 31
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP • Sponsored by the University and the University Co-op Society • $1,000 per award • Applications due: September 28, 2006 February 13, 2007
SUBVENTIONS Sponsored by the University Co-op Intended to offset book publishing costs $2000-$5000 usual award Ongoing competitions Faculty authors (tenured and tenure-track faculty, senior lecturers and lecturers) and members of the research staff (Code 1000)
LIMITED SUBMISSIONShttp://www.utexas.edu/research/vp/limited/ NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Carnegie Scholars Program Hackerman Award in Chemical Research (Welch Foundation) Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors Grants National Medal of Technology Searle Scholars NSF Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT) & Nanoscale Exploratory Research (NER) State of Texas Advance Research (Technology) Program
State ATP/ARP Texas Department of Health Texas Education Association Hogg Foundation Many other Texas Foundations STATE/LOCAL GRANTShttp://www.governor.state.tx.us/divisions/stategrants/
Grant Opportunities The Technology Workforce Development Grant Program provides seed money that would enable institutions to expand enrollments in engineering and computer science programs. TRAIL (Texas Records and Information Locator) provides information on funding programs administered by Texas state agencies. The Advanced Research Program (ARP) and the Advanced Technology Program (ATP) were created by the Texas Legislature in 1987 as competitive, peer-reviewed grants programs to fund scientific and engineering research projects of faculty members at Texas higher education institutions. For additional information, see the ARP/ATP Web Site at http://www.ARPATP.com The Perkins Grants (formerly Workforce Education) area of the Community and Technical Colleges Division is responsible for administering federal grant funds for the purpose of improving workforce education. This includes the administration of Perkins basic grants, categorical grants and discretionary grants. It also includes cooperative administration of Tech-Prep, School-to-Work, and other inter-agency initiatives. The area also assists the Texas Workforce Commission and Council on Workforce concerning community and technical colleges. Teacher Quality Grants provide money to institutions of higher education and nonprofit organizations for teacher training. Minority Health Research and Education Grant Program and the Nursing, Allied Health and Other Health-Related Education Grant Program were established by the 76th Legislature with proceeds from the Texas Tobacco Lawsuit Settlement. State Grants Team has information about other grant opportunities in the State of Texas. Texas Education Agency Grants & Contracts. http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/grantinfo.cfm
Grants/Funding An Assessment of Bioterrorism Preparedness in Texas Hospitals TDH is announcing a Request for Proposals to conduct "An Assessment of Bioterrorism Preparedness in Texas Hospitals." The Application Due Date is…..on the Bioterrorism Web site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Community Hospital Capital Improvement Fund Grants awarded every two years to small urban hospitals for capital improvements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contract Management Section (CMS) Grants and contracts available from the Associateships for Family Health and Community Dynamics and Prevention Strategies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contract Policy & Monitoring Division Downloadable forms, information about federal and state contract requirements, and information about TDH contracting process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contracts Over $100,000 Report of contractors who have executed a grant contract with TDH that exceeds $100,000.00. Most of these contracts are for the performance of client related public health services. This report is not inclusive of all TDH contracts which exceed $100,000.00. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expenditures by County Texas 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1998 Expenditures by County from the Comptroller of Public Accounts Web site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Funding Information Center Assistance in finding health grant/funding opportunities through Funding Alert announcements and resource library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIV/STD Grants and contracts available from the Bureau of HIV/STD Prevention. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HUD Loan Guarantees for Hospitals Information on the application process for federal loan guarantees through HUD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ School Health Program RFP The Associateship for Family Health, School Health Program is announcing a reposting of the FY2004 School Health Competitive Request for Proposals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tertiary Medical Care Program Program to provide funding to eligible hospitals for unreimbursed tertiary medical services. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/funds.htm
programs that implement and evaluate innovative, culturally relevant projects that are designed to meet the broad mental health needs of Texans • Improve access to mental health services • Promote organizational development • Strengthen academic curricula or training for mental health professionals • Develop or expand treatment models or service designs • Reduce stigma or promote public awareness of mental health issues • Advance culturally relevant services for diverse populations • Focus upon the needs of consumers, caregivers, and families of color http://www.hogg.utexas.edu/
FEDERAL GRANTSFY 2004 - 2005 Top Federal Sources DOD - Navy $ 90.5M NIH $ 50.1M NSF $ 42.1M Department of Energy $ 17.8M NASA $ 11.9M DOD - Army $ 11.8M
APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING & SCIENCESBuilding 201 East 24th Street | Austin, Texas THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Health Research The University of Texas at Austin
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NIH Roadmap NEW PATHWAYS TO DISCOVERY Building Blocks, Biological Pathways, and Networks Molecular Libraries and Imaging Structural Biology Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Nanomedicine RESEARCH TEAMS OF THE FUTURE High-Risk Research Interdisciplinary Research Public-Private Partnerships RE-ENGINEERING THE CLINICAL RESEARCH ENTERPRISE http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/index.asp
Total Applications Received By NIH FY 2001--FY 2004 NIH’s Center for Scientific Review (CSR) receives 80,000 applications per year. Fiscal Year Total % Increase in 1 Year 2001 43,554 -- 2002 50,341 16% 2003 63,152 25% 2004 68,749 9% Data from CSR FY 2004 Annual Report http://cms.csr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/58C1D06F-72C8-485F-88BE-68566381A86C/7667/CSRAnnualReportFY2004.pdf
Increase chances of research funding through centralized support Shorten the time it takes for junior faculty to obtain their first extramural grants 2-year pilot project (involved 35 faculty from numerous disciplines) Plans for expanding to a more general grant-writing program “Boot camp” for grant-seeking researchers: >> proposal writing workshops >> mentor groups and speakers >> resource on funding techniques and practices >> technical assistance to researchers >> editorial support Speakers — e.g., Dr. Anthony Coelho, Review Policy Officer in the Office of Extramural Research Office of the Director at NIH The University of Texas at Austin PROPOSAL WRITING INITIATIVE Elena V. Mota evmota@mail.utexas.edu
Facilitate and support focused, long-term, basic and applied research Support the development of innovative interdisciplinary educational programs Cooperate with and participate in national multi-site studies of cognition and motivation Support investigation of the fundamental scientific and technological issues involved in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Provide technical assistance in the performance and interpretation of MRI data and the analysis, interpretation, and sharing of imaging data The University of Texas at AustinImaging Research Center (fMRI) Participating Institutions UT Austin Central Texas VA UTMB Medical School (Galveston) http://www.irc.utexas.edu/
APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING & SCIENCESBuilding 201 East 24th Street | Austin, Texas THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Current Hot Topics The University of Texas at Austin
Time and effort reporting (UT System) The University of Texas at Austin Grants Management Recent Penalties for Effort Reporting (2002 - 2004) Northwestern University $5.5M Johns Hopkins University $2.5M Resulted from whistleblowers “lured by big payouts they can receive…”
Typical Institutional Problems (Source: Report on Research Compliance, May 2004 [Huron]) PIs/admin. do not have a good understanding of regulations Misreporting institutional base salary on proposals Not tracking proposed/ committed effort & comparing it to actual/certified effort Personnel certifying effort reports do not have 1st hand knowledge of employee’s work The University of Texas at Austin Time & Effort Reporting • Effort Reporting • Best Practices • PIs should certify own • effort reports • Institutional tracking • systems to track • committed effort & • compare to actual effort • Effort reporting • educational systems • Periodic review • (internal audit) • Review 100 percenters
Best Practices 1. Review BPM 75 (http://www.utsystem.edu/bpm/75.htm) 2. Each Lead Researcher responsible for implementing BPM 75 for digital research data under that researcher’s control 3. The Information Security Office will provide support and guidance needed to implement BPM 75…consult departmental IT contact 4. Research staff report to Lead Researcher any concerns regarding security…Lead Researcher should take immediate action to ensure that the data are fully protected 5. Digital research data should be backed up at regular intervals (daily or at least monthly, depending upon the nature of the data) on secured sites (e.g., secured servers or alternate internal drives). The University of Texas at Austin Digital Research Data Security • Best Practices (cont’d.) • The Minimum Security Standards, not limited to: • Anti-virus software • Security patches Strong passwords http://www.utexas.edu/computer/passwords/choose.html • Offices or labs that house digital research data must be secured • Lead Researchers provide access only to authorized users • For research involving human subjects, separate identifiers from the data • Discard data (e.g., disks, hard drives) http://www.utexas.edu/its/policies/opsmanual/index.html#sec16
Grants.gov 26 Federal Departments Links to RFAs/PAs Recent problems w/ implementation Delay of implementation UT Austin assessment Vendors